System Personalization Page

Use the System Personalization page to set the number of records that the system:

  • Automatically displays when you click the Lookup icon at a Lookup list field;
  • Searches when you use the “Lookup” feature;
  • Displays when you use Client Search;
  • Displays for My Recent Clients.

You can also use this page to determine whether the system adds imported holder records to the database or matches imported holder records to existing records.

Use this page to enter your AMSeForms Agency Identifier and to link to the AMSeForms Personalization page, where you can personalize your AMSeForms Forms Selection List; personalize a specific LOB; change the AMSeForms Personalization password; add signatures for inclusion on Forms; and add a fax logo to your agency's fax cover sheet.

You can also use this page to set a flag that indicates whether all or some reports can be sent to agency staff members that are on a Report Distribution List.

How to Access this Page

To access the System Personalization page, from the Sagitta Home Page, select:

Other > Personalization > System > System Personalization.

Global Default Value Section Options

  • Maximum Automatic Lookup Display Record Count –- Use this field to set the number of records that are automatically pre-filled to the Lookup window. The default setting for this field is 50; the maximum limit that will automatically pre-fill to the Lookup window is 500.

    When you click a Lookup icon, the system compares the Maximum Automatic Lookup Display Record Count value against the number of items in the Lookup list.

    If the number of list items is less than the Record Count value, the list items are automatically displayed. You do not have to click the Search button.

    If the number of list items equals or exceeds the Record Count set, you must click the Search button to display the list items.

Example: You change the Maximum Automatic Lookup Display Record Count field to 100.

Scenario 1: You click the Lookup icon on a field that has 200 list items. Because the number of list items exceeds your default setting of 100, you must click Search to display the items.

Scenario 2: You click the Lookup icon on a field that has 50 list items. Because there are fewer list items than your default setting of 100, the 50 items are automatically displayed. 

  • Maximum Lookup Display Record Count –- Use this field to set the record limit for searching large files. The default setting for this field is 10,000; the maximum limit you can enter is 999,999.

    As you increase the record limit, you increase the time required to search a file. If a file that you search has records in excess of the limit you set, you receive the error message, “Lookup is not allowed for ##### records!”

  • Maximum Recent Clients –- Use this field to set the number of client records to display under My Recent Clients. The list is the user’s most recently accessed client records. My Recent Clients appears on the Navigation Panel on the Sagitta Home Page and with the Client Search.

    The default number of clients is 10; the maximum number of clients that can be displayed is 25.  If you reduce the number entered for Maximum Recent Clients, the message: Recent Clients for all users will be permanently reduced to this number after saving – Proceed?, appears. If more than 10, a scroll bar appears in My Recent Clients and you must scroll to see additional clients.

The list for My Recent Clients is displayed in ascending order, with the most recently accessed clients listed first. Each user can arrange clients in alphabetical order by “checking off” the Alphabetize Recent Clients option on the Sagitta Browser Options page to Yes.

  • Maximum My Workflows (Workflows not available.)

  • Client Search Display Record Count -- Use this field to set the default number of client records that are displayed when you use the Client Search to look up and load a client.

    You can change this number by changing the number in the maximum Records field on the Client Search window.

  • Number of Days to Store Login Info -- Use this field to set the number of user login history records that are stored. The number entered in this field determines the number of days the file is stored before it is automatically purged.

  • Number of Days to Store Partner Audit Login Info -- Use this field to set the number of login history records that are stored for integrations. The number entered in this field determines the number of days the file is stored before it is automatically purged.

  • Display Completed Client Activities Chronologically -- Use this option to make an agency-wide setting that determines the display order of the Client Activities grid for Client Activities for all agency staff members by choosing Yes.

    Client Activities are then displayed on the Client Activities grid in chronological order by Entry Date. Because the grid is sorted in Entry Date order, both open and completed activities are displayed in chronological order.

    If you do not select this option:

  • open Client Activities appear in chronological order by Entry Date at the top of the list, and completed activities continue to drop to the bottom of the list, with the most recently closed activity at closed activity at the very bottom.

  • other agency staff members can set this option for their own workstations on the Sagitta Browser Options page.

If you select this option, it is not available to users on the Sagitta Browser Options page.

  • AMSeForms Agency Identifier -- Use this field to enter your AMSeForms Agency Identifier, a value used by Sagitta and the AMSeForms Authorization List in AMSeForms to validate your agency's access to Forms.

