Agency Setup

The entries made on the Agency Setup form determine how AMS360 operates for your agency. In some cases the selections establish your agency's default options for all users. Because of its importance,Agency Setupis a required step in the Setup Assistant.

    Accessing Agency Setup

To access Agency Setup, select the Toolbox menu anywhere it is available, and choose System Administration > Agency.

    Name, Address and Phone Numbers


What is this?

Agency #

Defaults to your Vertafore Agency Number, and cannot be changed.


Enter your agency Name and Address as you want them to appear on all forms, applications and form letter defaults.

If your state insurance department requires the printing of the agency's license number on forms issued by the agency, include it on one of the address lines in this section.






These fields are read-only and fill based on whether or not Map Point ( can determine the mapping coordinates for the agency address.


Phone Numbers and Email

Enter your agency Phone Numbers, and Email Address as applicable.

  • Business

  • Fax

  • 24 Hour

  • Email

  • Web Address

    Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization

This section of Agency Setup controls the formatting of invoices and statements you print. After you make your selections here, the next steps are to:


What is this?

Customer Default Settings

These invoice options are initially setup here, in Agency Setup, but can be set differently for individual customers. Use the Options section of the Customer setup form for settings that override the agency options.


What is this?

Print Invoices for Agency Billed Business

Select the checkbox to print invoices for Agency Billed and/or Direct Billed business.

Print Invoices for Direct Billed Business

Premium and Non-Premium Grouping


What Happens?

Print premium by LOB and tran; non-premium by Charge Type

Summarize installments by LOB and charge type

Prints only one line on an installment invoice per line of business (LOB) even when premium for endorsements is spread out among remaining installments.

This is the default setting.

Print premium by LOB and tran; non-premium by charge type

Do not summarize installments

Prints one line per line of business for each installment for the original premium AND prints a separate line for each line of business for each endorsement premium, when endorsement premium is billed out over the remaining installments.

Summarize premium and non-premium together

Prints a one-line total on the invoice that includes the total premium and all non-premium line items.

Summarize premium into one line and print non-premium by charge type.

Prints only one line on an invoice for the total premium (even if premium has been entered by individual lines of business) and one line for each non-premium charge type.

Policy and Invoice Number Grouping

The following policy/invoice number grouping options are available:

  • Print all invoice numbers (multiple policies) on the same invoice form.

  • When selecting this option and also choosing to print the Exec and Rep on the invoice, the Exec and Rep from the Customer record prints on the invoice, not the Exec and Rep from the policy(ies). This occurs even if the Exec and Rep are the same for all of the policies printed on the same invoice.

  • Print each invoice number on a separate invoice form. This is the default setting.

  • Print invoice numbers for the same policy on the same invoice form.

Customer Service Option, Invoices and Customer Statements


What Happens?

Print Account Exec's Name

Selecting one or both of these boxes, prints the name(s) of the executive and/or representative in a box on the invoice/statement form labeledCustomer Service.

If neither box is selected, the agency telephone number prints in the Customer Service box.

Print Account Rep's Name

Print Due Date on Invoice

Check this box to have a due date print on invoices.

The selections you make in Due Date Basis and Days Added to Due Date Basis  determine the Invoice Due Date. It prints as an additional line of text immediately below the invoice description and is displayed in the format: Due Date: mm/dd/yyyy.

The Customer Aged Accounts Receivable Report includes the Due Date and ages invoices using this date.

Due Date Basis

If you choose to print a Due Date on your invoices you can select the basis by which the Due Date is calculated. Your options are:

This selection is used in conjunction with the following option:Days Added to Due Date Basis.

Days Added to Due Date Basis

AMS360 uses the number of days you enter here to add to the Effective or Invoice date selection you made in the previous step to calculate the date due for the customer.

Invoice Default Settings


What Happens?

Paper Selection

Paper Option

What is this?

Plain Paper Without Perforation

Plain 8 1/2" by 11" paper, no perforations. No separate printer paper tray or isolated print time required.

Plain Perforated Paper

8 1/2" x 11" paper with a perforation allowing the top section to be torn off for return with client's payment. Requires a separate printer paper tray or isolated printing time.

Pre-Printed Form

Special form with pre-printed agency name & address information and color shadings. Requires a separate printer paper tray or isolated printing time.

Above Perforation

You may print either the agency name and Address or the Logo on invoices, but not both.

