
Before completing the Policy data entry form, you must first Create the New Policy. Once the policy is created you can enter policy detail including risk and coverage details and other information needed to create applications and forms in eForms Manager. Invoicing is also initiated from the policy data entry form. AMS360 maintains policy history, including multiple transactions per policy, per day.

To help you quickly find a specific policy within a large list, use shortcut key CTRL + F. Internet Explorer will open a Find window. Enter a portion or all of the policy number. Explorer searches the page you are viewing for your entry. If a match is found it appears highlighted in the list.

    Basic Policy Information

Field/Group Name

What is this?

Policy #

The number assigned to the policy by the insurance company. This number was initially entered on the Create New Policy data entry form when you entered basic information about the policy.

For information on changing the policy number see Changing Basic Policy Information.

It is important to set agency formatting standards for entering policy numbers.

Example The system sees HO 37959602 and HO379596-02 as two different numbers on reports due to the use of spaces and dashes. Downloaded policy numbers do not have spaces or dashes.

Eff/Exp Date

The policy period (effective/expiration) that was entered on the Create New Policy data entry form.

If you need to change these dates, click theChangelink adjacent to theExpiration Datefield.


Use this link to change the Effective Date and Expiration dates of the policy. See the Change Policy Effective Date topic for more details on this process.

You can only change the effective date for policies you have entered manually into AMS360. This feature is not available for downloaded policies.


Check this option if the policy has no expiration date. For example, a life policy. This can be set on the Create New Policy data entry form when you create the policy.

Type of Business

Select the type of business from the list. The options are:

  • Benefits

  • Commercial Lines

  • Financial Services

  • Health

  • Life

  • Non-Property & Casualty

  • Personal Lines

This selection works with the Filter Based on Type of Business checkbox to limit the sections of the policy that appear for data entry as well as the lines of business available to select on the policy.

If Filter Based on Type of Business is checked, only those lines of business you have set up and linked to the type of business, display in the Line of Business section for the policy.

For more information on setting up lines of business see Line of Business Setup.

Filter data entry and lines of business by Type of Business

Use this checkbox to control the sections that display in the Policy form. If checked, certain form sections display based on the Type of Business you selected.


  1. Check Filter Based on Type of Business and select Personal Lines as the Type of Business. The Personal Co-Insured section appears on the policy data entry form.

  2. Check Filter Based on Type of Business and select Commercial Lines as the Type of Business. The Personal Co-Insured section does not display; instead the Commercial Supplemental Names section appears.

In addition, when this option is checked, the Line of Business section filters and displays only those lines of business associated with the Type of Business you select.

Defaults as checked. If unchecked, all possible Policy form sections display. When Benefits is the selected Type of Business the box is disabled and cannot be unchecked.

Business New to Agency

If this policy represents business new to your agency, check this box.

Premium Financed

Check this option if the policy is premium financed. If checked, the information appears in the Dec Page view and defaults to certain applications and forms.

Policy Type

Select the type of policy from the list. The options are:

The Policy Type can be used as a selection for Target Lists in the Sales Center.


Select the current status of the policy. This selection appears in the status column on the Policies tab when viewing a customer in the Customer Center. The available statuses are as follows:

  • Active

  • Canceled

  • Expired

  • Non-Renewed

  • Not Taken

  • Renewed

  • Rewritten

Prior Policy

Enter the prior policy number or select from a list of the customer's policies. You can leave the field blank if no prior policy exists or you do not have the number.

When a policy is renewed on AMS360, this field pre-fills for you with the prior term's Policy #.

Renewal List

Choose when you want the policy to appear on an Expiration/Renewal List. The options are:


What is this?


Policy appears on an Expiration/Renewal List annually, based on the policy effective date.

If the policy is continuous you can select Annual to review the policy yearly based on the effective date.

At Expiration

Policy appears on an Expiration/Renewal List based on the policy expiration date.

Do Not Include

The policy never appears on an Expiration/Renewal List.


Select a notation for this policy, if applicable. When selected, the notation displays in the Notations column of the Policies tab while viewing a customer in the Customer Center.

To add a notation to the list, see Notation Setup.


Enter a description of the policy.


Identifies how the policy was entered in AMS360. This field is informational only and cannot be changed. Origins include:


What is this?

Data Entry

The policy was created by selecting New Policy, Copy Policy, or Renew/Rewrite and the data was typed into the system.


The policy was created by an electronic download from the company.


The policy was created by converting data from another management system.


The policy was created by importing information from an integration partner such as QuoteWorks or AMS Producer Plus.


Check this option if the policy is audited. If checked, select the frequency (how often) the policy is audited. The information appears in the Dec Page view and defaults to certain applications and forms.


Signature on App

The signature that you want to appear on the application, if appropriate. The list includes all licensed employees of the agency. For more information, see the General section of Employee Setup.

The typed name and signature appear on the application if:

  • The selected employee has a signature set up in Employee Setup.

  • The logged in user is authorized to use the signature. For more information, see the Signature section of Employee Setup.



What is this?

Type of Company

This field was set based on the company you selected on the Create New Policy form. The types of insuring companies are:

To change the company type, click the Change link.


Use to change the company, and the general information and billing options associated with that company. When you click Change, the Change Company data entry form opens where you can make these changes.

The Change link does not appear when:

  • The first billing is Direct Bill Statement.

  • The company is Subscription and the policy is billed.

  • The policy has downloaded transactions.


The Parent company is a company or holding company that owns or is affiliated with other companies.

In AMS360 it is also the company to whom premiums are paid and is the source of download transmissions.

If the Company Type is set to Subscription, "Subscription, Subscr" defaults as the company name and cannot be changed.


The Writing company is a subsidiary company of a parent company. The writing company is generally the company through which the policy is written.

If the Company Type is set to Subscription, "Subscription, Subscr" defaults as the company name and cannot be changed.


Select or type in the appropriate company underwriter servicing this policy.

Primary Service Group

The Primary Service Group pulls to the policy as follows:

  • The Executive and Representative belonging to the Customer data entry form's Service Group with the same Type of Business as the Policy, pull to these fields.

  • If the Type of Business on the Policy does not match any of the Customer data entry form Service Groups setup by Type of Business, then the default Executive and Representative found in the Name & Address section of the Customer data entry form pull to these fields

  • The Broker, if applicable, pulls from the Broker field in the Name & Address section of the Customer data entry form.

  • The Primary Service Group found in this section also appears in the Basic Policy Information > Personnel section of the Policy data entry form.


What is this?

View Policy Personnel

Click this link to open the View Policy Personnel form, where you can view the policy's personnel history.


The primary executive on the policy.

Click Replace to change the primary executive on the policy or to set up negotiated commissions for this policy term. See Working with Policy Personnel for more information.


The primary representative on the policy.

Click Replace to change the primary representative on the policy or to set up negotiated commissions for this policy term. See Working with Policy Personnel for more information.


The broker on the policy, if any.