    Assign one Agency Identifier to each agency database. You can keep the current name of your agency database (e.g. gemdata), if you like, or you can assign a new Agency Identifier. The Agency Identifier cannot exceed 20 characters in length.

    For example, if the current name of your agency database is gemdata, you may enter gemdata as your Agency Identifier.

Link to AMSeForms Personalization Page (Hyperlink)

Click the Link to AMSeForms Personalization Page hyperlink to access the AMSeForms Personalization page from your workstation. Use the AMSeForms Personalization page to personalize your AMSeForms Forms Selection List; personalize a specific LOB; change the AMSeForms Personalization password; add signatures for inclusion on Forms; and add a fax logo to your agency's fax cover sheet. Open the AMSeForms Personalization Help file for information about all of these pages.

In order to access this page, you must have already personalized your system for AMSeForms. For more information, seePersonalizing Your System for AMSeForms.

Display Report Distribution List? Option

The selection made here determines whether the Report Distribution list option appears on Report Selection pages. Use the Report Distribution List option to create a list of one or more Sagitta users to whom you want to send the report.

You can “turn-off” the Distribution list option for all reports or for one or more specific reports.

Yes is the default selection. When Yes is selected, you can make a selection from the Reports field drop-down menu. The default value for the Reports field is blank.

If Display Report Distribution List? is set to Yes, and Reports is set to:

  • Blank, the Report Distribution List option appears on all Report Selection pages that support this option.
  • Include, you can select Report IDs for only those reports, such as the Production Report (IR.300), that should display the Report Distribution list option in the multi-value text box that appears to the right of the option. Use Search (the Lookup icon) to select one or more reports.
  • Exclude, you can select the Report IDs for only those reports that should not display the Report Distribution list option in the multi-value text box that appears to the right of the option. Use Search (the Lookup icon) to select one or more reports.

If Display Report Distribution List? is set to No, you cannot make any further selections, and none of your Report Selection pages display the Report Distribution list option.

Allow Change of Policy Division

Allow change of Policy Division -- The drop-down menu will only be displayed if the Client Level Security release has been loaded into your system. It is a global flag for all users.

  1. No or blank –- Users will not be able to change the division on a policy

  2. Yes –- Users will be able to change the division on a policy

Enable AgencyOne

Enable AgencyOne? –- Determines whether AgencyOne is enabled for your agency.

  1. Yes –- AgencyOne is enabled

  2. No or blank –- AgencyOne and its features are not enabled

No. of Lines Section

Toss Words grid -- Use this grid to add commonly used words or abbreviations to the "Toss file" on your system. Eliminating words commonly found in your data base, such as "ST" (Street) and "RD" Road", tells the system not to search for them, reducing the number of results you receive when including common terms in your searches.

Example:  If you have 1000 clients with a "Main Street" address, including MAIN STREET in the Toss Words file eliminates it from the search.

Toss words must be entered in all uppercase letters.

Allow change of Policy Division -- The dropdown menu will display only if Client Level Security has been loaded into your system. It is a global flag for all users.

  1. No or blank –- Users will not be able to change the division on a policy

  2. Yes –- User will be able to change the division on a policy

Enable AgencyOne? –- The selection here determines whether AgencyOne is enabled for your agency.

  1. Yes –- AgencyOne is enabled

  2. No or blank –- AgencyOne and its features are disabled

Buttons within the Toss Words Grid




Put another word or abbreviation in the "Toss" file. When you have finished adding words, click Save; to continue adding words, click Save & Add.


Change a word or abbreviation. Click the line you want to change and then click Edit. Then click Save to record your changes.


Delete a word from the "Toss" file.


Print a list of the words or abbreviations in the "Toss" file.





Record your entries on this page.


Exit the page without saving your changes.

Important After entering Toss Words you must rebuild the CLIENTS cross references files and run the Batch Process. Sagitta recognizes the Toss Words only after you run the following process.

  1. When you have added new or edited Toss Words open the Rebuild Cross Reference Files by clicking Other > Personalization > System > Rebuild Cross Reference Files.
  2. Enter CLIENTS for the file name.
  3. Click Save.
  4. At the Print Options Page select Batch. A message appears advising you the process has been set up for Batch Mode.
  5. To run the Batch Process click Other > Reports > Miscellaneous > Batch Process.




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