The Above Perforation options are tri-state radio buttons. Make sure to set these options to off (no radio button selected) when usingPre-Printed Forms.


What is this?

Print Address

Select this option if you want AMS360 to print the agency name and address on the invoices.

Print Logo

Select this option to print a logo created in Logo Setup, on invoices. Select the Logo.


This field becomes active when you choose to print a Logo. If you have a predefined logo, you can select it from the list.

Logo Setup

Use this link to add a new logo.

Print Address on Footer

This option defaults as selected which means the agency name and address prints in an area on the bottom left-hand side of the invoice.

This helps the client identify the source of the invoice after they return the top portion with payment.

Show Future Installments

If the policies included on the invoice were billed on AM 360 with an installment plan, any remaining future installments print in the box above the footer.

This option is selected by default. remove the mark it if you prefer that future installments not print on invoices.

Color Settings

Allows you to select a color for the header background and text, if printing on a color printer.


What is this?

Header Background

Includes all shaded areas of the invoice form. The default color setting is dark grey.

Header Text

Refers to the text within the header background areas. The default color setting is black.

When using Pre-Printed Forms, these color settings apply to Viewing and E-Mailing invoices. These settings are ignored when Printing invoices.

Customer Statement Default Settings


What Happens?

Paper Selection

Paper Option

What is this?

Plain Paper Without Perforation

Plain 8 1/2" by 11" paper, no perforations. No separate printer paper tray or isolated print time required.

Plain Perforated Paper

8 1/2" x 11" paper with a perforation allowing the top section to be torn off for return with client's payment. Requires a separate printer paper tray or isolated printing time.

Pre-Printed Form

Special form with pre-printed agency name and address information and color shadings. Requires a separate printer paper tray or isolated printing time.

Above Perforation

You may print either the agency name and Address or the Logo on invoices, but not both.

The Above Perforation options are tri-state radio buttons. Make sure to set these options to off (no radio button selected) when usingPre-Printed Forms.


What is this?

Print Address

Select this option if you want AMS360 to print the agency name and address on the statements.

Print Logo

Select this option to print a logo created in Logo Setup on statements. Select the Logo.

If the logo is not yet created, click Logo Setup to define and save the image. Then select the Logo.


This field becomes active when you choose to print a Logo. If you have a predefined logo, you can select it from the list.

Logo Setup

Use this link to add a new logo.

Print Address on Footer

This option defaults to selected which means the agency name and address prints in an area on the bottom left-hand side of the statement.

This helps the client identify the source of the statement after they return the top portion with payment.

Color Settings

Allows you to select a color for the header background and text, if printing on a color printer.


What is this?

Header Background

Includes all shaded areas of the statement form. The default color setting is dark grey.

Header Text

Refers to the text within the header background areas. The default color setting is black.

When using Pre-Printed Forms, these color settings apply to Viewing and E-Mailing statements. These settings are ignored when Printing statements.

    Customer Statement Print Groups

This section allows you to create custom groups to assign customers to for printing customer statements. The permanent (default) statement print group is Main. All customers in the system default to Statement Print Group = Main.

Once a custom statement print group is added, customers must be set individually to be a part of the group. Use the Options section of the Customer Setup form to set the Statement Print Group for each customer in the group.

To add Customer Statement Print Groups, do the following:

  1. Click New on the Customer Statement Print Groups section menu.

  2. Type in the desired Group Name.

  3. Click Add.

Example of Uses:

  1. Setup statement print groups for each remote office. Then each office can print and verify statements for their customers.

  2. Once client balances have been turned over to an outside collection agency you may want to suppress printing of these customer statements. Create a statement print group called Collectionsand assign the customers to this group.

    Forms Name/Address/Phone Numbers

The Forms Name/Address/Phone Numbers section of Agency Setup allows you to select one of seven sources of address information to default into particular types of forms. The forms with selections available are:

If you change the Agency, Division, Branch,Department or Group name, address or phone numbers in Agency Setup, the change affects only those forms created and saved subsequent to the change.

If you override a name, address or phone number on a particular form, the name, address or phone numbers in Agency Setup are not affected.

The sources of name, address and phone numbers are:

If you choose...

Name/Address and Phone Numbers Default From...


Agency Setup > Name, Address and Phone Numbers section.

