Working with Policy Personnel
If you need to change personnel on a policy, you will have different options depending on whether the policy is billed or not, and whether you are adding, deleting, editing, replacing or viewing the personnel. The links below provide information about the data entry form based on these options.
Commissions are only available to update when adding, editing, or replacing personnel within the "View Commission" link. When any of these options are selected on the personnel grid, the only actions available are selecting the personnel, their type, or opting to make the personnel primary.

Add Personnel To Policy and Add Personnel To Policy On Billed Policy are actually one data entry form, but the form appears slightly different depending on whether or not the policy is billed. In either case, to access the form do the following:
- Open the Customer and Policy to which you want to add personnel.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information section.*
- Locate and expand the Personnel sub-section.
- Click New on the Personnel section menu. The Add Personnel To Policy or Add Personnel To Policy On Billed Policy data entry form appears.
*In Version 23R3 and beyond, the "Personnel" section is now its own section, located between "Basic Policy Information" and "First Named Insured" within the policy.

Field | What is this? | ||||||||||||
Type | Select the type or category of personnel you are adding to the policy. The selection you make i this field determines the names that appear in the name list that follows. The options are:
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Effective as of | The date the additional personnel is to be effective. Enter a date or select the date from the Date Picker.
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Name | Names appear in the Name list based on the Type of personnel selected above.
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Primary Service Team | Check this box to identify the person you are adding as one of the primary service team. If you do so, keep the following guidelines in mind:
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Use Common Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if the negotiated commission setups apply to both premium and fees. If you want to set up different commission values for premium and fees separately, use the next option. | ||||||||||||
Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if different negotiated commission setups apply to premium and fees. If you want to use the same commission values for premium and fees use the previous option. | ||||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Premium and Fees | Use this section for negotiated commission setups for common premium and fees or for premium only, depending on the selection you make above. Select a commission method and amount for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup, for this policy only. These setups apply to both premium and fees when invoicing the policy.
| ||||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Fees | This section becomes active when you choose 'Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees'. Select a commission method and amount for fees for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup, for this policy only. These setups apply to both premium and fees when invoicing the policy.
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Build Commission Options | When adding personnel, the Build Commission Options are only available if the policy has been billed.
When you click OK a message appears saying that the Change Personnel Commission data entry form will open so that commission changes can be reviewed and posted for the new person. See Correcting Invoices for more information. |

Delete Personnel and Delete Personnel On Billed Policy are actually one data entry form, but the form appears slightly different depending on whether or not the policy is billed. In either case, to access the form do the following:
- Open the Customer and Policy on which you want to delete personnel.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information section.*
- Locate and expand the Personnel subsection.
- From the grid, select the person that you want to delete and click Delete on the section menu. The Delete Personnel or Delete Personnel On Billed Policy data entry form appears.
*In Version 23R3 and beyond, the "Personnel" section is now its own section, located between "Basic Policy Information" and "First Named Insured" within the policy.

Field | What is this? | ||||||||||||||||
Type | Display only. The type or category (Exec, Rep, Broker) of the selected personnel appears. | ||||||||||||||||
Effective As Of | Display only. The policy effective date changes depending on the selection you make in the Delete Options area of the form. The two possibilities are as follows: Unbilled Policies
Billed Policies
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Name | Display only. The name of the person selected appears. | ||||||||||||||||
Primary Service Team | Employees that are not part of the Primary Service Team and brokers can be deleted. Members of the Primary Service Team (except brokers) cannot be deleted. If you select to delete a primary exec or rep, and click Delete, you get a message saying, "You can not Delete the Primary Exec or Rep." If you want to delete an employee that is currently a member of the primary service team, do the following:
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Delete Options |
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Build Commission Options | This section is only visible on billed policies.
When you click OK a message appears saying that the Change Personnel Commission data entry form will open so that commission changes can be reviewed and posted for the person you are deleting. See Correcting Invoices for more information. |

Edit Personnel and Edit Personnel On Billed Policy are actually one data entry form, but the form appears slightly different depending on whether or not the policy is billed. In either case, to access the form do the following:
- Open the Customer and Policy on which you want to edit personnel.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information section.*
- Locate and expand the Personnel sub-section.
- From the grid, select the person that you want to edit and click Edit. The Edit Personnel or Edit Personnel On Billed Policy data entry form appears.
*In Version 23R3 and beyond, the "Personnel" section is now its own section, located between "Basic Policy Information" and "First Named Insured" within the policy.

