Reset your Login Password

User passwords are inactivated after three consecutive attempts using an incorrect password.

Auto reset the password

  1. Go to the BenefitPoint Login page.
  2. Under the Login button, click the Login/Password Help link.
  3. On the Reset Passwordpage, enter your BenefitPoint user name (your email address), and then click Submit.
  4. A system generated password will be emailed to you.
  5. Copy the password from the email.
  6. Go back to the BenefitPoint login page, enter the Username and paste the Password you just copied, and then click Login.
  7. In the Change Password window, enter a new password that is 8 to 256 characters in length in the New Password field. The password must contain three of the four following options:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Special characters allowed are: ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) _ - + = \\ } ] { [ ' : ; ? /
    • Numeric characters
  8. Reenter the password, and then click Submit.
  9. You will be automatically logged on to BenefitPoint and returned to the last logged in as role.

Click here to watch a video that shows you how to change your password.

Manually reset login password

If you are locked out, a Broker Administrator must reset your password.

  1. Log on to BenefitPoint as a Broker Admin user.
  2. On the top navigation bar click Users.
  3. Locate the user whose password needs to be changed.
  4. From the Action drop-down list select Edit User.
  5. Under the User Information section, in the Set Password to field enter a temporary password.
  6. In the Repeat password field re-enter the temporary password.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The user should then log on to BenefitPoint using the temporary password, and then update the temporary password to a permanent one that does not contain special characters.

If you are not locked out, you can manually reset your password by going to the My Profile page in BenefitPoint.

  1. Log on to BenefitPoint as a Broker user.
  2. On the top left of the page click the My Profile link.
  3. Enter the Current password, then a New password and Re-type password.
  4. Click Save.

For more information on how to make a Web Services user password non-expiring, click here.