Branch Assigned to Policy

Based on the branch assigned to the policy, pull fromAgency Setup>Accounting Options>Business Unit Setup form > Branch section.

Department Assigned to Policy

Based on the department assigned to the policy, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Departmentsection.

Division Assigned to Policy

Based on the division assigned to the policy, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Divisionsection.

Group Assigned to Policy

Based on the group assigned to the policy, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Group section.

Division Assigned to Bank

Based on the division assigned to the bank, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Divisionsection.

Branch Assigned to Customer

Based on the branch assigned to the customer, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Branch section.

Department Assigned to Customer

Based on the department assigned to the customer, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Departmentsection.

Division Assigned to Customer

Based on the division assigned to the customer, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Divisionsection.

Group Assigned to the Customer

Based on the division assigned to the customer, pull from Agency Setup > Accounting Options > Business Unit Setup form > Group section.


Whenever the address selection includes these two options, the address pulls based on the customer settings, if a policy is not selected. (Policy takes priority, if selected.) If neither a policy or customer is selected the agency address is used.

    Company Settings

These are the agency level billing defaults for All companies. Set these options for the way you do business with most of your companies. Then, set the Company Specific billing options in the Billing Options section of Company Setup for those companies that do business differently. The Company options take precedence over the Agency options.

It is recommended that you read the topic Choosing a Direct Bill Invoicing Method - An Overview and the topic Choosing an Agency Bill Invoicing Method - An Overview as prerequisites to reading this section of Agency Setup.


What is this?

Agency Bill

Bill Using Downloaded Premiums

Select this option, if you want to Customer Center Bill downloaded policy transactions.

Transaction Type

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...


Downloaded transactions are flagged to allow billing in theCustomer Centerand are included in the premium totals

Manually Entered Premiums

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

Bill Using Manually Entered Premiums

Select this option, if you want to Customer Center bill manually entered premiums.

Transaction Type

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...

Manually entered Premium

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Customer Center and are included in the premium totals.


Downloaded transactions are flagged as Not Billable and are not included in the premium totals.

Direct Bill

Customer Center

Select this option if you want to Customer Center bill your direct bill business. Then choose the appropriate premium billing option.

Premium Bill Option

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...

Bill Using Downloaded Premiums

Downloaded transactions are flagged to allow billing in the Customer Centerand are included in the premium totals

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

Bill Using Manually Entered Premiums

Manual and imported transactions are flagged to allow billing in the Customer Center and are included in the premium totals.

Downloaded transactions are flagged as Not Billable and are not included in the premium totals.

Direct Bill Statement (Deluxe)

Choose this option if you want to bill your direct bill business by Direct Bill Statement. See a synopsis of this feature below:

  1. Fully integrated direct bill statement tracking driven from the policy transactions.

  2. Reconciles the direct bill statement to the policy transactions.

  3. Tracks premium and unbilled premium at the policy transaction level.

  4. Automatically (and forces user to) match direct bill downloaded statements to the direct bill statements generated transaction by transaction.

  5. Used for center billed reconciliation.

  6. Generally takes more time to process unless the policy system is kept current.

Choose the Direct Bill Statement (Deluxe)option and then choose the appropriate premium billing option.

Premium Bill Option

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...

Bill Using Downloaded Premiums

Downloaded transactions are flagged to allow billing on a Direct Bill Statement and are included in the premium totals.

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

Bill Using Manually Entered Premiums

Manual and imported transactions are flagged to allow billing on a Direct Bill Statement and are included in the premium totals.

Downloaded transactions are flagged as Not Billable and are not included in the premium totals.

Direct Bill Entry

Choose this option if you want to bill your direct bill business by Direct Bill Entry. See a synopsis of this feature below:Choose the appropriate premium billing option.

  1. Integrated at the policy level.

  2. No reconciliation to the policy transactions.

  3. Tracks billed statement premium at the policy level.

  4. Requires manual keying of the data or direct bill download.

  5. Does not support center billed reconciliation.

  6. Generally takes less time to process if you don't need integration, reconciliation, and you use direct bill download.

Choose the Direct Bill Entry option and then choose the appropriate premium billing option.

Premium Bill Option

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...

Bill Using Downloaded Premiums

Downloaded transactions are flagged to allow billing usingDirect Bill Entryand are included in the premium totals.

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

Bill Using Manually Entered Premiums

Manual and imported transaction are flagged to allow billing using Direct Bill Entry and are included in the premium totals.

