Maintain Carrier Address and Phone

Use the Maintain Contact Information page to view and maintain information pertaining to a carrier.

To access this page, from the Review/Update Carrier page click on the Click Here to Add/Update/Delete Contact Information link..

If the page does not display the carrier you wish to work with, you can click the Search Carrier link at the top right of the page.

In the Addresses section, current information will be displayed, if any.

Add Contact Information

To add new contact information, click on the Add New Address link on the top right of the Addresses section. This will jump the cursor down to the first field in the Address Information section. You can also simply begin filling in the information in these fields.

Required fields are as follows:

  • Type

  • Line One

  • City

  • State Province or Country (only one is allowed)

When you have finished entering your data, click the Save button to save the new address.

To discard your changes and return to the previous page you were on, click the Return button.

Edit Contact Information

In the Addresses section, click the Edit icon () next to the address you'd like to modify. This will populate the fields in the Address Information section, and you can then change, add or remove any data you choose. Required fields are as follows:

  • Type

  • Line One

  • City

  • State Province or Country (only one is allowed)

When you have finished entering your data, click the Save button to save the new address.

To discard your changes and return to the previous page you were on, click the Return button.

Delete Contact Information

To delete existing contact information, click to checkmark the checkbox next to the contact information you wish to delete and the click the Delete button.

To discard your changes and return to the previous page you were on, click the Return button.


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