
Applies to: Bank Center, Broker Center, Company Center, Employee Center, Vendor Center

Notes view displays all notes for the selected bank, broker, company, employee or vendor. Notes are used to provide additional information about the specific entity (name).

Key Fields

Paper Clip

An icon in this column indicates that attachments, such as Word documents or images, are associated with the Note. Click the icon to view the attachments. ClosedMore...

Unless you are granted security rights, you do not see the icon for attachments classified as Hidden (Restricted). For more information about document security, see the topic Workflow: Set Up Doc360 Security.


The notes appear in the list by as Critical,Normal, or Low priority. Critical priority notes appear first, in date order, then normal, then low.


Click to open the Notes data entry form so that you can view the full text of the Note and/or make changes.


Description of the note. Longer notes are truncated. To see the full text, click the date to open the Notes data entry form.

Purge Date

The date this note is scheduled to be purged from AMS360. Notes scheduled for purge are not deleted until the daily process is run with the appropriate options selected.

If the Purge Date is blank, the Note will remain unless deleted manually.

By default, views and lists are limited to 100 items per page. In some Views you can choose to see more items, do any of the following, if available:

    • Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to view additional pages.*

    • Set the Max # of Records Returned field to a value greater than 100 in View Options.*

    • Use View Options to filter the results of your search.

For more information, see How to Sort Lists and Setting View Options.

*Not available for all lists.

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