Downloaded transactions are flagged as Not Billable and are not included in the premium totals.

Receipt Check from Company (basic policy information not necessary)

Choose this option if you only want to receipt the direct bill check from the company, without billing it. Then choose the appropriate premium billing option.

Premium Bill Option

Policy  form, How Billed field option defaults to...

Bill Using Downloaded Premiums

Downloaded transactions are flagged asReceipt Checkfrom company and are included in the premium totals.

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

Bill Using Manually Entered Premiums

Manual and imported transactions are flagged as Receipt Check from company and are included in the premium totals.

Downloaded transactions are flagged as Not Billable and arenotincluded in the premium totals.

What threshold amount would you like to use for direct bill reconciliation?

This threshold pertains only to the Direct Bill Statement option above, when choosing how you want to invoice your direct bill transactions.

This is a premium threshold, set by line of business (all or specific). This amount determines when a policy transaction on the Direct Bill Commission Statement is considered reconciled.

Reconciliation State

How does the direct bill reconciliation threshold affect direct bill statement billed transactions during reconciliation?

Fully Reconciled

When the difference between the premium, taxes and fees paid by the company, and the gross premium, fees and taxes are less than or equal to this threshold, the transaction defaults as fully reconciled in the direct bill commission statement. This can be changed.


When the difference between the premium, taxes and fees paid by the company, and the gross premium, fees and taxes are more than this threshold, the transaction defaults as unreconciled in the direct bill commission statement. This can be changed.

    Business Unit Setup


What is this?

Business Unit

AMS360 allows you to define a hierarchy of Business Units based on your agency structure.

An agency must contain at least one division and one department. AMS360 comes with a default division and department. If you need more Business Units for your agency, you can turn on Branch and Group in Agency Setup > Accounting Options.

Available business units include:

Business Unit

What is this?


Division is the primary business unit within an agency. An agency can have one or more divisions.


Branch can be a second level of business unit in an agency. Each division can have one or more branches.


Departments can be used to further subdivide the agency structure. Each branch can have one or more departments.


Group is the lowest level of business unit structure. Each department can have one or more groups.

You can add a Branch to an existing Division and/or a Group to an existing Department. You cannot convert an existing Division into a Branch, nor can you make an existing Department into a Group. If such a conversion is desired, contact the Professional Services Custom Group

Business Unit Setup

Once the business units are activated, click this link to setup the division(s), or branch(s), and department(s) or group(s).

Business Unit Assignment for Filtering

Opens the Business Unit Assignment form.

Users with security access to Agency Setup are granted access to Business Unit Assignment as well.

    Accounting Options


What is this?

Accounting Basis

Select whether your agency accounting basis is Cash or Accrual. For additional information, see Choosing the Cash or Accrual Accounting Method. Vertafore also recommends that you consult your agency accountant.

AMS360 defaults to Accrual basis accounting.

Once an Accounting option is selected and accounting information has been entered, you cannot change the accounting basis.

Receivable Aging Categories

Aging categories are the number of days old "buckets" for reporting your receivables open balances. Set up the day range categories most useful to your agency. For example:, (0-15), (16-30), (31-45), (Over 45). Fill in Category 1-3 as appropriate for your agency.

Notice as you change the number of days in the To fields, the From fields dynamically change to that same number of days +1. This ensures balanced aging categories with no missing days.

Fiscal Year's Beginning Month

Select the first month of your agency's fiscal year from the list. For example, if the agency is on a calendar year, select January. Check with your agency's accountant if unsure.

This setting cannot be changed once there are accounting transactions in the system.

Set Small Balance Threshold to:

The dollar amount entered here represents the maximum invoice balance, which employees with appropriate security, can write off through the Receipt process.

Number of Days to Invoice in Advance of the Invoice Effective Date:

This number specifies when the system generates and posts Customer Center Billed (Agency and Direct) invoice transactions, in advance of their effective dates. This allows you to print, send, and/or collect these premiums in a timely fashion.

This value can be set to any number the agency chooses. Common choices to bill in advance are 30 or 45 days.


Set the number of days to bill in advance to 30. Based on the current system date, when Daily Process is run, any invoice with an effective date equal to or less than 30 days in the future will post and print. Any invoice more than 30 days in the future will not.

