Copy Holder or Interest Detail
Use Copy Holder Detail to copy holders to a Certificate of Liability, Certificate of Property, or Evidence of Property Insurance from a previously entered certificate or EPI that you select.
Use Copy Interest Detail to copy Additional Interests to a Binder from a previously entered binder that you select.

- Create or modify a Certificate of Property, Certificate of Liability, or EPI.
- After entering the information on the data entry form, click Copy Holder Detail.
You can also access Copy Holder Detail from the Add/Edit Certificate Holder or Add/Edit EPI Holder data entry form. Click Copy Holders to open the form.

- Create or modify a binder.
- After entering information on the Binder data entry form, click Copy Interest Detail.

Field/Selection | What is this? |
Certificate # | From the list, select the number of the certificate, EPI, or binder from which you would like to copy one or more holders or additional interests. The list includes all certificates/EPIs/binders entered in the system for that customer. After you make your selection, holder or interest information flows to the grid. Attachments at the Holder level do not copy forward. |
Group Name | If you have entered holders for this specific customer through the Customer Certificate Holder Setup, you can choose the name of the group and select one or more of the holders to add to the certificate. |
Select All | Click this button if you want to copy all the holder(s)/interest(s) in the grid. Check marks appear in the Copy column, indicating your selections. |
Clear All | Click this button to remove all check marks from the Copy column, thereby removing all selections from the grid. |
(Grid of Holders/Interests) | Copy: Name/Address/City/State/Zip: |
OK | When you are ready to copy information to the certificate or EPI, click OK. |
Cancel | To close the form without making any changes to the certificate, EPI, or binder, click Cancel. |
What's Next?
Do you need more information on printing or emailing the forms? See eForms Manager Print Options or eForms Manager Email Options.