Maintain Appointment Profile

The Maintain Appointment Profile page is used to update or delete existing appointment profiles for any company in Producer Manager. An appointment profile associates one state, one-to-many regulated companies, and one-to-many appointment types. Appointment profiles are used to facilitate appointment and appointment termination processing. When an appointment profile is selected on the Add Appointments or TerminateAppointments page, the state, companies, and appointment types are automatically populated and selected.

To access this page, from the Licensing menu select Appointment Profile Maintenance, and then select Maintain Appointment Profile.

The Maintain Appointment Profile page is displayed. All existing profiles are listed in the Appointment Profile data table. A Delete checkbox and Edit link are displayed next to each current appointment profile.

Update an Existing Appointment Profile

To update an existing appointment profile, click the Edit link next to a current profile. The page is refreshed to show Companies and Appointment Types for the selected profile.

In the header section, the following fields are modifiable: Profile Name, Begin Date, and End Date.

To make an existing profile unavailable for future use, enter an End Date and click the Save and Return button to save changes.

Note: Note: Begin Date must be on or before the End Date. End Date must be on or before the current date.

To modify companies for the selected profile, updates can be made to the Companies section. All current profile companies are displayed in the Current Companies column on the left. All available valid companies that are not currently part of the profile are displayed in the Available Companies column on the right.

Note: Note: For an Agency or Broker/Dealer type of Producer Manager installation, a Search Carrier link is displayed in the Available Companies column. Once a Carrier has been selected, a list of Available Companies is displayed. For additional information on performing a search, refer to Search Carrier.

To add a company to the profile, check the Add checkbox next to one or more available companies. Click the Save button to save changes or the Cancel button to exit without saving changes.

To modify appointment types for the selected profile, check the target companies and then make changes in the Appointment Types section of the page.

Delete an Existing Appointment Profile

To delete an existing appointment profile, check the Delete checkbox to the left of the profile record. Click on the Delete button to delete all records with a check in the Delete checkbox and refresh the Maintain Appointment Profile page.

Click the Cancel button to exit without saving changes.


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