Apply to a General Ledger Account

In this topic, we continue our discussion of cash receipts that began in Cash Receipts – AP/Misc.

You should use the steps that follow when recording a carrier or finance company payment directly to a General Ledger (GL) account.

  1. In the ID box, enter the ID number of the carrier or finance company account or click to select the company.
  2. Select the GL Account check box and click to select the GL account from a pick list.
    Once the GL account is selected, the system automatically populates the Description field with the GL account description.
  3. Enter the amount of the check in the Amount box.
  4. In the Ref/Nbr field, record the check number or reference number.
  5. In the Date box, enter the check date, or click to select the date using the calendar.
  6. In the Method box, click to select the type of payment.
  7. When complete, click the Batch tab to process the batch or click Add Payment to enter another check.

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