
In this topic, we continue our discussion of managing commercial property on the Commercial tab in Units At Risk.

The Detail tab is used to enter information about the commercial property to describe the construction, occupancy, age, size, and coverage dates. In the steps that follow, we show you how to add property details and discuss all of the various details that you can add so that you can add and edit properties on your own.

  1. In the Property Information pane, enter the following applicable information about the property:
    1. Occupancy – occupancy status
    2. Construction – type of construction materials used
    3. Managed Since – year from which the property has been managed
    4. # Elevators – number of elevators
    5. Habitational Units – number of habitational units
    6. # Parking Spcs – number of parking spaces
    7. Parking Sq Ft – parking square feet
    8. % Sprinklered – percentage of property covered by sprinkler system
    9. Acreage – number of acres
    10. # Marina Slips – number of marina slips
    11. Protection Class – level of fire protection
    12. Option – coverage option
    13. Dist To Coast – distance, in miles, to the nearest coast line
    14. Year Built – year the property was constructed
    15. Location # – location number (automatically populated by the location selection made on the Property tab)
    16. Distance Between Bldgs – distance, in feet, between buildings
    17. Floors – number of floors on the property
    18. Building # – building number (automatically populated by the location selection made on the Property tab)
    19. Retail Sq Footage – total amount of retail property (measured in square feet)
    20. Prop – indicates whether the selected unit at risk is covered under a property policy
    21. GL – indicates whether the selected unit at risk is covered under a general liability policy
    22. Comm Sq Footage – total amount of commercial property (measured in square feet)
    23. Placement Type – placement type look up code (maintained in DMU)
    24. Residential Sq Ft – total amount of residential property (measured in square feet)
    25. Perils – peril look up code for the property (maintained in DMU)
    26. Total Sq Ft – total square footage of the property
    27. Zone Perils – zone peril look up code for the property (maintained in DMU)
    28. Coverage Form – coverage form that applies to this property
    29. Tie Down – indicates whether the property is tied down (applies mainly to mobile homes)
    30. Roof Type – roof type look up code for the property (maintained in DMU)
    31. Sinkhole – indicates whether the property is near a sinkhole

The contents of the Occupancy and Construction lists are maintained in the Lookup Codes table of Data Maintenance Utility (DMU). Contact your AIM system administrator for assistance modifying these lists.

  1. In the Coverage Effective Dates pane, enter the coverage effective dates, or click to use the Calendar.

    1. Date Added – date on which the property was added to the policy

    2. Date Dropped – date on which the property was dropped from the policy

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