AMS360 2020 20R2 Release Notes
Vertafore is pleased to release AMS360 2020 R2. With this release, we are incrementally improving and updating AMS360 to provide you with the best possible experience.
Click Here for .pdf print out.

Minimum workstation requirements as shown in the AMS360 2020 R2 Online Configuration Guide.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (32-bit) with default settings
- Microsoft has announced that beginning August 17, 2021, all Microsoft 365 apps and services will no longer support IE 11; Vertafore recommends customers use Microsoft Edge or Chrome with AMS360
- Microsoft Edge
- Google Chrome
Operating Systems
- Microsoft Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- Microsoft Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Microsoft Office
- Office 2016 (32-bit)
- Office 2019 (32- and 64-bit)
- .NET 4.7 (required)

Microsoft Office
- Office 365 (32-bit and 64-bit)
- We only support Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook locally.

XPS message
Microsoft has changed the way that they are giving customers the XPS viewer which is used for some functionality in eForms manager.
Depending on the build number of the OS that you have, you may need to install the new viewer. Click here for more details.
You will receive the following error message when the system is logging an activity using print functionality vs. fax or email.
AMS360 Message

Enhancement |
Description |
There is now a view option in the Customer center which will allow a customer record to automatically open if only one result is returned in the customer search. This option can be turned on/off and saved to a User/Agency or System default. |
Your Microsoft Outlook Add-in will now have Customer Search and Attachments enhancements included. |
The new integration uses our EMS API technology and we have changed this integration from a Direct Bill Entry Statement to Customer Center Billed. This is so that we can post in items individually and only return the items that cannot be matched. In addition, we have improved the error messages so you will easily know what needs to be corrected and we have created a new report titled Direct Bill Invoice. |
On the policy winform it is now impossible to use the scroll wheel on the Business Unit fields and change their values. These fields must first be selected by clicking the drop-down arrow and can then be used by the scroll wheel to pick a new value. This update is to prevent accidental changes to business units prior to invoicing the policy. |
Auto Populate Estimated Revenue | The Estimated Revenue Percent will now auto populate on a new policy. It is important to note that this is just an estimate and may not be the same as the Actual Revenue (Agency Commission) as the number will be based on Premiums and does not include fees. |
Other Major Enhancements
Enhancement |
Description |
InsurLink Update | The InsurLink link is moving from the Views section to the Actions section under Integration Partners. In addition, when you click on InsurLink a new tab in your browser will open with the application. |
Proposal Builder Integration |
Proposal Builder is a new feature for AMS360 Online users that aims to deliver time savings, branding consistency, and lower E&O risks. There are two roles in Proposal Builder, Admin and Account Manager. Admin users can customize every aspect of their organization’s proposals to ensure consistent branding style and messaging. This includes standardized cover page and document formatting, reusable sections, the ability to import AMS360 data, and setting the proposal structure. Account Managers use the standardized brand styles and content as building blocks to create professional and consistent proposals quickly. |
Revenue Recognition Report Enhancements | We have made several enhancements to both Revenue Recognition reports (Employee Benefits and P&C) with the overall goal of condensing data and improving data integrity. |
New Security for a Primary Service Group on Create Policy form |
New security measures have been added to the Primary Service group component that will prevent users with No Access from changing personnel on the Create New Policy form.
Commercial Blanket Updates | We have updated the commercial blanket coverage on a policy to meet the current ACORD standard. This includes adding a separate section for creating blanket coverages with blanket numbers, adding an ability to select a blanket number on a location/building in the premise section and have the blanket data auto-populate to that premise. We also updated the AL3 import and export functions. Old style blankets in the premise section remain as legacy information but do not import or export. |
Notification Service Setup |
Vertafore has extended notification services so that external applications are now notified whenever activities either:
Added Activity Actions |
We have added the following Actions to the Activity/Suspense Setup winform.
Mobile App Login Tracking |
There is now a way to track which user’s login using the mobile application. We have a new Activity Action for Mobile. If this Activity Action is active it will track who is logged via the Mobile Application. With an added auditing capability, you will now be able to report on who logged in with the Mobile app. This will help you track how much the mobile app is being used and by whom. |
Application Catalog | There is now an application catalog accessible for administrators which allows agencies to subscribe to third party applications. To take advantage, an agency will need to contact Vertafore and the third-party application provider. |

Added keyboard shortcuts to the description field in the Outlook Add-in feature
Fixed an issue with customer statements showing the time of the policy term:
Defect: 10/14/2020 12:00:00AM – 10/14/2021 12:00:00AM
Fix: 10/14/2020 – 10/14/2021
Fixed an issue with the customer statement report:
Defect: 10/14/2020 – 01/01/9999
Fix: 10/14/2020 – Continuous
Fixed an issue with saving the Type of Business on Service Agreements
Fixed an issue with alerts failing to generate for increased full-term premiums

