Vendor Invoice
Prerequisites for this topic: Workflow: Use Vendor Payables, Business Unit Allocation and Vendor Invoice Templates.
Use the Vendor Invoice form to enter and edit vendor invoice information, including general ledger distribution, invoice payment dates, and allocation amounts. Through this form, you can select a predefined Vendor Invoice Template and apply it to the invoice.
You can also use this form to view prior payments already applied to the invoice. Finally, you can use the Vendor Invoice form to attach electronic files to an invoice, such as an email message or scanned document.

- Open the Vendor Center.
- Select and open the vendor you want to edit.
- On the Actions menu, click New >Vendor Invoice.
- or -
To edit an existing invoice, on the Views menu, click Invoices. Click the Invoice number to open the invoice for editing.
You can also access vendor invoices from the Financial Center.

Fields | What is this? | ||||||||||
Vendor |
From the list, select the vendor for whom this invoice applies. If you accessed the Vendor Invoice form from the Financial Center, you can select a Vendor from this list. If you have accessed the form from the Vendor Center, then the selected Vendor defaults as a view-only selection, and the selection list is disabled. |
Vendor Invoice # |
Enter the vendor invoice number. You must enter a vendor invoice number before you can select a Vendor Invoice Template. If you enter a duplicate invoice number, you will receive a system warning. However, you are not prevented from entering a duplicate number. If you need to enter a duplicate number, read the warning and then click OK. |
Attachments |
Click this link to open the Attachments form. Use this form to attach an email message, scanned document, or other file to the invoice. |
Vendor Invoice Date |
Use the date picker to select the vendor invoice date, or enter the date manually. You must enter a vendor invoice number before you can select a Vendor Invoice Template. If your Vendor Accounting Basis is accrual, as entered in Agency Setup > Vendor Payables, then the date that you enter is normally the date on the invoice or the date that the expense is incurred. This is also the date the invoice entry posts to the General Ledger. If your Accounting Basis is cash, then the date that posts to your General Ledger should be the date that you actually paid the vendor (check date). |
PO # |
Enter the purchase order number, if applicable. |
Template |
Before selecting a Template, first enter a Vendor Invoice # and a Vendor Invoice Date. If you have already created an invoice template for this vendor, you can select it from the list. If not, the selection list is disabled. When you select a template, fields pre-fill including the GL Distribution section below. To apply a business unit allocation to an invoice expense, you must first apply the allocation to an invoice template. Then, in the Vendor Invoice form, select the Template from the list. To apply vendor invoice expense to multiple GL accounts, you must first create an invoice template, and then enter these accounts as part of a the template Manual Split. See the Vendor Invoice Template topic for more information. To create and save a template, follow the steps in the Before You Begin section of the Workflow: Pay Vendor Invoices topic. |
Total Invoice Amount |
Enter the total amount of the invoice. If your Vendor Accounting Basis is accrual, then this is the amount that posts to GL #21350 Accrued Vendor Payables; it is offset by entries in the applicable GL accounts to which this expense is allocated. (For cash-basis, see GL Distribution Selections > Pay Amount.) |
Pay Amount |
Enter the amount to pay on the invoice for this transaction. The default amount is equal to the Total Invoice Amount. You can manually enter a different amount to pay on this transaction, but it must be equal to or less than the Total Invoice Amount.
Description |
If you selected a Vendor Invoice Template, then the default description comprises the Invoice # and the Template name. You can manually enter a different description. |
Notes |
Enter any notes relevant to this invoice (i.e., explain a partial payment or note a disputed charge). |
Invoice Status |
This view-only group reflects the most recent action taken on the current invoice.
Vendor Due Date |
Select the due date from the date picker, or enter the date manually. This date is normally found on the vendor invoice. |
Pay Date |
Select the agency pay date from the date picker, or enter the date manually. The Pay Date can be earlier than the Vendor Due Date to allow for check mailing time. |
Payment Division |
These fields populate with information when you select a Vendor Invoice Template from the Template list, if there is Payment Division data entered on the template. You can modify the selections as needed.

When you select a Vendor Invoice Template from the Template list, the GL Distribution grid pre-fills with the default data. You can modify data in the Inv Amt and PayAmt grid columns by typing in the cells.
To enter information in data fields for a specific row, select the row and then click the Edit grid command. To add a row manually, click New and complete the data entry.
Group/Fields | What is this? | ||||||||||
Business Unit |
To allocate a portion of the invoice expense to a specific business unit, make your selections from the lists. Selections available in these fields depend on the data entered in Business Unit Setup for your agency.
GL # |
To assign this portion of the invoice expense to the appropriate General Ledger account, select the account's GL # from the list. |
Invoice Amount |
Enter the total amount of the invoice expense that is to be allocated to this business unit. If you selected an invoice template from the Template list, the system automatically calculates the default amount that appears in this field. This amount is a percentage of the Total Invoice Amount; the percentage is based on the allocation entered for this business unit on the Vendor Invoice Template form. |
Pay Amount |
Enter the portion (in dollars) of this business unit's total invoice expense, allocated for this transaction only.
If you selected an invoice template from the Template list, the system automatically calculates the default amount that appears in this field. This amount is a percentage of the Pay Amount that you entered for the overall transaction. The percentage is based on the allocation entered for this business unit on the Vendor Invoice Template form. If you did not select an invoice template, then the default amount is equal to the Invoice Amount. In either case, you can manually enter a different amount, as long as it is less than the Invoice Amount. |
Description |
If you selected an invoice template from the Template list, then the default data comprises the Vendor Invoice # entered for this transaction, and the Template Name entered on the Vendor Invoice Template form, separated by a semi-colon. If you did not select an invoice template, then the default data comprises the Vendor Invoice # entered for the transaction, and/or any other description entered in this field. In either case, you can manually enter a different description. |
1099 |
If this is a 1099 expense reimbursement, select the appropriate Category and Type. If an invoice template includes 1099 Category and Type information, and if that template is selected on this transaction, then the 1099 category and type prefill. You can also make different selections from the list. If this is not a 1099 transaction, delete the Category and Type. Questions as to whether this is a qualified 1099 expense should be directed to your agency accountant. |
GL # Required Fields |
The GL # Required Fields lists are subledger entities (Insurance Co, Brokerage Co, Finance Co, etc.). If the selected GL account # is subledgered, its subledger entity is enabled. The other fields are disabled. Example: Under GL # 63100000 Office Supplies and Printing, the Vendor selection list is enabled, with the current vendor as the default selection. |

The following menus are available in a data entry form. Click each menu item to see detailed information. Note that the available menus vary depending on the form.
What's Next?
Do you need to pay a vendor invoice? For more information, see Pay Vendors.