SalesTrack > How To > Work with Goals > Goal Metrics

Goal Metrics

A goal metric represents a type of measurement for a goal, such as Amount or Count. The Amount metric type is the money value, an integer, or a decimal number. The Count metric type is an integer. For example, you can use the Amount (money) goal metric to track the revenues and premium from all your opportunities closed. An integer type can be used to track sales calls made by a producer. A decimal number can represent a product sold by weight, such as grain or sugar. The SalesTrack application comes with two default goal metrics—Premium and Revenue measured by the metric type amount. Agencies can create their own Count and Amount based metric.

Only an agency admin and Sales Manager can add or edit goal metrics.


Create a Goal Metric

  1. On the top navigation bar click Sales and select the Goal Metrics tile. A list of goal metrics appears.
  2. On the top command bar click + New. The new goal metric page appears.
  3. In the General Section, you will define the metric. Enter the Name for the metric.
  4. Choose the Metric Type as a Count or Amount. For this instruction we chose Count.
  5. If you chose Amount for the Metric type, then from the Amount Data Type drop-down choose Money, Decimal or Integer. For this instruction we chose Integer.
  6. Check mark if you’d like to Track Stretch Target.
  7. Click Save. You must click Save to be able to add Roll Up Query.
  8. Click inside the Rollup Field and then, on the top, click Add New Rollup Field. The rollup field page appears.
  9. In Step 1, from the Rollup Field drop-down choose ActualActual roll-up refers to money or count achieved within a given period. For example if an opportunity is closed as “Won”, an amount of revenue generated from this opportunity can be rolled into the Actual field., or In-ProgressThe In-progress field refers to money or count not achieved yet, but is in the works within a given period. For example, if an opportunity is “Open”, the opportunity’s estimated revenue can be added to the in-progress money amount rollup field..
  10. In Step 2, from the Source Record TypeThe Source Record Type refers to the data which is being rolled up, such as lead, activity, opportunity, or sales order. choose from a variety of record types. For this instruction we chose Phone Call.
  11. From the Source Record Type State drop-down list select Open, Completed or Cancelled. We chose Completed.
  12. From the Source Record TypeStatus drop-down list select the appropriate option. We chose Made.
  13. In Step 3, from the Record Type drop-down list select type of record. We chose Phone Call.
  14. From the Date FieldThe date type attribute in the Source Record Type which is compared against the timelines of the goal to decide if a record contributes towards this goal or not. E.g. When we calculate goals based on Premium metric from Opportunity entity, the date field for Actual is set to Actual Close Date. This means the date on which the opportunity is closed will be used to calculate the goals. Similarly the date field for In Progress is set to Est. Close Date. This date value will be used to check if it falls in the goal time period. drop-down list select an option. We chose Actual End.
  15. Click Save and Close. This rollup field will now appear in the Goal Metric page.
  16. Enter a Description of the Goal Metric if required.
  17. Click Save and Close.

Edit Goal Metrics

  1. On the top navigation bar click Sales and select the Goal Metrics tile. A list of goal metrics appears.
  2. Select the metric you want to edit, and then on the top command bar click Edit.
  3. Make the appropriate changes and then click Save.

Delete Goal Metrics

  1. On the top navigation bar click Sales and select the Goal Metrics tile. A list of goal metrics appears.
  2. Select the metric you want to delete, and then on the top command bar click Delete. A confirmation message appears.
  3. Click Delete.

If there are goals using the goal metric, the system will not allow to delete it.



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