Activity List Report

A new report has been added to the MAR database where users can access activity data, including appended items.

  1. Verify with the VSSO admin that the user is granted security access to the new MAR report

  2. Login to My Agency Reports

  3. Select report template "Activity List Report"

  4. Select "Criteria"

    1. Criteria selections:

      1. Center

        1. Centers available for selection:

          1. Bank, Broker, Company, Customer, Employee, Financial & Vendor

        2. Customer center selection will include additional criteria selections for:

          1. Customer Business Unit

          2. Policy

            1. Transaction Type

            2. Type of Business

            3. Company

            4. Personnel

          3. Include Customers for my Service Group

      2. Date Selection

        1. Type

          1. Activity Date or System Logged Date

        2. Date range (defaults to current date)

        3. Number of days old (defaults to 90 days)

          1. Character limit 0-9999

      3. Action Type

        1. "All" or "Select Multiple"

      4. Entered By

        1. "All" or "Select Multiple"

          1. Check box to include activities appended by selected user(s)

      5. Additional Filters

        1. Only include activities with attachments

        2. Only include appended activities

  5. Once your selections have been made, run the report.

Report Column Detail
Activity Date Date entered by user to document activity
System Logged Date Date activity was saved to the database
Appended Y or N (each appended item will return its own row to the report)
Entity Center to which the activity is attached
Name Based on the center, the entity name (e.g., customer name, bank name, company name) on the activity
Customer Name Customer Last name / First name on the activity
Customer Number Customer account number
Customer Division The division assigned to the customer on the activity
Customer Branch The branch assigned to the customer on the activity
Customer Department The department assigned to the customer on the activity
Customer Group The group assigned to the customer on the activity
Action The action (e.g., form letters, billing, application) selected for the activity
Description The activity description
Entered By The name of the employee who entered the activity
Append Date Date an append was added to the activity
Append Description Information added to the activity with the append
Appended By The name of the employee who entered the appended data
Policy Number The policy number to which the activity is attached
Policy ID The database ID for the policy attached to the activity
Policy Term The policy's effective and expiration dates
Transaction Date The transaction's effective date of the policy associated with the activity
Transaction The policy transaction attached to the activity
Type of Business The type of business (e.g., personal lines, commercial lines, life) associated with the activity
Policy Division The division assigned to the policy on the activity
Policy Branch The branch assigned to the policy on the activity
Policy Department The department assigned to the policy on the activity
Policy Group The group assigned to the policy on the activity
Parent Company The parent company associated with the activity
Writing Company The writing company associated with the activity
Claim Number The claim number of the claim to which the activity is attached, if any
Loss Date The loss date of the claim to which the activity is attached, if any
Policy Executive The executive associated with the activity
Policy CSR The CSR on the policy that is attached to the activity
Policy Broker The broker on the policy who is attached to the activity, if any
Lines of Business All lines of business entered for the policy associated with the activity
Group Type The group type selected for the activity, if any
Group The group selected for the activity, if any




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