Sign Up for ProducerEDGE

You can quickly and easily create your free ProducerEDGE user account.

Use the following steps:

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Navigate to one of many different web pages that offer a way to sign up for ProducerEDGE, such as
  3. Click the Create Your Free Account or Get Started button. The Sign Up page will open.
  4. In the Let's Get to Know You section, enter information in the following required fields:
  1. In the Legal Agreements section, click the Terms of Service link to open the terms of service in a separate window.
  2. Review the terms of service, and then click to checkmark the I have read and agree to the Legal Agreements checkbox.
  3. The Security Question section helps confirm that you are an actual user and not an automated Internet spam robot. It displays distorted text images of two words or sets of numbers. In the field provided, please enter the words or numbers exactly as you see them -- in the same order and separated by a space. If you are unsure of the words, enter your best guess or click the Reload button. New images will appear. Try again. If you are visually impaired, you may ignore the distorted text images. Instead, click the Audio button to hear a set of words to enter over your computer's speakers or headset.
  4. Click the Sign Me Up button. We will send an email with an activation link to the email address you provided.
  5. Open your email client application, find the confirmation email in your inbox with a subject of "Activate Your ProducerEDGE Account," and then click the hyperlink at the bottom of the email. The Activate Your Account page will open in your browser.
  6. In the Login Information section, review the email address you entered earlier.
  7. In the Set Your Password section, in the Password field enter a password for your user account that complies with the listed password requirements. You can update your password at any time on the Account Settings page.
  8. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter the password you entered in the Password field.
  9. When you are finished, click the Get Started button. ProducerEDGE will open to your brand, new compliance Dashboard.


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