Invoice Print & Update Page

Use the Invoice Print & Update page to print future installments, and to reprint client invoices that you have already printed and posted.

How to access this page

To access the Invoice Print & Update page:

  1. From the Sagitta Home Page, click Accounting >Accounts Receivable > Miscellaneous.

  2. Select Invoice Print & Update.

You can run a batch invoice process or you can select individual invoices from this page.

Batch Invoice Selection Options

Regions – Select the region(s) for which you are processing the report.  The field includes a Search feature for selecting valid region(s).

Division Number - the division number for the division (s) to be included in the Invoice Print & Update. You can expand the Division Numbers list. Click Lookup to select from a list of all divisions. To include all divisions, leave this field blank.

The Division Number must exist in Division Master Maintenance. Leave both the Regions and the Divisions fields blank to get all regions and divisions.

Department Codes - the department code for the department (s) to be included in this report. You can expand the Department Codes list. Click Lookup to select from a list of all departments.

Each department code that you select must be valid for at least one of the divisions selected.

Invoices to be Printed by Effective Date - indicates the invoice effective date through which you want invoices to print. This field includes a Search feature for selecting a date from the calendar.

This field is required if you are printing future installments. If you are running an invoice reprint only, leave this field blank.

Comments Section

Comments Code- Select a standard Comment Code from Lookup if you want to include a comment on your invoices. Comments associated with the codes that you entered in the Comments Code file pre-fill to the page.

Once the comment pre-fills to the page, you can clickEditto make changes to or add additional lines to the comment.

Click here to add a record - Click this link if you want to add a free-form comment or message to client statements. A blank field that you can use to type your comment or message appears. Note that if you selected or entered a standard comment code in the Comments Code field, the comment associated with that code appears here.

Menu Bar Options



Save or ALT + S

store your current selections so that they pre-fill the next time you access this Report Selection page. (You must be logged in with the same User ID.)

Quit or ALT + Q

clear any changes you have made since your last Save.


save your current selections as a Default Record for this report. Also see Setting Up Default Selection Criteria.

Grid Options

The Select Individual Invoices grid includes the following buttons:




Add a line to the grid.


Change any pre-filled data on a line in the existing table. You must first select the line by clicking it.


Remove a line of data from the existing grid. You must first select the line by clicking it.


Print a copy of the data grid.

Print Options bar

The selections available on the Print Options bar vary by report. See the Print Options Bar topic if you need additional assistance in choosing the appropriate option.



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