Create New Policy or Create New Submission

Selecting to Create a New PolicyorCreate a New Submission is one method of entering policy or submission data for a customer. By using this method you manually enter the policy or submissions data into AMS360. For step-by-step instructions see the processes outlined in the sections below.

You can use the Create New Policy or Create New Submission data entry form to enter other types of transactions besides New, by selecting another transaction type from the list.

    The New Policy Process

  1. To create a new policy, open the customer for whom you want to enter the policy. From the menu select Actions > Policy > New.

  2. The Create New Policy data entry form appears. Complete the form as needed. See the Create New Policy/Submission Selections section in this topic for more information on the fields available.

  3. Click OK. The Policy data entry form for the new policy appears. Enter the detail as needed.

    The New Submission Process

  1. To create a new submission, open the customer for whom you want to enter a submission. From the menu select Actions > New Submission. The Submission Group data entry form appears. See the Submission Group topic for more information about this form.

  1. To create a new submission, click the New Submission link. The Create New Submission data entry form appears. Complete the form as needed. See the Create New Policy/Submission Selections section in this topic for more information on the fields available.

  2. Click OK. The Submission data entry form appears. Enter the detail as needed. See the Policy topic for more information.

To print applications for the submission see eForms Manager.

    Create New Policy/Submission Selections


What is this?


This field is display only and shows the customer for whom you are creating the policy or submission.

Submission #

If you want to create a new policy or submission based on an existing submission, select the submission here. If you are entering a policy or submission from scratch, leave this field blank.

This field pre-fills if you have created a new policy from a submission in the Submission Group data entry form.

Effective Date

Applies only if you select a Submission # above. Choose the effective date of the submission you want to use to create the new policy or submission.

This field pre-fills if you have created a new policy from a submission in the Submission Group data entry form.

Policy or Submission #

Policy or Submission Number

What is this?

Policy #

The number assigned to the policy by the company. If unknown, enter the policy number according to your agency's procedures.

You can change the number when you receive the policy.

Submission #

Enter the submission number according to your agency's procedures.

Effective Date

The date policy coverage begins or the proposed effective date of the submission.

Expiration Date

The date policy coverage expires. This date fills to one year from the Effective Date. You can select a different date.


Check this box if the policy or submission is continuous and does not have an expiration date. When checked, the Expiration Date blanks out and becomes inactive.

Continuous policies appear annually on the Expiration/Renewal Report.

Type of Business

Select the type of business for the policy or submission. Your choices are:

  • Benefits

  • Commercial Lines

  • Financial Services

  • Health

  • Life

  • Non Property & Casualty

  • Personal Lines


The Transaction type for the policy or submission. Select from the list.


The Descriptionpre-fills from theTransaction field. However, you can type a brief description that identifies the Transaction. This is especially important if you have multiple Transactions on the same day.



What is this?

(Company Type)


What is this?


Choose this option if the company providing coverage is set up as an Insurance company.


Choose this option if the company providing coverage is set up as a Brokerage company.


Choose this option if multiple companies are providing coverage on this policy.

You will identify the companies participating in the policy and assign premium percentages on the Policy data entry form.

This type of company is not available for submissions.


Select the Parent Company from the list.

If Subscriptionis chosen as the company type above, "Subscription, Subscr" appears in this field and cannot be changed. You will identify the companies participating on this policy, in the Policy data entry form.

Writing Company

Select the Writing Company from the list.

If Subscriptionis chosen as the company type above, "Subscription, Subscr" appears in this field and cannot be changed. You will identify the companies participating on this policy, in the Policy data entry form.

Billing/Payment Information


What is this?

Bill Method

Choose Agency or Direct bill.

Pay Plan

Select Full Pay or an installment plan.

This is not a required field and can be added later to the Policy form, if you do not know the payment plan at this time.

If however, you havea fee attached to the payment planyou intend to use, you must add the payment plan here, or the payment plan fee will not pull to the Policy billing.



What is this?

Include Policy Notes

This field is disabled when creating a new policy or submission.

Exclude Lines of Business

This field is disabled when creating a new policy or submission.

Default From Current Customer

These options automatically default and are disabled when creating a new policy or submission.


What's Next?

After completing the Create New Policy data entry form, the Policy data entry form appears. See the Policy topic for more information about this data entry form. For information on copying a policy or submission see Copy Policy/Submission. For information on renewing or rewriting a policy or submission see Create Renewal/Rewrite Policy.