
The Versions tab located on the Main tab displays versions of the selected quote or submission. Important information about the status, risk company, market company, and more is displayed.

  1. Select the desired record on the Main tab. Versions of the quote appear below on the Versions tab.
  2. Refer to the various columns shown in the grid to review the status of the various versions of the quote.
    1. Ver – quote version ID code, A through Z
    2. Status – quote status
      1. BIF – binder in force
      2. CXL – policy cancelled
      3. NBS – new business
      4. PCX – Pending Cancel
      5. PIF – policy in force
      6. QO – quote offered
      7. RWS – renewal of cancelled policy
      8. SSM – submitted to market
    3. Premium – premium amount
    4. Risk Company – risk company
    5. Type/LOB – policy type or line of business
    6. Market – market company
    7. Misc Premium – miscellaneous premium amount
    8. Fee – fee amount
    9. NonTax Prem – premium amounts for which tax does not apply
    10. Ver.Original – original quote version
    11. Market ID – ID code of the market company
    12. Agt Comm – agent commission percentage
    13. CoInsur – coinsurance percentage
    14. Financed – indicates whether outside financing is being used
    15. Gross Comm – gross commission
    16. MEP – minimum earned premium percentage
    17. ProductID – ID code of the product
    18. QuoteID – ID code of the quote
    19. Rate – flat amount or a percent that is to be used in calculating the amount
    20. Submit Date – date on which the risk was submitted to the marketplace for quotes
    21. Submit POC – market company point of contact
    22. Market Phone – market company telephone number
    23. Market Fax – market company fax number
    24. Taxed – indicates whether taxes apply
    25. Proposed Eff – proposed effective date
    26. Company Phone – company telephone number
    27. Company Fax – company fax number
    28. Quote Expires – date on which the offered quote expires
    29. TRIA Premium – Terrorism Risk Insurance Act premium (TRIA) amount
    30. TRIA Status – indicates whether TRIA coverage applies
    31. Total – total premium amount
    32. Total Fees – total amount of fees
    33. Total Tax – total amount of taxes

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