Additional Customer Info

Additional Customer Info is a section of the Customer data entry form. In the Additional Customer Info section, enter customer data that will flow to the policy data entry form as well as Target lists.

The first six fields in this section are for personal lines accounts, while the last five are for commercial lines. Most of the information you enter flows to the policy form. For personal lines, the information appears in the First Named Insured > General Information section. For commercial lines the information appears in the Applicant Information section of the policy.


To add a new customer, you must enter data in the required fields before you can save data in this section. More...

Key Fields


Marital Status

If entered, these two fields can be used as criteria for Target Lists.


Date of Birth


Business Entity

Choose the entity type from the list or type up to 45 characters for the entity type.

  Agency Business Classification

Type or select from the drop-down menu the classification you wish to give to your business.


Choose the industry code by either number or letters.


Because of the NPR rule, old NAICS and SIC codes that are invalid will be deleted; however, if there is a valid code already in the system, it will remain.

  NAICS Sub-Description

This field has a drop-down menu you can click once you have selected either the NAICS # or the SIC #. This field will add data based on the NAICS code that was selected. If there is a one-to-one NAICS match, information will automatically populate in the drop-down. If there are multiple Index Item descriptions for your selected NAICS code, you will need to click on the drop-down arrow to see the selections and manually choose one. This is not a mandatory field.

  SIC # Choose the industry code by either number or letters.

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