For the occasional invoice that requires posting and printing more than the number of days to bill in advance, such as certain types of bonds, use the Post Future Invoice option.

Automatically apply receipts to oldest invoices

Allocates an Amount entered into the Receipt Information section of the Receipts form automatically in the Insured (or Broker) Accounts Receivable grid based on the oldest Invoice Date.

If this option is active, tabbing out of the Amount field applies the payment amount to the Invoice Balance with the earliest Invoice Date. Amounts matching Invoice Balances are applied until the receipt amount is exhausted.

The default method (option unchecked) allows you to allocate payments to specific invoices by checking the AutoFill box on a row or by typing the desired Amount and Description in the grid. This method is recommended if agency policy is to apply customer payments as directed by the insured.


Option is Active (checked in Agency Setup)

On tabbing out of the Amount field, $1000 was applied to Inv Date 1/11/05. Remaining $9,000 was applied to next oldest invoice (Inv Date 2/4/05).

Default setting (Automatically apply option is unchecked)

In this example, tabbing out of the Receipt Information Amount field caused no automatic distribution. The user then clicked the AutoFill box on Invoice #22, Inv Date 2/4/05, to match the invoice identified by the customer with payment.

Display Financial Center items as summary

If this option is checked, certain Financial Center summary items (Unbilled Policies, Unreplaced Binders and Invoices to Print) display either Yes (such items exist) or No (none exist). The option defaults as checked.

Unchecking the option causes the system to count how many of each item exists in the system and displays the resulting number. Depending on how large the count is, this selection may result in slower performance when opening the Financial Center.

Divisional Control

When agencies merge or form cluster alliances, the ability to maintain different Charts of Accounts and/or Fiscal Year Ends for each entity can be important. Use the Divisional Control group in this section to activate these features.

Important you must have security authorization for all divisions to set these options.

You cannot alter fiscal year ends for an existing Division. When a new division is added with a different Chart of Accounts you can remove authorization for existing Divisions to use a particular GL account, if desired. See Chart of Accounts Setup for more details.

The following options are available in the Divisional Control group:


What is this?

Use Chart of Accounts by Division

If this option is checked, the Divisions(s) Authorized to Use GL# subsection appears in the Chart of Accounts form to allow association of general ledger accounts with a particular division. You cannot use this option if you choose to use Interdivision Accounting as all division will use the same Interdivision transfer account.

This option in Agency Setup defaults as unchecked and is not a required field.

If this box is not checked, the Chart of Accounts is controlled at the Agency level only and all divisions must use the same chart of accounts. You cannot use this option if you are using Interdivision Accounting.

Use Different Fiscal Years by Division

If this option is checked, the Division Beginning Month field appears in the Business Unit Setup form. This field allows you to assign a different beginning month than the Fiscal Year's Beginning Month as entered in Agency Setup/Accounting Options. To use this option do the following:

In Agency Setup

  1. Check the Use Different Fiscal Years by Division checkbox.

  2. Select the appropriate division from the list.

In Business Unit Setup

Select the appropriate fiscal year beginning month from the Division Beginning Month list.


What is this?

Select the Division to use for Date List Selection in Reporting and Center Views

When you select to Use Different Fiscal Years By Division this list becomes available. Choose the division to display in all Center Views.

Use Interdivision Accounting

Select this option to enter one cash receipt for Customers in multiple divisions. Using this option posts the receipt to the division for the bank account you are using and the Interdivision Transfer account you select here. For more information see Workflow: Setting Up and Using Interdivision Accounting for Customer Cash Receipts.

Use Business Unit Split

Select this option to use the Business Unit Split feature, which allows you to split line of business commissions and fees within a division and between different divisions.

When using the Business Unit Split feature you cannot select the Use Chart of Accounts by Division option above.

Business Unit Split Templates

Click to open the data entry form where you can set up Business Unit Split Templates. The active templates become available for use in Policy and Invoice transactions.

Select the GL Number to use for Interdivision Accounting

When you select Use Interdivision Accounting or Use Business Unit Split this list becomes available. Choose the General Ledger Number to use as a transfer account for all divisions.

Once you post a receipt with Interdivision Accounting entries or a commission with a Business Unit Split the field becomes unavailable and cannot be changed.

The account number that you select must be a detail account in the Balance Sheet account number range (10000 - 39999). You must first set up the account in Chart of Accounts Setup.

