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Workflow: Creating a New Submission

The Submission process in AMS360 allows you to create applications to submit to multiple companies and track company responses. Use the following procedure to complete the process:

Workflow Chart

Workflow Chart: Creating

a New Submission


Using a Policy Template or Existing Submission

A template can be an existing submission for another customer, or a policy or submission template you've set up with standard coverages and limits for a line of business.

  1. Find the Customer for whom you are creating the submission:

  2. From the Customer Center, search for, select and open the customer.

  1. Create the new submission group:

  2. From the menu click Action > New Submission

  1. Copy the submission:

  2. Click Copy Submission

  1. Choose the submission/policy to copy:

  2. Find the customer, policy, and policy dates.

  3. Enter information for the new submission, choose copy options, and click OK.

Continue with Step 5 below.

New Submission from Manually Entered Application Detail

  1. Find the Customer for whom you are creating the submission:

  2. From the Customer Center, search for, select and open the customer.

  1. Create the new submission group:

  2. From the menu click Action > New Submission.

  1. Create the submission:

  2. Click New Submission.

  1. Enter basic details of the submission:

  2. Enter submission number, company, etc, and click OK.

Continue with Step 5 below.



  1. Update submission detail:

  2. On the Policy (New Submission) data entry form, update the policy details for the submission. Click Save & Close.

  1. Submit to other companies:

  2. Click Copy Submission on the Submission Group window.

  3. Choose the Submission to copy, change the company, and click OK.

  4. Update the details on the Policy (New Submission) data entry form. Click Save & Close.

  1. Create forms:

  2. Open eForms Manager from the menu or toolbar.

  3. Select the forms to create.

  4. Print or email the forms.

  1. Enter feedback and quoted premium:

  2. Enter an Activity for each contact.

  3. Update the policy information and/or quoted premium on the Policy/Submission data entry form.

  1. View the status of the submission

  2. Print or Preview the Submission Tracking Report.

Repeat steps 8 and 9 as needed until you are ready to turn the submission into a policy.

  1. Turn the submission into a policy

  1. See Workflow Chart: Creating a New Policy from a Submission.