Decline Submission

You can use the Decline Submission option to decline a submission to the retail agent. You can also forward a document to the agent informing them of this decision.

  1. On the Main tab, select the submission.

  1. On the Submission menu, click Decline Submission.
    Alternatively, you can right-click in the grid and select Decline Submission.
  1. In the Reason box located in the Decline Submission dialog box, click to select a reason for the declination from the list.
    Declination reasons are maintained in Data Maintenance Utility (DMU).
  2. In the System Note text box, enter any additional details about the declination of the submission.
  3. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to abandon your changes and close Decline Submission.

  1. You will be prompted to send a notice to the agent that the submission has been declined. Click Yes to send a declination letter or click No to proceed without a notification.

  1. If you opted to send a notice of the declination, edit the letter in Document Processing.
  2. Click Save, Fax, Print, E-Mail, Attach, or Cancel to complete the process.

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