Click the New link to add a broker to the policy, or Replace to change the broker on the policy. You can also use this link to set up negotiated commissions for this policy term. See Working with Policy Personnel for more information.

Business Unit

Once an accounting transaction exists on a policy you cannot change the Business Unit. These fields are no longer accessible at the policy level. If a change of assignment is required due to adding an additional department or activating Branch or Group after initial system setup, see the possible work flow options below:

    No Point in Time Cut Off

If it is not critical that accounting records reflect the new business unit assignment as of a specific point in time cut-off date, change the policy-level assignments as each policy renews.

  1. Activate a new business unit level by checking the appropriate checkbox in Agency Setup/Accounting Options. If adding a new department proceed to step #2.

  2. Add the new unit/department in Business Unit Setup and attach it to the appropriate business unit level. Show Me

  3. Open each Customer assigned to the old business unit combination and change the business unit assignment.

  4. Change the policy-level business unit assignments as the policies renew.

    Point in Time Cut Off

If it is critical that accounting records reflect the business unit assignment as of a specific cut-off date and mid-term policy reassignments are required (such as in cases of a division change due to a corporate ownership change), follow the steps below:

  1. Activate a new business unit level by checking the appropriate checkbox in Agency Setup.  If adding a new department proceed to step #2.

  2. Add the new unit/department in Business Unit Setup and attach it to the appropriate business unit level. Show Me

  3. Open each Customer assigned to the old business unit combination and change the business unit assignment.

  4. Use Copy Policy to create a new policy record with the desired business unit combination.

  5. Create a notation of "New Business Unit" at the policy level in Notation Setup and then select "New Business Unit" from the Notation list in Basic Policy Information to flag the new policy as an alert to anyone doing a billing to use the newly created policy.

  6. Change the Renewal List drop-down in the Basic Policy Information of the 'old' policy to Do Not Include to avoid a duplicate listing on the Expiration/Renewal report.

  7. All billings subsequent to the cut-off date should be billed to the policy containing the new business unit combination.

Business Units

What is this?


Division is the primary business unit within an agency. An agency can have one or more divisions.

Select the division that applies to this policy.

Once a policy is saved, the Division cannot be changed. You can use Copy Policy to duplicate the information and enter the new or correct Division.


Branch is the second level of business unit in an agency. Each division can have one or more branches.

Select the branch that applies to this policy.


Departments can be used to further subdivide the agency structure. Each branch can have one or more departments.

Select the department that applies to this policy.


Group is the smallest level of business unit structure. Each department can have one or more groups.

Select the group that applies to this policy.



What is this?

Bill Method

Determines how the policy billing posts. The options are:

The default bill method is Direct Bill unless the policy is Multiple Entity or the company type is Subscription. Then, the bill method defaults to Agency Bill and cannot be changed.

Policies with Benefits as the Type of Business should retain the default Direct Bill method. See Workflow: Bill a Benefits Policy with Agency Bill Fees for more information.

If a suspended billing exists, the bill method cannot be changed.

Pay Plan

The pay plan determines if the premium is billed all at once (Full Pay) or divided into installments. See Pay Plans Setup for more information.

Payment Method

How the policy will be paid for (cash/check).

Number of Payments

The number of scheduled payments in the specified Pay Plan.

Base Installment Dates on

Identifies when installments are billed. The default is Policy Effective Date.


What is this?

Policy Effective Date

Choose this option to base the installment dates on the policy effective date.

Example: If the policy effective date is 6/15/04 and your pay plan is monthly, then the installment dates are 6/15/04, 7/15/04, 8/15/04...

Day of the Month

Choose this option to base the installments dates on a day of the month that agrees with company billing dates. Then enter the day in the field.

Example: A policy can be effective on 1/31/04, but the insurance company wants the installments on a 12-month pay plan based on the first day of each month. In this example select Day of Month and enter a 1 in the field. The installments will be billed on 2/1/04, 3/1/04, 4/1/04...

Exclude from Purge

Check this option only if you do not want this policy (when it becomes inactive) to be deleted during a purge of inactive policies.

Example Check this box if business was lost to the competition and your agency plans to solicit it again in the future

Policy Premium Totals


What is this?


The total (display only) of all premium entered in the Premium column across all policy transactions for the policy term, if the Premium Display Option is Include in Premium Totals.

The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

Billed Premium

The total (display only) of all billed premium displayed in the Billed Premium column across all policy transactions for the policy term.

The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

The field does not appear for Subscription policies.

Unbilled Premium

The total (display only) of all premium entered in the Premium column minus billed premium displayed in the Billed Premium column, across all policy transactions for the policy term.

In other words, this amount has not yet been invoiced or posted on a direct bill statement.

The following applies to the Unbilled Premium total:

  • The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

  • The field does not appear for Subscription policies.

Fees & Taxes

The is the total (display only) of all fees and taxes entered in the Amount column of the Fees & Taxes section, across all policy transactions for the policy term, if the Premium Display Option is Include in Premium Totals.

The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

Billed Fees & Taxes

The total (display only) of all billed taxes and fees displayed in the Billed column of the Fees & Taxes section, across all policy transactions for the policy term.

The following applies to the Billed Fees & Taxes:

  • The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

  • The field does not appear for Subscription policies.

Unbilled Fees & Taxes

The total (display only) of all taxes and fees entered in the Amount column in the Taxes & Fees section, minus billed taxes and fees displayed in the Billed column, across all policy transactions for the policy term.

In other words, the amount has not yet been invoiced or posted on a direct bill statement.

The following applies to the Unbilled Fees & Taxes total:

  • The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

  • This field does not appear for Subscription policies.

DB Entry Billed

The total amount billed from the Direct Bill Entry Statementfor this policy.

Cost of Insurance

The total (display only) of all premium entered in the Premium column of the Transaction Premium sub-section, plus all fees and taxes entered in the Amount column of the Fees & Taxes sub-section, across all policy transactions for the policy term, if the Premium Display Option equals Include in Premium Totals.

The total does not include the original binder transaction after it is replaced, but does include the transaction that replaced the binder.

Full Term Premium

The annualized premium for the policy. This amount carries over from transaction to transaction, and can be updated at any time.

If you convert to AMS360 from a non-AMS system vendor, premiums from your prior system convert to this field.

    Additional Policy Information


What is this?

Agency Business Classification

The SIC (Standard Industry Classification) code.

Mail Policy To

Indicates where the policy is mailed. This information defaults to the appropriate field on personal lines applications and is useful in uploaded policies. The options are:

  • Agent

  • Applicant

  • Other - Enter where you want the policy mailed.

Additional Company Information


What is this?

Accounting #

This is the account number used for billing purposes. It is assigned by the billing entity.

Bill Method

Who Assigns the Number?

Agency Bill


Direct Bill


This field can be downloaded.

Customer #

This is the company assigned customer number.

AMS360 assigns your customers a number. However, this is not the same number that the company identifies the customer with.

Master Code

Select the Master Agent Code from the list.

Sub Code

If only one Sub Code has been set up under the associated Master Code, AMS360 pulls that number to this field.

