This feature, or some fields and options described, might not be available depending on your settings, security rights, or platform package.

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Get Documents

In the front-end scanning workflow, the Doc360 Get Documents feature is a means by which agency employees import electronic files into AMS360. Get Documents pulls files from employee-designated Hot Folders into the logged-in user's User Center. If authorized as the Out of Office backup for another employee, the logged-in user can also import documents for that employee.

You can enable Get Documents to automatically check for files in your Hot Folder. However, you can disable the automatic check if you prefer to import documents at will. For more information, see the Workflow: Use Doc360 - Front-end Scanning topic, Using Hot Folders to Distribute Documents > Management System Workflow: Using Get Documents. For a list of incompatible file types, see Doc360 - An Overview.

When you import documents using Get Documents, the document files are deleted from the Hot Folder locations. The Hot Folders are empty after the import process. The files are now saved either to the AMS360 database or to a designated shared folder location; for storage options, see Doc360 Setup.

ClosedAccessing Get Documents

You can enable Get Documents to automatically check for files in your Hot Folder. However, you can disable the automatic check if you prefer to import documents at will.

  1. From the User Center, open the My Documents tab.

  2. Expand the View Options section.

  3. In the Check for Files to Import section, select one of the following options:


    What is this?

    Every time I access My Documents tab.

    Whenever you click on the tab, the form launches.

    The first time I access My Documents tab after login.

    When you click on the tab for the first time after you log into the system, the form launches.

    Do not automatically check for files to import.

    The Get Documents form never automatically launches. You have to click the Get Documents button to launch the form.

    Select this option if you prefer to import the documents at will.


To access the Get Documents form at will, do one of the following:

ClosedUsing Get Documents

To launch the form and import documents, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Get Documents form.

  1. You see in the grid the employee names for which you are authorized to import documents (your name, and anyone for whom you are assigned as the Out of Office back-up). Check the Select box next to the names of those employees for whom you want to import documents.

  1. You cannot select specific documents to import using the Get Documents feature. You must import all the documents for each employee selected in the grid. However, once the files are in the system, you can re-assign documents to other employees using the Document Distribution form.

    1. Click the Import Now button. (This button is disabled if there are no documents to import.)

      All documents are deleted from the Hot Folder locations when they are imported. The files are now saved either to the AMS360 database or to a designated shared folder location; for storage options, see Doc360 Setup.

    The form closes, and you return to the User Center My Documents tab, which now includes the rows for each new document.

ClosedGet Documents Grid


What is this?


Check the Select box next to the employee name whose Hot Folder documents you want to include in the import process.

To exclude this employee's documents in the import process, clear the check mark by clicking in the box.


The last and first name of the employee to whom a specific Hot Folder is designated. To import documents designated to this employee, check the Select box next to his or her name.

You see in the grid the employee names for whom you are authorized to import documents (your name, and anyone for whom you are assigned as the Out of Office back-up).

# of Files

The number of new files to be imported from the employee's Hot Folder.

Total Size (Kb)

The total electronic file size (in kilobytes) to be imported from the employee's Hot Folder.

Import Now

Click this button when you are ready to import documents for the selected employees. After you click this button, rows for the new documents appear under the My Documents tab in the User Center.

This button is disabled if there are no files to import.


Click this button to close out of the form without importing documents.

ClosedDocument 360 Show Me's

View these slide shows for more information on Doc360:


Show Me: Doc360 Overview

Document Security

Show Me: Doc360 Security Setup

Show Me: Doc360 Authorizing Unprocessed Documents

Back-end Scanning

Show Me: Doc360 Back-end Setup

Show Me: Doc360 Match Pending Attach

Show Me: Doc360 Placeholder Attachments

Front-end Scanning

Show Me: Doc360 Front-end Setup

Show Me: Doc360 Front-end Setup -- Hotfolder

Show Me: Doc360 Front-end Setup -- Hotspot

Show Me: Doc360 Get Documents

On Demand Scanning

Show Me: Doc360 Grid Tools

Show Me: Doc360 My Documents Tab

Show Me: Doc360 On-demand Attachments

Show Me: Doc360 On-demand Hotspot

What's Next?

Do you need to re-assign documents? See the Document Distribution topic for more information.