Activate VSSO for existing users of AMS360, PL Rating, and other products

If your agency is transitioning to VSSO, you can activate VSSO for your user's existing accounts. There are steps for the administrator to complete, and a few steps for the users to complete.

In this topic, you'll find the steps to activate your existing users, and email templates that you can use to notify your users of the transition and the steps they'll need to take next.

The following Vertafore products currently support this option:

  • AMS360 (fully licensed users)
  • PL Rating
  • ReferenceConnect
  • WorkSmart Online (WSOL)
  • To configure AMS360 users for VSSO that do not have full licenses and cannot login to AMS360, such as a producer that needs access to AMS360 information in another product like Vertafore Agency SalesTrack or AMS360 Mobile, please follow the instructions in Add and configure AMS360 users.
  • Do not create new accounts in VSSO for users that already have an account in one of these products. If you do, you’ll end up with duplicate accounts, and one of them will have no connection to the user’s existing information.