If there is more than one Sub Code for the Master Code, select the appropriate code from the list.

All Sub Codes entered in Company Setup for the associated Master Code appear in the list.

Premium Adjustment

Enter any applicable premium adjustment.

Agency Negotiated Commissions

Enter commissions that are outside of your agency/company contract. Commissions entered here override the company defaults set up in the Commission Setup section, or the Writing Company/Commission Setup section of Company Setup. Your choices are:


What is this?


There are no negotiated commissions for this policy. This is the default.

Percent of Premium/Fees

Choose this option and enter the negotiated commission percent.

Flat Rate

Choose this option and enter the negotiated flat rate commission.


Select the applicable Tiered commissions schedule from the list. For this option to be available, all three conditions below must exist:

  1. The tiered commission schedule must exist for the company on the policy, in the Tiered Commissions section of Company Setup .

  2. The policy Type of Business code is Benefits.

  3. Your agency is licensed for AMS360.

Valid Through

When you enter an agency negotiated commission percentage or flat rate you also have the option to select a date for it to expire. Do this by entering a date in the Valid Through field. This is not a required field.



The primary executive, representative, broker (if applicable), and any additional personnel entered in customer information automatically default to the policy.

To learn more on how these personnel are setup and default to the policy, see:

The following chart outlines the actions available in this section and their uses:


What it does...


Opens either the Add Personnel to Policy or the Add Personnel to Policy on Billed Policy data entry forms dependent on whether the policy has been billed or not. Use these forms to add personnel to the policy.

For additional information on the Add Personnel to Policy or the Add Personnel to Policy on Billed Policy forms, consult Working with Policy Personnel.

When adding personnel, keep the following in mind:

  • Personnel can be added regardless of whether the policy is billed or not.

  • Additional personnel cannot be entered if there is a suspended billing on the policy.

  • A non-brokered policy can have a maximum of seven active/inactive personnel, two primary (exec, rep) and five additional personnel.

  • A brokered policy can have a maximum of eight active/inactive personnel, three primary (exec, rep, broker) and five additional personnel.

For procedural help on adding personnel to a policy see How to Add Personnel to a Policy.


Opens the Edit Personnel or the Edit Personnel on Billed Policy data entry form where you can change limited information for the selected person. For more information on editing personnel on a policy, consult Working with Policy Personnel.

You cannot edit personnel when a suspended billing exists on the policy.

For procedural help on changing personnel before and after the policy is billed see How to Edit Personnel on a Policy.


Opens the Delete Personnel or the Delete Personnel on Billed Policy data entry form for the person selected in the grid. for additional information on deleting personnel, consult Working with Policy Personnel.

You can only delete personnel when:

  • There are no suspended billings on the policy.

  • The personnel are not the primary exec, rep, or broker (if applicable).

To delete or inactivate a member of the primary service team, first add a new primary personnel of the same category, then you can delete or inactivate the original personnel.

For procedural help on deleting personnel before and after the policy has been billed, see Workflow: Delete Personnel on a Policy.


Opens the Replace Personnel or the Replace Personnel on Billed Policy data entry form where you can replace the selected personnel with another employee or broker. For additional information on replacing personnel, consult Working with Policy Personnel.

For procedural help on replacing an employee see How to: Replace Personnel on a Policy.

View Policy Personnel

Click View Policy Personnel to view the history of personnel assigned to this policy. For additional information on viewing personnel, consult Working with Policy Personnel.

The View Policy Personnel form opens for viewing only and displays the following:


What is this?


The type of personnel on the policy (Exec, Rep, Broker).


The employee's name.


The status equals (Y) if the person is currently active on the policy. If the person is not active, the status is (N).

Start Date

This is the person's start and end date of participation on the policy.

End Date


    Multiple Entity

This section appears only for policies entered for a Master Customer. Use this section to enter the following information:


What is this?

Multiple Entity


What is this?

Multiple Entity Policy

Check this box if the policy insures multiple entities.

Track Receivables


What is this?

At Sub-customer Level

Choose this option to report the accounts receivable activity by each sub customer.

At Master Customer Level

Choose this option to report the accounts receivable activity at the master customer level only.

Get Sub-customers

Click this link to open the Get Sub-customers form and view the sub-customers entered for this master customer. Then, choose the customers, by checking the Select box, for each sub-customer that is insured by this policy.

You can also check the Add as Additional Named Insuredcheckbox for each sub-customer you want listed in the Commercial Supplemental Namessection of the policy.

View Sub-customers Premiums

View only.

Click this link to see how policy premiums have been billed to sub-customers.


    First Named Insured


What is this?

Update from Customer

Click to pull the current data entered in Customer information into these fields.

First Name

These fields pull from Customer information, but can be changed.

Middle Name

Last Name

Firm Name

This field pulls from Customer information, but can be changed.

Entity Type

Some companies require that you specify the type of business, group, or individual, named as the First Named Insured on the policy.

Select the appropriate entity type for the First Named Insured.

No. of Members and Managers

For Limited Liability Corporations (LLC) enter the number of members and managers. This field integrates with AMS Producer Plus.

Declaration Name

The Declaration Name field pulls from the Customer form > Name & Address section > Firm Name field. This information can be added to or changed.

Enter the name of the person(s) or business(es) who are to be named first in the policy declaration. You can enter up to 510 characters in this field. This information flows to many applications and forms.

The First Named Insured is given certain rights and responsibilities by policy contract language. Enter names in this section according to your agency's procedures.

Mailing Address & Phone Numbers


What is this?

Phone Numbers
E-Mail Address

These fields pull from Customer information, but can be changed.

Tax Code

The tax code, if required, that applies to the first named insured's mailing address. Normally this field is downloaded by the insurance company, if appropriate.

    General Information - Current / Previous

The information in this section pulls from customer information, if entered. Otherwise, enter the information based on the First Named Insured. Enter personal information for other insureds in the Co-Insureds section.


What is this?

Current Residence is Owned

Select the option that applies to the first named insured.

Current Residence is Rented

At Current Address Since (MM/YYYY)

Enter the month and year that the first named insured first moved to their current residence.

Total Number of Vehicles in Household

Enter the total number of vehicles in the household whether owned by the first name insured or not.

Date of Birth

Enter the birth date of the first named insured, if known.


Enter the social security number for the first named insured.

Marital Status

Enter the marital status for the first named insured, if known.

Known Since

Enter how long your agency has been acquainted with the first named insured.

Current Address


What is this?

Same as Mailing Address

Check this box if the first named insured's address is the same as the Mailing Addressentered above.


Enter the current address of the first named insured.

Previous Address


What is this?


Enter the prior address of the first named insured, if applicable.

Years at Previous Address

Enter the number of years the first named insured lived at their previous residence, if applicable.

Employer Information


What is this?


Enter the name of the first named insured's employer.


Enter the address of the first named insured's employer.

Year Employed

Enter the year the first named insured started with their current employer.

Years with Prior Employer

Enter the number of years the first named insured worked for their previous employer.