The ACC API configuration name search was returning wrong results
You were unable to process Accounting Deletes in the 20R1 release
We modified the Invoice number field to display additional digits without truncating
You were unable to Resize the Create New Policy window
Estimated Revenue is now calculated for Fees
Fee policies were missing from the Employee Benefit Revenue Recognition Report
Cancellation Transactions were repeating rows due to Direct Bill Entry changed effective dates on the Employee Benefit Revenue Recognition Report
Populating estimated revenue was not happening when using the copy line of business
You were previously unable to use the Automated Distribution with the new Micro Soft office update
The Direct Bill Invoice report did not run by collection ID
We updated the Name on the Link for Commercial Submissions
Service Agreement - The Associated Policy was experiencing slowness during an SQL refactoring
We addressed the slowness issue when accessing Associated Policy inside of Service Agreements
The Service Agreement was reporting double the information the on Customer Register
Prior Policy was not saving under the Basic Policy Information
You were unable to Invoice Service Agreements without a Branch Activated
Implement IVANS REST services performance enhancements
We updated the API call to include Company/Product/Version
Transfer Manager 4.1 migration script for Online
IVANS Communication Type defaults value to the correct setting when a Customer is created for Online customers
We displayed an Enabled checkbox in the Download setup form for customers that are migrated from Transfer Manager to the REST services
Their were corrections on Invoices causing unnecessary extra transactions on Commission Payable Statement
Payment Import deposits were being applied to Insured Accounts Receivable instead of Broker Accounts Receivable
The Unified Login was updated for the Samesite Issue

The default commissions, in the billing for Executive under Billing Charges and Credits Changes, was getting lost during an upgrade
The Direct Bill Statement was duplicating policies in other pay plans
The Automated Jobs export was not being completed correctly
There were problems with the EMS Service Employees display in Suspense Reports
In AMS360 the Agency Downloads were not being received
We introduced some performance improvements to the WorkSmart Online integration process with AMS360
You were unable to resize the Create New Policy window
The Estimated Revenue Percentage in My Agency Reports was not uploading to the Book of Business Report
Farm & Ranch were missing coverages after endorsement
The Import Deposits were not being applied to an account
We introduced roll back changes to the P&C Revenue Recognition report
You were unable to save a policy when a contact, with an international phone number, was being pulled from the Customer contacts
Additional event logging for Job Steps was not being displayed in the Agency Data Base
You were unable to process Accounting Deletes
You were unable to edit or invoice Policies due to an Error: BRSuspendedBillingCondition(): Did not find INVBE row for the suspended billing
Automated Distribution Branch Merge Fields were not pulling correctly in the header & footer when Customer changes were being implemented

- You were unable to update contacts in Internet Explorer
- The My Agency Reports 19R2 release was showing the Cancellation Report Processes with 0 results

Users were unable to download the AMS client through Google Chrome
All claims downloads from United Fire Casualty were rejecting in AMS360 due to an error: Error Saving Claim Data – Object Reference not sent to an instance of an object
• The signature was printing below the signature line on the Agency Source check stock
Agency Downloads were not received
In certain scenarios, the Sub-Customer Number (SC#) was duplicating unnecessarily on the invoice form for each line item in the invoice
The Automated Distribution Cust_GLBrLogo Merge Field was not populating correctly
Trust Transfer posted with unrelated journal entry or interbank transfer
In some instances, users were unable to create Trust Transfer
Errors while using AMS360 with the message Controller_003: An error occurred
Service Only Licenses could not be added if all Online Licenses were used
Policies with multiple Lines of Business would not export to WorkSmart

We updated the AMS360 Message Log for 20R1/20R2

Advanced invoices that were voided were not clearing out of receivable
Agencies were unable to complete a purge, receiving the error message Purge was interrupted
The “On Account” balance appeared twice on the Customer Register
The ONS Queue Report displayed errors
Interdivision customer receipts appeared incorrectly—the interdivisional general ledger account was included in receipt vouchers and the bank deposit report doubled the receipt amount
“Checks to be Printed” were not showing as expected in the Quick Reports
EMS (API) Service Employees should display in activity reports
In certain scenarios, the Sub-Customer Number was duplicating unnecessarily on the invoice form for each line item in the invoice
Increased Full Term and Premium Alerts were not generating as expected
In certain scenarios, Trust Transfer was posting in error to unrelated Journal Entry
Trust Transfer displayed incorrect invoices based on the display option selection
Invoices were not pulling into Trust Transfer as expected
In certain scenarios, users were missing download files from Progressive
No downloads were being received for certain customer databases
The Production Analysis report experienced latency/not generating with high-record volume
The signature was printing below the signature line on the Agency Source check stock
Client Rev 10 communication service would not connect unless the host file was modified
The Diagnose360 tool showed a red X for the AMS360 Communication Service SSL/Bindings

Invoice descriptions overlapped

Fixed Blanket Policy NPR conversion process
Fixed error running Submission Tracking Report
Master description was not updating holder descriptions when there are more than 25 holders
Rewritten Policies showed an unbilled amount on Employee Benefits Revenue Recognition Report
There was Negative Unbilled Revenue on Revenue Recognition Report - Employee Benefits
AMS360 Mobile users received Uh Oh connection error when they attempt to select agency after logging in
Dev Portal - oData V22/V21/V20 - users were unable to update/change a Policy Transaction that has a Policy effective date greater than T00:00:00Z. It would continue to update the original Policy Transaction that has the effective date of T00:00:00Z.

If you encounter problems or have questions regarding this releases, Vertafore offers the following helpful resources:
- Search the Knowledge Base on MyVertafore.
- Open a case at MyVertafore.

We value your feedback to ensure we are working on what is most important to you. If you have an idea to improve the product, you can suggest and vote on product enhancement requests on Vertafore Ideas. On My Vertafore, click Submit Idea in the upper right corner of the page. We appreciate your input to help us provide you with the highest quality product.
For more information on using Ideas, please see the following documents. You must be registered with My Vertafore and signed in to access these documents.
• Ideas Overview (Doc ID: 13054)
• How to Submit Ideas (Doc ID: 13049)
• What are the statuses in Vertafore Ideas? (Doc ID: 13055)