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Workflow: Create a New Policy from a Policy Template

Do you find yourself writing the same type of policy for multiple customers? If you so, you're not alone. Policies with standard lines of business and coverages are the norm in most agencies. To streamline the entry of these types of policies you can create policy templates that include typical lines of business, coverages, and limits. Creating and using these templates saves not only data entry time, but also reduces E & O because you use a previously entered and verified policy.

This workflow assumes you have already created the template and describes the steps you take to use the template to create a new policy.

Workflow Chart

Workflow Chart: Create a New Policy Using a Policy Template


Using the Full Policy Template

  1. Find Customer:

  2. From the Customer Center, search for, select, and open the customer.

  1. Initiate the copy policy action:

  2. From the menu, click Actions > Copy Policy.

  1. Copy the Template policy:

  2. On the Copy Policy window, find the template customer and choose the template policy number to copy.

  3. Enter the policy number for the policy you are creating, enter effective date, verify the company, type of business, etc.

  4. In the Options section, choose all selections under "Default from Current Customer" (doing this updates the template policy with information for the customer you are using to create the policy, saving you the time of updating or entering this information), and click OK.

  1. Enter and verify policy detail:

  2. Update the policy with specifics for the customer— locations, items, coverages, etc. and click Save.

Continue with the Additional Steps section below.

Using Line of Business Information Only

  1. Find Customer:

  2. From the Customer Center, search for, select, and open the customer.

  1. Create the new policy:

  2. From the menu, click Actions > Policy > New.

  1. Enter the new policy information:

  2. On the New Policy window, enter the policy number, enter effective date, company, type of business, transaction, billing information, etc., and click OK.

  1. Copy the line(s) of business from the template:

  2. Expand the Line of Business section and click Copy Line of Business.

  3. Find the template customer and choose the template policy number to copy.

  4. Select one or more lines of business to copy, make other selections per your agency's procedures, and click Copy Selected Line of Business.

  1. Enter and verify policy detail:

  2. Update the policy with specifics for the customer— locations, items, coverages, etc. and click Save.

Continue with the Additional Steps section below.


Additional Steps

  1. Create forms:

  2. Open eForms Manager from the menu or toolbar.

  3. Select the forms to create.

  4. Print or email the forms.

  1. Invoice the policy:

  2. Expand the Transactions Premiums/Billing section.

  3. Enter the premium for the Line of Business. If this is a package policy with multiple Lines of Business, enter the premium for each. Select New to enter Fees, Taxes, Finance, and Down Payment transactions, if applicable.  

  4. Click the Create Invoice link. The invoice data entry form opens.

  5. Verify/update the invoice transaction as necessary.

  6. Select Post, Post and Print, or Post and Email. The policy form reappears.

  1. Log Activity and create Suspense per your agency's procedures.