In Current Occupation Since

Enter the year the first named insured started in their current occupation.


Enter the first named insured's occupation.



Enter any additional information or remarks that apply to the first named insured. This information prints on the overflow pages of applications and forms.



    Personal Co-Insureds

The first dependent entered in the Dependent section of the Customer data entry form, where Spouse is selected for the Relationship to Applicant, defaults to this section. If this relationship does not exist, then the default is the first entered dependent. You can change, add to, or delete this information as necessary.

Fields that pre-fill with data are noted below with an asterisk (*).


What is this?

First Name*Middle Name*Last Name*

Enter the names of all co-insureds on the policy.

Pre-fills from the Dependent entered in Customer information.

Phone Numbers and Email*


What is this?


Enter the co-insured's phone numbers.


Enter the co-insured's email address, if known.

General Information*


What is this?

Date of Birth*

Enter the co-insured's birth date, if known.


Enter the co-insured's social security number.

Marital Status*

Enter the marital status of the co-insured, if known.

Employer Information


What is this?


Enter the name of the co-insured's employer.

Zip Code

Enter the address of the co-insured's employer.

Years Employed*

Enter the year the co-insured started with their current employer.

Years with Prior Employer

Enter the number of years the co-insured worked for their previous employer.

In Current Occupation Since

Enter the year the co-insured started in their current occupation.


Enter the co-insured's occupation.


    Commercial Supplemental Names

Use to enter the names of other groups or businesses (not individuals) who are named as insureds, but are not the first named insured. If it exists, the DBA name from the Name & Address section of Customer Setup pre-fills here. These names, email addresses, and phone numbers are available in Contacts.

For Multiple Entity policies, the names can already appear here if they were selected as Additional Named Insureds in the Multiple Entity section of Basic Policy.


What is this?

Get Sub-customers

Click to open the Get Sub-customers data entry form. Use to identify the sub-customers that should be included in the Commercial Supplement Names section as Additional Named Insureds.

To add, check the Add as Additional Named Insured checkbox for each sub-customer you want listed in the Commercial Supplemental Names section of the policy.


Enter the name as you want it to appear on applications and forms, including capitalization and punctuation.


Select the type (aka, beneficiary, additional insured) of insured you are entering.

Entity Type

Some companies require that you specify the type of business, group, or individual named as a Supplemental Name on the policy. Select the appropriate Entity Type for the Supplemental Name you are entering.


Enter this insured's email address as you want it to appear on applications and forms.

Phone Numbers


What is this?


Enter this insured's phone numbers as you want them to appear on applications and forms.


    Policy Contacts

This section is for contact persons affiliated with the insured. The information pulls from the Contacts section of Customer Setup, if entered. Add as many contact names as needed.


What is this?


Select a name from the list (contacts entered in Customer information) or type the name as you want it to appear on forms, correspondence, and reports, including capitalization and punctuation.


Enter contact's professional title, if applicable.

If you selected a name from the list, default data flows from the Contacts section of the Customer Setup data entry form.


Select a responsibility for the contact.

Contacts not listed on the application will print on overflow pages.


If you selected a name from the list, default data flows from the Contacts section of the Customer Setup data entry form.


What is this?


Enter contact's formal name, including proper salutation (e.g., Dr., Mr., Ms., Mrs., etc.)


Enter contact's preferred informal address, such as a diminutive name or nickname.

Address Information

If you selected a name from the list, default data flows from the Contacts section of the Customer Setup data entry form.


What is this?


Enter this information as you want it to appear on the application and other forms.

Phone Numbers and Email

Enter Contact's phone and email contact information:

  • Residence

  • Business

  • Fax

  • Cell

  • Pager

  • Email

If you selected a name from the list, default data flows from the Contacts section of the Customer Setup data entry form.


    125, 130 Applicant Information / Locations

Use this section to enter underwriting information unique to a commercial type business. This data pulls from Customerinformation, if entered.


What is this?

Business Information


What is this?

In Business Since

Enter the year only.


Enter the Federal Employer Identification Number, if known.


Enter the NAIC number, which replaces the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) number.

CR Bureau

Select the agency where credit information about the customer was obtained.

  • Dun and Bradstreet

  • Equifax

  • Trans Union

  • TRW

ID #

Enter the customer's credit bureau ID number.


Enter the customer's Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number. This is a nine-digit identification number unique to each business entity that links corporate family structures together.

Worker's Compensation


What is this?


Enter the customer's NCCI ID# or any other rating service identification number available.

Other Rating ID #

Business Owner's


What is this?

GL Code

Enter the general liability class code for a business owner's policy, if applicable.

Nature of Business

Enter a description of the customer's business operations. This information defaults to the appropriate field on applications and forms.

    Commercial Locations

Use this section to enter the schedule of Locations for the policy. Enter the physical address of the covered Location and then use the Buildings sub-section to define the structures at the Location. This information flows to the applications and forms, as well as to the Dec View.


What is this?

Type-in Grid

Add information to a type-in grid by entering directly in each field on the grid. You can also use the actions, New, Edit, Delete on the section menu to work with the data in the type-in grid. The New and Edit actions open the data entry fields in the extended format. The Type-in Grid is then disabled.

See Using the Type-in Grid for Data Entry topic for more information on how to use this feature.

Location #

Increments sequentially. You can change if necessary.


Enter this information as you want it to appear on applications and other forms, including capitalization and punctuation.


Enter information about the structures at each location.


What is this?

Type-in Grid

Add information to a type-in grid by entering directly in each field on the grid. You can also use the actions, New, Edit, Delete on the section menu to work with the data in the type-in grid. The New and Edit actions open the data entry fields in the extended format. The Type-in Grid is then disabled.

See Using the Type-in Grid for Data Entry topic for more information on how to use this feature.

Building #

Increments sequentially, but can be changed if necessary.

Address Same as Location

Check this box to pull the address information from the location section.


If you did not check the Address Same as Location checkbox, enter the address as you want it to appear on the application and other forms, including capitalization and punctuation.


Enter information about the function of the building.

Example Warehouse, office, barn, grain elevator, etc. When entered, this description displays in other areas, such as the ACORD Commercial Property form, and helps you coordinate assigning value to buildings.

City Limits

Choose the selection that applies to the location of the building.

  • Inside

  • Outside

  • Unincorporated


Choose the selection that applies to the insured's interest in the building.

  • Owner

  • Tenant

Year Built

Enter the year the building was built.

Annual Revenues

The yearly revenue for this individual building if applicable.

# Employees

The number of employees at the building.

% Occupied

Enter a percentage of the building is occupied by the insured.

Part Occupied

Enter details describing the area of the building occupied by the insured.

    General Information

These questions correspond to the General Information portion of the Applicant Information Section of the ACORDCommercial Insurance Application (125). Answer the questions and explain all Yes answers in the Remarks sub-section.


What is this?

Set all "No"

Click to answer all questions No. You can then change individual answers toYes, as necessary.


Use this area to explain all Yes answers to the questions in the General Information section.