Late Charge Options

The system assesses late charges during Daily Process on the last day of the fiscal period. The default option is Do Not Generate Late Charges.


What is this?

Do Not Generate Late Charges

Daily process does not generate late charges to customer accounts receivable.

Generate Late Charges on a Percentage Basis

Use this option if you wish to calculate your customer late charges based on an annual percentage rate.

  1. Enter the Number of Days Before First Late Charge is assessed.  Based on the invoice date, a late charge is assessed when the age of the invoice is at least one day greater than the number of days entered in this field.

  2. Enter the Annual Percentage Rate you wish to charge your customers. When late charges are applied, this percentage rate is divided by 365, times the number of days old.

  3. Enter the Minimum Late Charge Threshold. A late charge is not assessed if it's calculated balance is equal to or less than the dollar amount entered here.

Generate Late Charges on a Flat Rate Basis

Use this option if you wish to apply a flat dollar amount to your customer's invoice balance when they are greater than theOverdue Amount Threshold.

  1. Enter the Periodic Flat Rate. This is the flat dollar amount applied to the customer's invoice balance, when it is greater than the amount entered into the Overdue Amount Threshold.

  2. Enter the Overdue Amount Threshold. When the customer's invoice balance is more than the amount entered here, the Periodic Flat Rate is assessed.

Number of Days Before First Late Charge

Fill in the number of days old you want an invoice balance to be before you charge the first late charge.

This field is disabled ifDo Not Generate Late Chargesis selected. If not selected then the number of days default is 30.

Late Charge Message on Statements

The message typed here appears on All Customer Statements (Ex: A late charge will be assessed on all balances over 60 days).

Binder Post Method

This option determines when a binder invoice posts to the general ledger, payables, income and expenses.

Invoices will not pull to account current and/or commission statements until the binder policy transaction has been replaced, regardless of the binder post method selected.


What is this?

Post Expense on Effective Date

This binder option posts the payables, income and expenses on the invoice effective date whether or not a Replace Binder action has taken place on the policy.

Post Expense After Replaced on Later of Effective or Replace Date

This binder option posts the payables, income and expenses only after the policy binder transaction has been replaced, on the later of the effective or replace date.

Commission Parameter Ranking

This option allows you to identify how you want to rank Agency and Employee/Broker (Production) commissions. The rankings determine which rate the system uses if an agency or direct bill invoice matches on more than one commission parameter.

Agency commissions must be entered by writing company therefore Writing Company is, by default, ranked #1 and cannot be changed. The other categories in the Agency commissions group can be ranked as desired.

The parameters in the Employee/Broker group can be ranked in any order you desire.


Set up rankings for Company A to:

  • Writing Company (1)

  • Line of Business (2)

  • Company Plan (3)

  • Transaction (4)

As part of Company Setup, you then enter commission rates of:

  • 10% for the Line of Business = Burglary

  • 12% for Transaction = New Business

When you enter New Business for a Burglary policy, the system finds a match on Burglary (10%) and on New Business (12%). Since you ranked Line of Business higher than Transaction, the 10% rate would be used.

    Vendor Payables


What is this?

Vendor Accounting Basis

Select the option you want to use for your agency's vendor accounting basis.

This selection must be made prior to posting any vendor invoices. It is not changeable after posting the first invoice.

If your agency accounting basis in Agency Setup > Accounting Options is set to Accrual, then you can set the Vendor Accounting Basis to AccrualorCash.

If the agency accounting basis in Accounting Options is set to Cash, then the vendor accounting basis must be Cash.

The following table includes considerations to use in making your decision.


What is this?


The expense for a Vendor Invoice posts with the Vendor Invoice Date you enter on the New Vendor Invoice data entry form.

Posting appears in the fiscal period that includes theVendor Invoice Date.

When a Vendor Invoice posts in accrual-based accounting, a liability is created to GL# 21350 Accrued Vendor Payables, with a corresponding posting to the GL account(s) specified in the invoice.

Posting your payment through Pay Vendors clears the liability and creates the check payment.

When you post a Vendor Invoice with a date in a prior period, you may need to reprint certain month-end reports that were run before the invoice was posted.


Default selection. The expense for a Vendor Invoice posts with the date the check posts to the general ledger.

