Bind Functionality
Agency users can only bind quotes from within the system if the carrier has set up binding and has determined that the quote is bindable. Currently the only carrier agencies can bind with through the platform is AmTrust, for Workers Compensation quotes.
The carrier will indicate if it is bindable or not when the quote is returned.
If the quote is bindable, the bind screen can be launched from either of two places.
In the 3-dot Actions menu for that specific quote, select the option that says, “Bind Quote”.
On the Compare/View Quote page, select the Bind button below the name of the specific quote.
On the Bind page, the submitted quote information can be reviewed.
To select a payment type, find the Payment Information section at the bottom of the page.
Select Direct Bill or Agency Bill – a preferred payment plans dropdown will appear populated with available options sent from the carrier for the selected billing type.
Select a payment plan.
If Pay-as-you-owe is selected, the Payroll Provider dropdown field will appear. Select an option.
If Monthly self-reporting is selected, several required fields will appear. Producer name and Producer email address will prefill with the current user’s information. To proceed, fill in the CSR name and CSR email address fields.
Once all required fields are filled, click the Bind button. A modal will appear with a loading indicator.
If the bind is successful, the newly issued Policy number will load into the modal.
When the user closes the modal, they will return to the Quotes page where the status of the selected quote will be updated, and the Policy number will display in the expanded quote information.