    Line of Business

Use this section to add one or more lines of business to the policy and then open the line of business to enter specific policy detail. Enter a line of business for all applications included in the policy.

Example For a package policy that includes property, general liability, and crime, you will enter all three lines of business.


What is this?

Copy Line of Business

Use Copy Line of Business if another policy exists that has the line of business detail that you need for this policy. See the Copy Line of Business topic for more information.

Line of Business

Select the line of business you are adding to the policy. For information on adding a line of business to the list, see Line of Business Setup.

If you check Filter Based on Type of Business in the Basic Policy section, then only the lines of business associated with the Type of Business you selected appear in the list for you to choose from.


Choose the form to use when creating the application for this line of business in eForms Manager. Certain permanent lines of business default to a specific application.

Example The general liability line of business defaults to the ACORD 126-Commercial General Liability. Some lines of business do not have a default application. You can select an application from the list. If no listed form is appropriate, leave this field blank.

The Business Auto and Truckers lines of business require that you select your state-specific ACORD 137 Commercial Auto form. This ensures that the proper overflow forms are created later, when you create the eForms for this line of business.

Example You select Line of Business > Business Auto, and then select your state-specific ACORD 137 form under Application. Later, when you create the eForms for this line of business, the ACORD 127 Business Auto form is produced, along with the state-specific ACORD 137 form.

Use Line of Business Setup to change default application assignments.

System Data Entry

You can use a system data entry form to enter detail that is different from the application you want to create in eForms Manager. Choosing a system data entry form allows you to enter and track line of business detail.

If you do not select a system data entry form, you will not be able to enter detail for the line of business.

Use the Line of Business Remarks to enter information about a line of business that does not fit one of the other types of system data entry forms. The line of business Remarks is a free-form area that you can use to enter and track information on the policy. The information does not flow to specific fields on a form, but will print on overflow pages in eForms Manager.

Company Plan

Select a plan, if applicable. If a company-specific plan is associated with the selected line of business, and has been set up, then it appears in this list.

For more information on setting up plans, see Company Plan Setup. For information on attaching plans to a specific company, see Company Setup.


Enter information that distinguishes this line of business from the others.

Example For multiple homeowners applications you may want to enter the property address or another identifier such as primary residence or vacation home.

Application Version

The edition date of the ACORD application pre-fills here. If multiple versions of the application are available you can choose the version you want to use.

Writing Company

Defaults based on the selection made in the Basic Policy Information section but can be changed, if necessary.

State Plan

Enter the state-sponsored insurance plan code associated with the line of business, if any.

Sort Order #

Displays the order in which the lines of business were added. You can use this field to rearrange the order that these lines of business appear in the grid and on applications and forms.


    Transaction Premiums / Billing

When the Transaction Premiums / Billing section is first expanded, the Transaction Totals group displays. The totals are display only, and are for all lines of business for this policy transaction only.

Other characteristics of this section include:

The Policy Premium Totals group in the Basic Policy Information section displays the cumulative totals for the policy term.


What is this?


The total of all premiums entered in the Premium grid column for all lines of business for this transaction.

Does not include rows with Don't Include in Premium Totals selected in Premium Display Options.

Billed Premium

The total of all billed premiums displayed in the Billed grid column for all lines of business for this transaction.

Does not include rows with Don't Include in Premium Totals selected in Premium Display Options.

Unbilled Premium

Premium minus Billed Premium. This amount is not yet invoiced or posted on a direct bill statement.

Fees & Taxes

The total of all fees and taxes entered in the Amount grid column for all lines of business for this transaction.

Does not include rows with Don't Include in Premium Totals selected in Premium Display Options.

Billed Fees & Taxes

The total of all fees and taxes displayed in the Billed grid column for all lines of business for this transaction.

Does not include rows with Don't Include in Premium Totals selected in Premium Display Options.

Unbilled Fees & Taxes

Fees & Taxes minus Billed Fees & Taxes. This amount is not yet invoiced or posted on a direct bill statement.

Business Unit Split

U se this feature to split revenue and expenses across multiple business units on an invoice.

Business Unit Split is not available for Multiple Entity or Subscription policies.

To Add a Business Unit Split from a Template

  1. Select a Business Unit Split Template from the list.

  2. Click Apply Split icon to refresh. The following message appears.

To Create a Unique Business Unit Split for this Policy

  1. Click Create/Edit Policy Specific Split to set up a new Business Unit Split for this policy.

If a suspended billing exists on the policy when you apply a business unit split, you will receive a message that the billing must be posted or deleted before you can continue.

  1. Select the business units involved in the split and enter percentages or commission amounts.

  2. Click Apply and Close.

  3. You will receive a message saying you have chosen to change the Business Unit Split for this policy... Click Ok.

Security Requirements for Business Unit Split

  • To use this feature Business Unit Split must be turned on in Agency Setup.

  • User requires Security Group Full Access to:

    • Link - Create Invoice to use Business Unit Split on a policy.

    • Policy Specific Split Template to use Policy Specific Split.

Filter Group to Invoice under Secured Task List in Security Group Setup to see all security items related to Invoicing.

To see how to apply a Business Unit Split to a policy that has already been billed, see Workflow: Setting Up and Using Business Unit Split Commissions.

View Sub-customer Premiums

Click View Sub-customer Premiums to view the premiums and non-premiums entered/billed for the sub-customers on the policy.

This link is only available on a Multi-Entity policy.

    Transaction Premiums

A transaction row appears in this grid for each line of business entered on the policy.

The Premium, Written Premium and Full-term Premium fields are type-in-grid fields. Click Edit on the section menu to display and/or change other fields available for edit.

Column Name

What is this?

Line of Business

In Edit mode, pulls from the line of business section. In New mode, select the line of business you are adding from the list.


In Edit mode, select the company plan type. If a plan is attached to a line of business for a company, then the plan defaults from Company Setup.


In Editmode, enter a description to appear on the invoice. A default description appears based upon the line of business selected, but can be changed.

Writing Company

In Editmode, the name of the insurance company appearing on the declarations page of the policy. Defaults from Basic Policy Information, but can be changed.

If this is a Subscription policy, Subscription displays in the grid as a link to the Subscription Companies form. Use this form to allocate premiums among the companies participating in the risk in preparation for invoicing.



What is this?


The premium amount to bill for the line of business. This is a type-in-grid field.

For Subscription policies it is not necessary to enter a premium amount before opening the Subscription link.

Billed Premium

Not available for edit. An amount appears in the grid display only when posted billings exist on the policy.

Business Unit

The Business Unit column only appears when a Business Unit Split template is selected . Click the link to allocate the premium among the Business Units assigned to the template.

You must have security access to all the business units in the split to see or select a template split.

Multiple Entity

The Multiple Entity column only appears for multiple entity policies and contains a Split Premiums link. Click to allocate the premium among the Master/Sub-customers.

Written Premium

Use this field according to your agency's needs. Enter the premium using the type-in-grid functionality, or click Editon the desired transaction row.