Expenses for Vendor Invoices posted on a Cash basis only appear in the general ledger once the check is created through the Pay Vendors process. The Check Date is the date used for the general ledger posting date (the Vendor Invoice Date is informational only).

Business Unit Allocation Setup

If you have already set up your agency's business units, then you can use the Business Unit Allocation data entry form to define vendor expense splits among these business units.

Click this link to open the Business Unit Allocation form.

Select the GL Number to use for Vendor Payables Interdivision Transfers

From the list, select the general ledger account number to which your agency posts its Vendor Payables Interdivision Transfer transactions.

The account number that you select must be a detail account in the Balance Sheet account number range (10000 - 39999).

    System Configuration Options


What is this?

Display Options


What is this?

Customer Search Results - Only show logged in user Customers based on...

Select this option to display for the user currently logged on to AMS360 only the customers that meet their Business Unit, Service Group and Secured Customer Security Options.

If this option is not selected, the user will see customers who exist in the agency database, but for whom the user does not have security rights to view.

These user's security rights for customers are controlled by a setting in their Employee Setup record.

Set the Maximum Number of Rows Displayed in the Center Grids to ___ (Maximum 100)

This option, allows you to control the number of grid rows displayed on each WebForm page (Search Results and Information Tabs, for example) in the Centers. You can choose from 10 to 100 rows.

Alerts can display more than 100 rows.

Allow scrolling in center grids

This option allows you to turn on or off the scrolling ability in center tables for all users in the agency.

This is turned on by default. The selection in User Options overrides the agency-wide setting made here.

Scheduled Reports


What is this?


Use this control to suspend all scheduled reports.

Store Scheduled Report Results in


What is this?

Local Shared Folder

Choose this option to have Schedule Reports stored in a shared folder on a server or another shared location.

You must identify the drive and directory path of the shared folder. Use Browse or type the exact drive and directory path in the field provided.


Choose this option to have Scheduled Reports stored in your agency's database.

Vertafore recommends this option for maximum security and accessibility to the reports.

These reports are encrypted and can only be viewed from via the Scheduled Reports delivery method, according to an individual user's security access. See Scheduled Reports > Security Access to Scheduled Reports.

Center Banner-Integration Product Options


What is this?

Show Document360 Icon

Check this box to display the DOC360 icon on the Web Page Banner. This makes Doc360 easier to access.

Document Management

Use this option to display the logo for either Doc360 or WorkSmart (or neither) on the Web page banner. The logo acts as a link and enables easy access to the selected document management product.

  • For Doc 360, select Doc360.

  • For WorkSmart Powered by ImageRight, select WorkSmart.

Clicking an option toggles it on or off. To clear a selected item, click it again to remove the mark.

Show TransactNOW Carrier Passport Icon

Select this option to display the TransactNOW icon on the Web Page Banner. This icon allows you to access TransactNOW Carrier Passport.

Download Information


What is this?

Download Session Nightly Pickup

On selected means you are downloading data through IVANS nightly.

IVANS Machine Address

Enter  the Machine Address assigned to you by IVANS when a company registers your agency for an account. Registration typically occurs when you download with your first company.

Participant Code

The Participant Code identifies the agency to the company for download. It can be setup by the agency in this field, or setup internally by Customer Service.

Set Session Timeout to

Set this option  to determine how long an AMS360 user's Internet Explorer session can sit with no activity before closing AMS360. The default setting is 20 minutes. To increase/decrease the amount of inactive time before the system requires the user to log in, change the hours and/or minutes.

Making a change to this time setting affects all users on the system.

Agency Password Setup

Opens Agency Password Setup. Use this to modify Agency Password requirements and rules.

Retain Authentication Information for

Authentication history has a minimum of 30 Days and a maximum of 7 Years 0 Days.  Default setting is 90 Days.

Secured by default to Owner, Administrator, and Bookeeper.

Default option to automatically check 'Business With Agency' checkboxes ON for New Customers

Checking this box in Agency Setup, automatically checks the Automatically check based on active policies checkbox in Customer Setup > Name & Address section > Business With Agency group, for all new customers.



When AMS360 is licensed for Benefits, the new section, Benefits, appears in Agency Setup. This information is required for accessing the benefits product.


What is this?

Benefits Agency No

Enter your AMS Services FOCUS number.

Example: 200XXXX


Enter the word, benefits, in all lower-case letters. This password is pre-set and cannot be changed.

The password is case-sensitive.