Correcting Invoices
After an invoice is posted, you may discover errors requiring correction. Certain types of corrections can be accomplished by the use of the Invoice Correction feature in AMS360.
Corrections of the Invoice Effective Date, the Company or the policy Personnel are available in the Change Policy Effective Date, Change Company and Replace Personnel forms.

You can access the Invoice Correction form from any of the following locations.

- In the Customer Center, select the customer.
- On the Views menu, click Policies.
- Click the link in the Policy # column for the policy you want to edit. The Policy data entry form opens.
- Expand the Invoicing section.
- Click the View Invoices link.
- The Invoice Detail section grid displays all invoices for the policy. Locate the desired invoice in the grid and click Correct. The Correction Policy form appears.
See also Change Personnel Commissions for information on invoice corrections available as part of the Change Personnel process.

- Open the appropriate Customer in the Customer Center.
- On the Views menu, click Register.
- Locate the policy containing the invoice requiring correction. Expand the row by clicking anywhere on the policy row except the policy link.
- Click the Correct Invoice icon. The Invoice Correction form opens.

- Open the appropriate customer in the Customer Center.
- On the Views menu, click Invoices.
- Locate the invoice requiring correction.
- Click the Correct Invoice icon. The Invoice Correction form opens.

- Open the Company Center. Select the appropriate company.
- On the Views menu, click Register.
- Click the invoice row requiring correction to select it.
- Click Correct Invoices. The Change Commission form opens.

- Open an employee or vendor in the corresponding center.
- On the Views menu, click Register.
- Click the Type link to open an "In Progress" Pay Commissions Statement. (Link text includes the date and a partial description, including the words Comm. Stmt.) Open an "In Progress" Pay Commissions Statement.
- Click Correct Invoices. The Change Commission form opens.

- Open the Company Center and select the appropriate company.
- On the Views menu, click Register.
- Click the link in the Type column to cpen an "In Progress" Direct Bill Commission Statement .
- Scroll through the invoices in the Customer Center Billed Transactions section. Click the invoice row requiring correction to select it.
- Click Correct Invoices. The Change Commission form opens.

The following menus are available in a data entry form. Click each menu item to see detailed information. Note that the available menus vary depending on the form.

When the correction form opens, some or all of the following sections may be available depending on where you accessed the form. Review the sections below for information regarding fields that can be changed/corrected.
For a complete discussion of these sections and their fields, see Creating an Invoice.

If Corrections are accessed from the:
- Customer Register, Account Current Statement form, Commission Statement form, or the Direct Bill Statement form, the display contains only the rows for the single invoice selected.
- Policy form, the All Policy Transactions section includes all invoices billed for all policy transactions, and is expanded when the correction form opens. Use the left and right arrow buttons to scroll through the invoices/installments.
Selecting a different installment saves the changes made on installments already selected and updated. |
Fields Available for Correction: |
Invoice Date |
This field defaults to the current system date, but can be changed. |

The Bill To section determines who is billed and where that bill is sent. It is not automatically expanded upon opening the correction form, but you can expand it to make changes.
All fields and options are available for correction. See the Invoice Form Sections/Bill To section in Creating an Invoice for additional information.

The Invoice Transactions section includes only the invoice selected in the All Policy Transactions section. Click Edit on the section menu to open the Invoice Transactions section.
If this is a multi-entity billing, Edit is only available in the Consolidated Commission View.
Fields Available for Correction: |
Description |
The Description field is pre-filled with the line of business and policy transaction assigned to the invoice. This can be changed if desired. |
Invoice Effective Date |
You can change the Invoice Effective Date on all invoices, including future invoices.
Premium |
If an invoice was billed with an incorrect, or missing, premium or non-premium amount you have the following options for correction:
Commissions |
The Commissions sub-section is also available for corrections. Enter the correcting information directly into the Commissions grid. More... |

Existing messages appear and are available for correction. If a message did not exist on the invoice being corrected, one can be added.
Select the Print on Statement check box if you want this message to appear immediately after the invoice on the customer statement.

The Invoice Installment Summary grid is for display purposes only. Grid rows are updated as the installment sections of the correction form are changed.

Invoice corrections are automated back out and re-entry transactions and invoice numbers are reused wherever possible based on the invoice grouping options selected in the Invoice/Customer Statement - Agency Forms Customization section of Agency Setup.
Certain types of corrections, such as broker corrections, correcting effective dates or bill methods require the system to back out the incorrect invoice using the original invoice number and then issue a new invoice with a new number.
Reprinting of invoices after a correction is made may require entering the specific invoice number as part of the invoice report selection.

Complete the sections of the Correct Invoice form, and then select File at the top of the form and select one of the following actions (or click the corresponding icon):
- Click Post to open the Correction Note form. Enter the correction note and click Continue Posting or click Return to Invoices if you want to make additional corrections.
- Click Suspend to open the Invoice Form Closing form. Click Suspend & Close. This holds all invoice records in an unposted state to allow for review and later posting. See Workflow: Suspend an Invoice for more information.
- Click Cancel to opens the Invoice Form Closing form. Click Cancel & Close to cancel all invoice actions.