Example:Annualized premiums.

Full Term Premium

Use this field according to your agency's needs. Enter the premium using the type-in-grid functionality, or click Edit on the desired transaction row.

Example:Track the accumulated premiums for the policy term and the pro-rata amounts available in the totals displays. Can be helpful in estimating premiums at renewal.

Premium Display Options


What is this?

Include in Premium Totals

Select this option to include the premium for this transaction in the totals displayed in the Basic Policy Information and the Transaction Premiums / Billing sections.

Don't Include in Premium Totals

Select this option to omit the premium for this transaction in the totals displayed in the Basic Policy Information and the Transaction Premiums / Billingsections.

In addition, it will not be included in the Cost/TranPrem field in the Policy tab view in the Customer Center.


Choose this option for Inquiry and Quote transactions. By choosing this option the premiums entered in these "non-binding" transactions are not included in the totals.

If the How Billed value is Direct Bill Entry, then the Premium Display Option defaults to Don't Include in Premium Totals and cannot be changed.

This is to prevent duplicate entries as the Billed amount and Cost of insurance in the Basic Policy Information section is updated when you post the Direct Bill Entry Statement.

How Billed

This field is critical to the correct posting of accounting detail. The selections are:

The value in this field defaults based on the Default Company Setting in Agency Setup, or the Billing Options section of Company Setup.

You can now use Customer Center Billingto bill benefit policies that are agency bill (ABI) or direct bill (DBI). However, tiered commissions are not available for center billing at this time.

If the How Billed value is Direct Bill Entry, then the Premium Display Option defaults to Include in Premium Totals and can be changed.

This is to prevent duplicate entries as the Billed amount and Cost of insurance in the Basic Policy Information section is updated when you post the Direct Bill Entry Statement.


This field is display only.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Direct Bill Statement and the premium/fees have not been included on a direct bill statement and posted, this field displays No.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Direct Bill Statement and the premium/fees are included on a direct bill statement and posted, this field displays Yes.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Customer Center, Not Billable, or Receipt Check then this field displays Does not Apply.

    Available Actions


What is this?


Use to add a line of business at the premium level for billing purposes only.

ExampleTo invoice a multi-line policy as a package, add the line of business Package (C) in theTransaction Premiumssection and enter the full amount in thePremiumfield.

Using this option, production analysis statistics report Package (C) as the line of business, rather than the individual lines in the package.

Adding a line of business here does not add it to the Line of Business section of the policy.


Use to change the fields for the row you have selected in the grid. Use this action to enter premiums for lines of business you want to invoice.


Use this option to delete any premium rows that will not be invoiced. You cannot delete previously invoiced premium rows.


    Transaction Fees, Taxes, Finance, & Down Payments

Use this section to set up non-premium amounts before invoicing the policy transaction. Click Edit on the section menu to display fields available for edit. The Amount field is available as a type-in-grid field.

Field Name

What is this?

Charge Type

Use to identify the class of non-premium charge. See Billing Charges and Credits Setup for a description of each charge type.


Enter the description you want to appear on the invoice. The field pre-fills with the description for the Charge Type, but can be changed.


The Company field defaults based on the Charge Type selected:

  • If the Charge Type is an agency fee, the Company field is disabled and blank.

  • If the Charge Type is a down payment credit, the Company field is disabled and blank.

  • If the Charge Type is an insurance/brokerage company fee, the parent company on the policy defaults to the Company field. The field is disabled and cannot be changed.

  • If the Charge Type is an insurance/brokerage company fee, Subscription defaults as a link on subscription policies. Open the link to distribute taxes/fees among participating carriers.

  • If the Charge Type is a Fee Company fee, select the Fee Company from the Company list.

  • If the Charge Type is PF - by Brkg/Ins Company or PF - FC pays Company, the parent company on the policy defaults to the Company field. The field is disabled and cannot be changed.

  • If the Charge Type is PF - FC pay Agency, select the premium finance company from the Company list.


Enter the amount of the non-premium charge. You can enter using type-in-grid functionality, or click Editand enter theAmountof the charge.


Not available for edit. An amount appears in the grid display only when posted billings exist on the policy.

Business Unit

The Business Unit column only appears when a Business Unit Split template is selected. Click the link to open the Business Unit Split data entry form and allocate the premium among the Business Units assigned to the template.

You must have security access to all the business units in the split to see or select a template split.

Multiple Entity

The Multiple entity column only appears for multiple entity policies and contains a Split Premiums link. Click to allocate the non-premium among the Master/Sub-customers.

Add full amount to first installment

Check this box to bill the full amount of the charge on the first installment. If not checked, the charge is divided across all installments.

How Billed

This field is critical to the correct posting of accounting detail. The selections are:

The value in this field defaults based on the Default Company Settings in Agency Setup, or the Billing Options section of Company Setup.

You can now use Customer Center Billing to bill the taxes and fees associated with benefit policies that are agency bill (ABI) or direct bill (DBI). However, tiered commissions are not available for center billing at this time.

Premium Display Option


What is this?

Include in Premium Totals

Select this option to include the non-premium charge for this transaction in the totals displayed in Basic Policy Information and the Transaction Premiums / Billing sections.

Use this option to make the non-premium charge available in Invoicing.

Don't Include in Premium Totals

Select this option if you do not want to include this non-premium charge for the transaction, in the premium totals. If selected, the non-premium charge is:

  • Not available in invoicing.

  • Not included in the Cost of Insurance field in the Basic Policy Information section.

  • Not included in the Policy tab view in the Customer Center.

Example Choose this option for Inquiry and Quote transactions. By choosing this option the non-premiums entered in these "non-binding" transactions are not included in the totals.


This field is display only.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Direct Bill Statement and the non-premium has not been included on a direct bill statement and posted, this field says No.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Direct Bill Statement and the non-premium has been included on a direct bill statement and posted, this field says Yes.

  • If the How Billed field is set to Customer Center, Not Billable, or Receipt Check then this field say Does not Apply.

    Available Actions

Action Option

What is it?


Use to add a charge type at the non-premium level.


Use to change the fields for the non-premium rows you select in the grid.


Use this option to delete any non-premium rows that are not to be invoiced.

You cannot delete previously invoiced non-premium rows.



There must be an amount in either the Unbilled Premium or Unbilled Fee & Taxes in the Transaction Premiums / Billing section. Once this is complete, select the appropriate options in the Invoicing section, described below, and click Create Invoice.


What is this?

Bill Method

The Bill Method defaults from the Basic Policy Information section > Billing/Payment group, but can be changed, unless the policy type is Multiple Entity, or the company type is Subscription. In these cases, the Bill Method must be Agency Bill and cannot be changed.

Select one of the following, if applicable:

Pay Plan

Select the payment plan defined by the insurance company. The most common choice is full pay. See Payment Plans Setup for more information on setting up these plans.

Premium to Bill on Effective Date

For installment pay plans, enter the amount you want to bill on the first installment in this field. AMS360 will then divide the remaining amount among the remaining installments.

