Print Options Dialog Box

The Print Options dialog box appears after you click Save on a Report Selections page or click Save & Print from a Form Preview page. This dialog box provides several options for viewing and printing the report, as indicated by the options on the top of the screen.

The options available on this dialog box vary depending on selections made on the Agency-Wide Printed Forms Maintenance page and the type of job you are printing. If you encounter differences that require an explanation, see the topic for the specific task you are trying to perform.

Note that the Print Options dialog box displays the name of the report you have selected directly above the options on the box if you select a report with multiple options.




Use this option to process and print reports, forms, and schedules. You can specify the printer to use and the number of copies to print.


Use this option to open the Send a Fax dialog box and then process and send reports, forms, and schedules. The availability of the Fax option depends on the Personalization settings entered in the Forms File and whether Sagittasupports

Print & Fax

Use this option to open the Send a Fax dialog box to process and send reports, and to print them. The availability of the Fax option depends on the Personalization settings entered in the Forms File and whether Sagittasupports


Use this option to review reports, forms, and schedules in Adobe PDF (Portable Document Format) using the Adobe Acrobat Reader. From Acrobat, you can save, print or email reports, forms, and schedules. You can view Accounting Reports, such as the Preliminary Invoice Register and the Operating Statement, that have multiple report versions.

Selecting this option enables you to view and review reports with Update functionality before you update your system. You can update a report if you view it using Acrobat; you cannot update it using the Screen option.


Use this option to view reports on Sagitta after processing. Using the Screen option, you can view Accounting Reports, such as the Preliminary Invoice Register and the Operating Statement, that have multiple report versions.

When you select the Screen option, the Report View Page appears. You can click the printer icon on the tool bar to access a drop-down menu with two options, Sagitta Print and Windows Print. After viewing the report, you can click the Printer icon and use either Sagitta Printing to print or fax the report, or use Windows Printing to print the report. For more information about these options, see Report View Page.

You cannot update reports or print forms using the Screen option. Use the Acrobat option or Print option if you want to update reports or print forms.


Use this option to add reports to the list of reports on the Batch Process page. The availability of the Batch option depends on whether Sagitta supports batch processing for the specific report.


Use this option to add the report to the Overnight processing queue. Overnight Report Processing occurs immediately after that night's File Save. (For the report to be included in that night's processing, you must add the report to the queue before the File Save begins.) The availability of the Overnight option depends on whether Sagitta supports Overnight Report Processing for the specific report.


Use this option to exit from the Print Options dialog box and return to your report selection screen.


Indicate the number of copies to print. The system assumes one copy unless you change it. You may print up to 999 copies.


Select the printer that you want to send this report to. You can type the printer number, or click the Lookup icon to select from a list of printers.

To accommodate large print jobs, make sure the printer has a large supply of paper loaded.



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