When you edit personnel the only options available to change are Negotiated Commissions and the Primary Service Team.
If you need to correct the effective date for an employee or broker, delete the employee or broker. Then re-add the employee or broker with the correct Effective as of date.
Field | What is this? | ||||||||||
Type | Display only. The type or category of the selected personnel appears (Exec, Rep). | ||||||||||
Effective As Of | Display only. This is the date the employee/broker is effective on the policy. | ||||||||||
Name | Display only. The name of the person selected appears. | ||||||||||
Primary Service Team | If the check box is checked this person is a member of the Primary Service Team. This field cannot be modified. If the check box is unchecked, and you want this person to be a member of the primary service team, check the box. The primary status on the existing exec or rep is removed and the person being edited becomes part of the team. | ||||||||||
Use Common Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if the negotiated commission setups apply to both premium and fees. If you want to set up different commission values for premium and fees separately, use the next option. | ||||||||||
Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if different negotiated commission setups apply to premium and fees. If you want to use the same commission values for premium and fees use the previous option. | ||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Premium and Fees | Use this section for negotiated commission setups for common premium and fees or for premium only, depending on the selection you make above. Select a commission method and amount for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup, for this policy and carry forward when the policy is renewed. These setups apply to both premium and fees when invoicing the policy
| ||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Fees | This section becomes active when you choose 'Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees'. Select a commission method and amount for fees for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup, for this policy and carry forward when the policy is renewed. These setups apply to both premium and fees when invoicing the policy.

Replace Personnel and Replace Personnel On Billed Policy are actually one data entry form, but the form's appearance differs slightly depending on whether or not the policy is billed. In either case, to access the form do the following:
- Open the Customer and Policy for which you want to replace personnel.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information section.*
- Locate and expand the Personnel subsection.
- From the grid, select the person that you want to replace and click the Replace link. The Replace Personnel or Replace Personnel On Billed Policy data entry form appears.
*In Version 23R3 and beyond, the "Personnel" section is now its own section, located between "Basic Policy Information" and "First Named Insured" within the policy.

Field | What is this? | ||||||||||||
Type | Display only. The Type field pre-fills with the same type as the person you are replacing and cannot be changed. | ||||||||||||
Effective as of | For a billed policy this field is active. Select the date the replacement personnel is to be effective. On an unbilled policy this field is inactive and defaults to the effective date of the policy. When replacing personnel on an unbilled policy, the personnel should always be effective for the full term of the policy. | ||||||||||||
Name | Select a Name from the list. The names available in the list depend on the Type of the personnel being replaced. Names are entered and types assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. | ||||||||||||
Primary Service Team | If the employee or broker you are replacing is the primary Exec, Rep, or Broker, then Primary Service Team is automatically selected and cannot be changed. If the employee you are replacing is not part of the Primary Service Team but you want the new person to be part of the team, check the box. This removes the primary service team status from the member with the same Type. Since only one broker is allowed on a policy and that broker must be part of the primary service team, the only way to remove the primary status is to delete the broker. | ||||||||||||
Use Common Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if the negotiated commission setups apply to both premium and fees. If you want to set up different commission values for premium and fees separately, use the next option. | ||||||||||||
Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees | Choose this option if different negotiated commission setups apply to premium and fees. If you want to use the same commission values for premium and fees use the previous option. | ||||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Premium and Fees | Use this section for negotiated commission setups for common premium and fees; or for premium only, depending on the selection you make above. Select a commission method and amount for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup for this policy only.
| ||||||||||||
Negotiated Commissions - Fees | This section becomes active when you choose 'Use Separate Negotiated Commission Values For Premium and Fees'. Select a commission method and amount for fees for this employee if it differs from the commissions assigned in Employee Setup or Broker Setup. When invoicing, these commissions override those set up in employee or broker commission setup, for this policy only. These setups apply to both premium and fees when invoicing the policy.
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Build Commission Options | The Build Commission Options appear for billed policies only.
When you click OK a message appears saying that the Change Personnel Commission data entry form will open so that commission changes can be reviewed and posted for the new person. See Correcting Invoices for more information. |

The purpose of the View Policy Personnel form is to list all active/inactive employee/broker personnel history for the subject policy.

To access View Policy Personnel:
- Open the Customer and Policy on which you want to view the personnel.
- Expand the Basic Policy Information section.
- Click View Policy Personnel in the Primary Service Group box. The View Policy Personnel data entry form appears. You can also click View Policy Personnel in the Personnel sub-section of Basic Policy Information.

Column | What is this? |
Type | This is the type or category of personnel on the policy. The options are:
Name | The name of the personnel on the policy. |
Active | Denotes whether the employee/broker is currently active (Y) or not active (N) on a policy. |
Start Date | The begin date the personnel became active on the policy |
End Date | The date the personnel became inactive on the policy. |
What's Next?
Do you want more information on invoicing for the new, changed, or deleted personnel on a billed policy? See Correcting Invoices for more information.