Base Installment Dates on


What is this?

Policy Effective Date

Choose this option to base the installment dates on the policy effective date.

Example If the effective date of the policy is 1/1/2004 and you selected quarterly installments, the remaining installments would be on 4/1/2004, 7/1/2004, and 10/1/2004.

Day of the Month

Choose this option to base the installments dates on a day of the month that agrees with company billing dates. Then enter the day in the field.

Example A policy can be effective on 1/31/2004 but the insurance company wants the installments on a 12-month pay plan based on the first day of each month. In this example select Day of Month and enter a 1 in the field.

The remaining installments would be 2/1/2004, 3/1/2004, 4/1/2004, etc.

Create Invoice

When the billing options above are set and you are ready to invoice, click Create Invoice. The Invoice data entry form appears. See the Creating an Invoice topic for more information on completing the invoice. 

View Invoice

Use this link to view a previously invoiced transaction.

From this invoice view you can only correct commissions. For information on viewing an invoice and other correction options see  Viewing an Invoice.

Suspended Billing Exists on Policy

This link only appears if a billing is suspended or stopped before posting is complete. Click the link to finish the billing and post the invoice.

    Invoicing Depends On

Invoicing depends on the information you enter in the following sections of the policy data entry form:


What should I do?

Line of Business

Add one or more lines of business.

Transaction Premiums / Billing

Filling out the fields in the following sub-sections create an amount in the Unbilled Premium and/or the Unbilled Fees & Taxes fields in this section.



What should I do?

Transaction Premiums


Enter the premium amount to the selected line of business.

How Billed

The How Billed selection must be Customer Center.

Transaction Fees, Taxes, Finance & Down Payments


Add the Charge Type, if appropriate, and enter the amount of the charge.

How Billed

The How Billed selection must be Customer Center.


    Loss History


What is this?

Any losses, whether or not paid by insurance, during the last 3 years?

Select YesorNoas to whether this insured has had any losses in the last 3 years.

Get Loss History

Click the Get Loss History link to pull claim or loss history information previously entered in AMS360.

See the Get Loss History topic for more information.

    Loss History Information

If loss history information is not available, you can enter loss history information by line of business in this section.


What is this?

Date of Loss

Enter the date the loss occurred.

Date Reported

Enter the date the loss was reported to the agency or insurance company.

Line of Business

Select the line of business that provided coverage for the loss.

ExampleFor a collision involving a car in a fleet choose Business Auto.

Kind of Loss

Select a loss type (collision/earthquake) from the list. For additional information on how to setup new loss types, see List Setup.

Claim Status

Select the status of the claim from the list.


Enter additional information about the loss, if applicable.

Policy #

Enter the policy number under which the loss was covered.

Effective Date

Enter the effective date of the policy covering the loss.

Expiration Date

Enter the expiration date of the policy covering the loss.


Select the company that provided coverage at the time of the loss.


Enter the NAIC code for the insurance company. It defaults if entered in Company Setup.

# of Claims

Enter the total number of claims reported under the policy and term you are entering.

Claim Payment Information


What is this?

Amount Paid

Enter the amount paid on the loss.

Amount Reserved

Enter the reserve amount for the loss.

Annual Premium

Enter the premium paid for the coverage.


Enter the rating modifier, if applicable.

Print with

Choose whether the loss history information should print at the policy level by selecting the Policy option, or should print at the line of business level by selecting the Line of Business option and then selecting a line of business from the list.

If the loss history Line of Businessmatches any line of business on the policy, thePrints withdefaults toLine of Businesswith the same line of business selected.


Use this area for general remarks about the loss history information.


    Prior Carrier

Enter information about the customer's previous insurance policies.


What is this?

Copy Prior Carrier Information

Opens the Copy Prior Carrier form where you can select and copy prior carrier information, already entered, to this policy.

Line of Business

Select the line of business written in the prior policy. Your choices are:

  • General Liability

  • Business Auto Liability

  • Property

  • Personal/Other Line

Print With

Choose how the prior carrier information should print by selecting one of the following options:

  • Policy - causes the information to print on the Applicant Information form, ACORD 125.

  • Line of Business - use for Worker's Comp policies to have the information print on the ACORD 130.

The Policyoption is the default.

Policy #

Enter the policy number of the prior policy.

Effective Date

Enter the effective and expiration dates for the prior policy.

Expiration Date

Company Info


What is this?


Select the company that previously provided coverage.

Company Plan

If a Company Plan was specified in the prior policy enter it here or select it from the list.


Enter the NAIC code for the insurance company. It defaults if entered in Company Setup.

With Company Since

Enter the year that the insured first placed coverage with the prior carrier.

You can enter the last two digits of a year and AMS360 converts it to a four-digit year for you.


Enter the name of the agency or agent/broker who wrote the prior policy.

Additional Information

If you choose one of the following lines of business while entering Prior Carrier information, additional fields appear. Select the line of business below to see the additional information you can enter.

    General Liability


What is this?

Policy Type


What is this?


Choose this option if the prior policy was Occurrence.

Claims Made

Select this option if the prior policy was Claims Made.

Retro Date

If the prior policy was Claims Made, enter the Retro Date.

Coverage Limits


What is this?

General Aggregate

The limits as they appear on the declarations page of the prior policy.

Each Occurrence

BI Occurrence

PD Aggregate

Products & Completed Ops

Fire Damage

BI Aggregate

Combined Single Limit

Personal & Adv Injury

Medical Expense

PD Occurrence

Modification Factor

The reciprocal of the percentage by which the premium shown differs from the manual.

Example If the General Liability insurance manual premium is $1,000, but the actual premium charged was reduced to $680 because of a combination of package, experience and schedule credits, the Modification Factor is .68.

This factor is used by the insurance company to convert premium charged back to manual premium for application of experience rating plans.

Total Premium

The annual modified premium charged (not including taxes or service charges) for the specified line of business.


    Business Auto Liability


What is this?

Policy Type

List the policy type for which the prior policy was issued.

Example Business Auto or Truckers

Coverage Limits


What is this?


The limits as they appear on the declarations page of the prior policy.

Property Damage

BI Per Person

BI Per Accident

Modification Factor

The reciprocal of the percentage by which the premium shown differs from the manual.

Example If the Automobile Liability insurance manual premium is $1,000, but the actual premium charged was reduced to $680 because of a combination of package, experience and schedule credits, the Modification Factor is .68.

This factor is used by the insurance company to convert premium charged back to manual premium for application of experience rating plans.

Total Premium

The annual modified premium charged (not including taxes or service charges) for the specified line of business.




What is this?

Policy Type

The coverage form for which the prior policy was issued.

Example Special excluding Theft

Coverage Limits


What is this?


The limits as they appear on the declarations page of the prior policy.

Pers Prop

Modification Factor

The reciprocal of the percentage by which the premium shown differs from the manual.

Example If the Property insurance manual premium is $1,000, but the actual premium charged was reduced to $680 because of a combination of package, experience and schedule credits, the Modification Factor is .68.

