Work Queue Section
Depending on the selection criteria you choose in the Selection Panel, the Work Queue section of the Workspace page will show a table of requests. By default, the Work Queue section will show requests in your own work queue with a status of either Open or Error.
For each request it contains, the table displays the following field values:
- ID: The request record’s system-generated ID number.
- Name: The full name of the producer on the request, beginning with the last name.
- Initiated Date: The date the request entered the system.
- Request Type: The type of request.
- Current Milestone: The position at which the contract packet stands currently in the workflow process (e.g., Assigned to Specialist, Sent Approval Letter, Executed Contract, etc.)
- Recruiter: The name of the upline, supervisor, or recruiter of the producer on the request.
- Appt Results: Indicates whether or not a state appointment request was returned successfully. The absence of any indicating symbol means that no appointment was necessary. The Handshake symbol means that the state has issued an approved response to an appointment request. The symbol indicates that one or more appointment requests had a problem. You can click either symbol to open the corresponding contract packet to the Appoint tab and review appointment request details.
- Companies: The name of one or multiple appointing or underwriting companies on the request.
- Actions: Offers various controls, depending on the selected work queue, that allow you to perform actions on a request. Actions column controls include the following:
- Move to your Queue: With requests in a Department Queue or Error Queue displaying in the Work Queue section, click to move the selected request to your personal work queue, where you can open it to work on it.
- Move to Dept Queue: With requests in your own personal work queue displaying in the Work Queue section, click to move the selected request to the originating department or error queue.
- Edit Request: With requests in your own Personal Work Queue displaying in the Work Queue section that have an Open status, click to open the Review tab of the selected request, where you can update information in the request. Or, with requests displaying in your Personal Work Queue section that have an Error status, click to open the Review and Assign tab of the selected request, where you can review and resolve errors.
- View this Request: With unassigned requests in a Department Queue displaying in the Work Queue section, click to open the Review tab, where you can review the contract details. Or, with unassigned requests in an Error Queue displaying in the Work Queue section, click to open the Review and Assign tab of the selected contract packet, where you can assign the errored packet to your Personal Work Queue and resolve errors.
- View Related Requests: Click to view requests that are either related or dependent on the selected request.
- Pause Auto-Pilot: Click to pause auto-pilot processing on the request.
Sorting Requests
You can click any field name header in the Work Queue that is underlined to re-sort the requests in the table, either A to Z or Z to A alphabetically, newest to oldest or oldest to newest by date, or first to last or last to first numerically, depending on the field. The arrow indicator to the right of the field name header will indicate the sort order currently in effect (i.e., a downward arrow for descending order or an upward arrow for ascending order).
Navigating Pages of Requests
A single page in the Work Queue section displays at most 26 request records. The total number of requests identified by your selection criteria is displayed above and below the table in the Work Queue section.
If the requests table in the Work Queue section spans multiple pages, click the Next or Prev link to navigate the pages sequentially. Or, click a page number link to navigate to a specific page of requests. Or, click the First link to navigate to the first page of requests or the Last link to navigate to the last page of requests.