Enhancements to BenefitPoint
Note: This update is part of the AMS360 20R2 release. Navigate to the AMS360 2020 20R2 Release Notes to review other enhancements and fixes that were part of the release. |
The new integration uses our EMS API technology and we have changed this integration from a Direct Bill Entry Statement to Customer Center Billed. This is so that we can post in items individually and only return the items that cannot be matched. In addition, we have improved the error messages so you will easily know what needs to be corrected and we have created a new report titled Direct Bill Invoice.
The new statement integration is for on-line customers who do Accrual accounting only
AMS360: Policies

With the first invoice posting the policy will be flagged with a data entry origin of Benefit Point and the policy will be changed to Customer Center billed
A BenefitPoint Icon will display next to the policy and on the register view
Because of this origin, these policies cannot be pulled to a Direct Bill Statement
The Premium does not need to exist on the policy to have an invoice posted
Because of this, the Unbilled Premium field in the UI could show a negative value in the cases where the Billed amount is greater than the available Transaction Premium
How the Unbilled Premium is calculated has not changed
The Premium does not need to be included on the statement to have the invoice posted
Not all the employees receiving commission on the statement need to exist on the policy in AMS360
You will still only pay an employee once on an invoice
A broker will need to exist on the policy to pay commission to a broker
AMS will not enforce that the commission amount be equal to the commission percentage
This is due to different rounding rules in BP as compared to AMS
All Invoice Dates will be the date of posting unless changed
The reason for changing the effective date would be to do a future effective dated policy
The GL posting cannot be less than the policy effective date
The GL posting date will be changed in these circumstances to be the policy effective date

- The GL posting date can now be selected in BenefitPoint
- There are permissions for allowing backdating or not
- There will be no Direct Bill Entry statements in the company center
- There is a new Direct Bill Invoice report that can be run by the BP statement ID, Date, or invoice range
- The new report will also show if items did not post
- The new report will reflect GL posting dates

Processing a void in BP will now void the invoice that was first created

- You will receive an error if you try to post a direct bill invoice to an agency billed policy
- Currently there is a 10,000-row limit on posting an individual statement
- There is a 99-invoice limit on posting to a single policy on a single statement