This factor is used by the insurance company to convert premium charged back to manual premium for application of experience rating plans.

Total Premium

The annual modified premium charged (not including taxes or service charges) for the specified line of business.


    Personal/Other Line


What is this?


The annual modified premium charged (not including taxes or service charges) for the specified line of business.



Use this area for general remarks about the prior carrier information.


    Other Insurance with Company

Enter information about the customer's other in-force insurance policies.


What is this?

Policy #

Select from the list, or enter the policy number of the customer's other insurance policy.

Effective Date

Enter the effective and expiration dates for the other insurance policy.

Expiration Date

Line of Business

Select the line of business written in the other insurance policy.


Select from the list or enter the company that is providing coverage for the other insurance policy.


Enter the NAIC code for the insurance company. It defaults if you also have this particular company setup in your system and the code is entered in Company Setup.

Company Plan

If you know the Company Plan for the other insurance policy, enter or select it from the list.

State Plan

Enter the state-sponsored insurance plan code associated with the line of business, if any.


    Additional Policy Coverages

Enter policy-level coverages here. This section is only for those coverages that cross lines of business. For example, Package or Multi-Line discounts that apply to the entire policy and not a single line of business.

Download uses this section to download policy level coverages.

This section is not intended for blanket limits that may apply to a specific line of business such as blanket property limits or CGL limits. These types of coverages apply to all locations and should be entered on the line of business data entry form. Refer to the specific line of business topic for more information on how to enter blanket or line of business specific coverages.

Coverages entered here go to overflow pages when applications are created if, in e-Forms Manager, you've selected to include policy level information. They do not flow to certificate, binder, or evidence of property insurance forms. Coverages entered on the line of business data entry form in the line of business section of the policy data entry form do appear on these forms.


What is this?


The Coverages that appear in this list are coverages marked as Policy Level Coverage in Coverage Setup.

Limit 1
Limit 2

Enter the limits that apply to the coverage.

Entries in both fields indicate split limits.


Enter the cost of the coverage, if known.

Ded Type

Choose the type of deductible.


Enter the deductible amount.

Number of

Enter the number to use for rating purposes.


Enter the rate, if appropriate.

Miscellaneous Information

Enter additional information you want to include about this coverage.

Sort Order #

Use this field to indicate the order in which these coverages should appear in the grid and on applications and forms.


Enter the rating factors that apply to the coverage you entered.


What is this?


Type a description of the factor.


Enter the factor.



Enter details about the forms that the carrier attaches to the issued policy.


What is this?

Form Number

Enter the number of the form, if known.

Edition Date

Enter the month and year of the form.

Form Name

Enter the name of the form as you want it to appear on the application and forms.


Enter any additional information about the form.


    Additional Interests

Enter individuals or entities who have an insurable interest in this policy. You can add as many Additional Interests (AI) as needed.


What is this?

Copy Other Interests

Use Copy Other Interests to quickly copy additional interests to a the policy.

Type-in Grid

Add information to a type-in grid by entering directly in each field on the grid. You can also use the actions, New, Edit, Delete on the section menu to work with the data in the type-in grid. The New and Edit actions open the data entry fields in the extended format. The Type-in Grid is then disabled.

See Data Entry Forms - Grids, Type-in Grids, and Tables topic for more information on how to use this feature.


Select the term that best describes the nature of the insurable interest in the policy item. Selections in this list are maintained in List Setup.


Type an additional interest or choose an interest from the list. Names are added to this list through Additional Interest Setup.

Enter the name exactly as the AI requires it to appear on the Evidence of Property, Binder, or Certificate.


If the interest is a business, enter the name of the contact person here.


Enter the information as you want it to appear on forms and correspondence, including capitalization and punctuation.

Phone Numbers and Email


What is this?


Enter the interest's telephone number and extension.


Enter the interest's fax number and extension.


Enter the interest's email address.

Write Additional Interest to Setup

Check this box to save the contact information to the Additional Interest Setup. Once you click save, this Additional Interest can be selected from the Filter lists for any Line of Business.



What is this?


Use to indicate the position the interest bears in the exposure. Use a numeric value in this field.

Example First mortgagee = 1, second mortgagee = 2.


Check this box if the interest is responsible for paying the premium.

This causes the interest name and address to flow to the Bill To section of the Create Invoice form. It also checks the appropriate Payor box on the application.



What is this?


If this interest requires a certificate of insurance, check this option. If applicable, enter the date the certificate is required or choose it from the date picker.


If this interest requires a certificate of insurance and it has been issued, check this option. If applicable, enter the date the certificate was issued or choose it from the date picker.



What is this?


If this interest requires a copy of the policy, check this option. If applicable, enter the date the policy is required or choose it from the date picker.


If this interest requires a copy of the policy, and it has already been provided, check this option. If applicable, enter the date the policy was issued or choose it from the date picker.

Loan Information


What is this?

Reference/ Loan #

Enter any reference information or loan number for the interest.

Final Payment

If available, enter the date the final payment on the obligation is due.



What is this?


If the AI has an interest in an exposure in the policy, rather than the entire policy, type a description of the item here.

Interest in Item Number

Use for other than locations, buildings, vehicles, boats, or scheduled items.

Desc of Ops/Special Conditions

Complete the following fields for Additional Interests requiring Certificates of Insurance or Evidence of  Insurance.


What is this?


Choose from saved text stored under Text Setup.

You must have proper authorization to access Text Setup.


Insert appears when no text exists in field.

Use Append to add selected text to end of an existing description.


Selected text will replace existing text in field.

Text Setup

Opens the Text Setup dialog box.

Link only appears if you have proper authorization.

Additional Information


What is this?

Job Type

Enter the job type for the customer. For example, remodel, demolition, painting, etc.

Job #

Enter a State assigned Job #.

Project End Date

Estimated date the job will complete.


Check box if customer is licensed.


Check box if customer is bonded.



Use this area for general policy remarks. This information prints on overflow pages with the application.


What is this?


Enter the text of the remark.

Save remark with policy received in download

Check to have the remark copied to a newly downloaded policy image. Use for information that is not included or would be overwritten in download.

If checked, remarks sent by the company in download are added to any existing remark.

If not checked, any remarks sent by the company in download will overwrite the existing remark.

Include remark in export

Check to export the remark to rating, upload, or other vendor integration. Remarks are only included in export if this box is checked. However, some vendors may not map remarks. Therefore, the remark may not appear in your exported data even though this box is checked.


    Rate Dates

Use these fields to enter information about the date policy rates were assigned, if available.


What is this?

Line of Business

Select the line of business to which the rate date applies.


Select the state to which the rate date applies, if applicable.

Rate Date

Select the date the rate was assigned.


Forms Mapping

Click here to see where data flows to the ACORD and other forms

Policy Premiums

Click here for information about the many premium fields on the policy data entry form

What's Next?

The Policy Menu Bar defines actions you can perform with the policy, such as, Endorsements, Renewals, and Binder transactions. You can also Invoice and create forms in eForms Manager.