Options Page

Use the Options Page to customize the display of the data grids at your workstation. The selections you make on this page will determine which of the options listed below will be displayed on your workstation:

  • Only active records, which have not been dated off, on your grids.
  • Only active memos and open losses (claims).
  • Only the most current form version, when you are creating forms.
  • My Recent Clients, listed in chronological order by clients most recently accessed, or shown in alphabetical order by client last name.

How to Access This Page

Open the Sagitta Options Page by clicking "Options from the Global Navigation Menu."

Options on This Page

Click the checkbox in the "Yes" column to select an option.

Display Only Active Records as of Today at the CLIENT Level.

Select this option to display only records that are active as of the current date, such as Holders on Client Primary Navigation. Active records are those that are not "dated off."

Inactive records, which are those that have been dated off, appear at the bottom of the grid. For more information, see Dating Off a Record.

Display Only Active Records as of the Latest Transaction Effective Date at the POLICIES Level.

Select this option to display only records active as of the latest transaction effective date, such as Drivers, Vehicles, and Locations, on the Grid. Active records are those that are not dated off.

Display Only Active Policies.

Select this option to display only active policies on the grid. If you select this option, the system checks the Status field and the Expiration Date fields on the Policies Data Grid List page; it determines that a policy is inactive if the code in the Status field on the grid list is Canceled or Not Renewed and the policy expiration date is earlier than the system date.

Policies that do not meet these criteria are considered active.

Continuous policies, which have a term of C — Continuous, may have a CNR entry, such as C(anceled), with no policy expiration date. These policies are considered inactive because they have been canceled.

Display Only Memos Without a Completed Date

Select this option to display open Memos under Activity Log on the grid. Open Memos will show no date in the "Completed On" field on the Activity Log.

Display Only Losses Without a Closed Date  

Select this option to display open Losses on the Claims grid. Open Losses are those with any status other than C — Claim Closed in the "Status of Claim" field on the Claims page.

Always Use the Most Current ACORD Form Version

Select this option to automatically display the most current version of a multiple-version form, regardless of the number of form versions available for that form on your system.

Alphabetize Recent Clients on the Home Page

Select this option to display your list of Recent Clients in alphabetical order by Client Code, rather than in chronological order by the most recently accessed client. The default setting is "chronological order."

Display Completed Items Chronologically

Select this option to display Client Activities on the Activities grid in chronological order by Entry Date at your workstation.

The element "Display Completed Client Activities Chronologically" is not available from the Sagitta Options page if it is set on the System Personalization page for the entire agency.

To display all Activities on the Activity Log chronologically, simply select Entry Date on the "Sort By" field, leave the Status field blank, and then click "Search." (Leaving the field blank will select both Open and Completed activities.) To select Open Activities only, or Closed Activities only, select the appropriate option from the Status field.

Enable Enhanced Display (Not Applicable for Users of Edge in IE11 Mode)

Select this option to display the new Home Page with Widgets at your workstation.

Number of Days Prior to Today / Effective Date for Active Cutoff Date

This field is used in conjunction with the "Date Off" date assigned to an item, plus at least one of the first three "active" options on this page (e.g., “Display Only Active Records As of Today at the CLIENT Level" or "Display Only Active Records as of the Latest Transaction Effective Date at the POLICES Level" or "Display Only Active Policies").

Enter a value in this field to set the Cutoff Date, which include dated-off items in an active grid. Specifically, if an item has a date assigned for Date Off, the item continues to display in the active grid until the item falls outside the extended range.  

If no value is entered in this field, the current date is considered the Cutoff Date and any item that includes a Date Off equal to or earlier than the system date will not appear within the active grid.

Because there is no distinction between a business or a weekend day, the grid includes weekend days. For example, if you enter a Cutoff value of “15” days, any item with a Date Off equal to 6/1 will display within the grid until 6/15.

Available System Information

You cannot change system information; it is for informational purposes only and includes the software release plus the login ID, division, port, current user account, SQL DataBase(s), and the server to which the user is attached. This information is flag-driven and can be hidden by the system administrator.

User Information

You cannot change user information; it is for informational purposes only. The Vertafore Services Authentication Registration Status will display "Not Enabled" (for native login) or "Enabled" (for SSO-enabled)

User Password Reset Security Questions

If your agency has opted into "Allow User Password Reset," the option to edit security questions will be displayed. Click "Edit," select a new question, and then post the answer in the Answer field. Click "Save" to reset the question. The question will then be used the next time a password is reset.


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