
In this topic, we continue our discussion of managing vehicle information on the Vehicles tab in Units At Risk.

On the Limits/Premium tab, you can specify limits and premiums for a variety of coverage types.

  1. In the Limits and Premium columns, enter limit and premium amounts for the following, where applicable.
    1. UMBI – uninsured motorist bodily insurance
    2. UIMBI – underinsured motorist bodily injury
    3. PIP – personal injury protection
    4. Med Pay – medical payments incurred as the result of an auto accident
    5. Rental – rental vehicle
    6. T and L – towing and labor
    7. OTC – other than collision
    8. Coll – collision

The Total box is populated by the premium amount entered on the Description tab.

  1. In the Deductible pane, enter deductible amounts for Other Than Collision and Collision.
  2. If applicable, select $100 OTC Glass Deductible to indicate that a $100 deductible applies for glass only claims.
  3. If applicable, select Waive Collision Deductible to indicate that the collision deductible will be waived.

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