Set Task Attributes on the To Do List Tab

Your organization may use attributes (criteria) that are evaluated in the workflow process. The results of the evaluation determine the path a task will follow in the workflow. Generally, the attributes are entered at different points (steps) in a workflow. For example, you may enter the dollar amount of a claim. When the amount attribute is evaluated, the task may or may not be routed from your step to a supervisor for review.

When attributes must be added to a task, you can use the Set Task Attributes command.

  1. Select the task in the list to which you would like to add attributes and do one of the following:
    1. Click Set Task Attributes on the Task menu.
    2. Right-click the task and click Set Task Attributes on the menu.

  1. The Specify Task Attributes dialog box presents the attributes used by your organization; therefore, it will look quite different from our example.
  2. Enter the attribute values as defined by your organization.
  3. Select the Release task option, and the task will be released automatically when you save the entered attributes. Unselect this option if you would like to retain the task in the current step.
  4. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to return without saving changes.

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