Billable Agent Licenses

When an agency with a premium AgencyEDGE subscription connects agents its network, the agency is billed based on the number of active licenses each connected agent holds. Details of agent licenses are not provided on the billing file; it displays only the total number of licenses.

Use the Billable Agent Licenses page to view which agents your agency was connected to at any point in up to six prior billing periods, to verify that your agency is being charged the correct amount.

To open the Billable Agent Licenses page, in the AgencyEDGE navigation bar, click the Administration link. The Administration page will open. Then, in the Connection Inquiries group, click the Billable Agent Licenses link.

The Billable Agent Licenses page contains the following sections:

Page Controls

Connected Agents

Contains a list of agents who were connected to your agency's network in the selected billing period, sorted in ascending order (A-Z) by last name. Click any column heading to sort the list by the selected column in ascending order; click again to re-sort in descending order.

If you need billable agent license information for a billing period older than the past six months, please contact your Vertafore representative.

If your agency has not ever had a premium AgencyEDGE subscription, the Billable Agent Licenses page displays the following message: "This inquiry is only available for premium accounts. Please upgrade your subscription to unlock this functionality." If your agency upgraded its AgencyEDGE account to premium during a selected billing period, the following message will display: "Your subscription was upgraded during this billing cycle on [date]." If your agency downgraded its AgencyEDGE account to basic during a selected billing period, the following message will display: "Your subscription was downgraded during this billing cycle on [date]."

AgencyEDGE agent connection fees are calculated per active license per connected agent and are in addition to monthly subscription fees.