Use the Attachments form to attach an electronic file or files to an Activity, Note, or Vendor Invoice or an eForm. Applicable file types include email messages, Doc360-compatible files from your network directory, and documents that have already been imported into the system.
It is important to scan your attachments for viruses before adding them to AMS360.
For a list of the Doc360-compatible file extensions, see Doc360 - An Overview.

Use these steps to import a Doc360-compatible file by attaching it to an Activity, Note, or Vendor Invoice:
- Open the Attachments form.
This form provides three options as means to attach a document file from your network directory to the Attachments grid:
Options to Attach a Document | How-to? |
Attach Files Link |
In the File Selection box, select the Attach File link to open a window with which you can browse your network directory for the document to attach. Select the file and click Open. The file appears as a row in the grid. |
Paste Clipboard |
Select a file from your network directory, and then use your right-click menu to Copy the file. When you click the Paste Clipboard button. the file appears as a row in the grid. |
Drag and Drop |
With the Attachments form open, select a file on your local drive and then drag it over the grid by holding down the mouse button. When you release the button, the file appears as a row in the grid. |
Some file extensions (for example, .gif) do not include a registered default application. When you try to enter such a file in the grid, you receive a system warning that asks whether you would like to proceed. If your agency has licensed software that can open and edit a file of this type (for example, Microsoft Paint® ), click Yes to attach the file to the Documents grid. If not, consider saving a new file for your document, with a different extension. |
- When you are finished attaching files, then click OK. Attachments closes, and you return to the initial form: either an Activity, Note, or Vendor Invoice. Notice that the Attachments link now includes a number at the end (i.e., the number of files that you just attached).
- When you are finished entering data, click Save & Close to close the form.

The Attachments form provides a link to the Doc360 Search form, through which you can search the system for a file that has already been imported.
Follow these steps to access the Doc360 Search form:
- Open the Attachments form.
- To attach a document file that has already been imported into the system, select the Attach Doc 360 File link in the File Selection box. This launches the Doc360 Search form. You can search for either processed or unprocessed documents.
To attach an unprocessed document, you must be authorized to view all unprocessed documents for the specific agency employee to whom the document is assigned. For more information, see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Employee Assignment Data Entry Fields > Authorized to View Unprocessed Documents For. - When you have completed your search and made your selections, click OK to close the Doc360 Search form. Files from the Doc360 Search > Results grid now appear in the Attachments grid.
- When you are finished attaching files to the Attachments form, then click OK. Attachments closes, and you return to the initial form. Notice that the Attachments link now includes a number at the end (i.e., the number of files that you just attached).
- When you are finished entering data on the form, click Save & Close to close the form.

The Copy to Clipboard button appears under the My Documents view in the Home Center, and under the Documents view in all other centers except Financial and Sales.
Use these steps to create a copy of a document file.
- To enable the Copy to Clipboard button, select at least one document under the Documents or My Documents view.
- Click the button. The system creates a copy or copies of the selected document(s).
- Open the Attachments form. See Accessing the Attachments Form earlier in this topic.
- Click Paste Clipboard. The file copies appear in the grid rows.
- When you are finished attaching files, form, click OK. Attachments closes, and you return to the initial form. Notice that the Attachments link now includes a number at the end (i.e., the number of files that you just attached).
- When you are finished entering data on the form, click Save & Close to close the form.

You can attach an email message or messages to an Activity, Note, or Vendor Invoice. The Attachments form provides a link to the Attach Email form, through which you can search for and select email messages from your Outlook® application (or another system-compatible email application).
Use these steps to access the Attach Email form:
- Open the Attachments form.
- In the File Selection box, select the Attach Email link to open the Attach Email selections form. (See the Attach Email topic for information about using this form.)
You can also select an email message from your mailbox and drag it to the Activity or Attachment window. - When you have completed your search and made your selections, click OK to close the Attach Email form. Files from the Attach Email grid now appear in the Attachments grid.
- When you are finished attaching files to the Attachments form, then click OK. Attachments closes, and you return to the initial form. Notice that the Attachments link now includes a number at the end (i.e., the number of files that you just attached).
- When you are finished entering data on the form, click Save & Close to close the form.

Field/Group Name | What is this? | |||||||||||||||
File Selection |
Backend Scanning |
These fields are useful to your agency if you regularly generate business transactions for documents prior to the actual scanning of the documents. These fields allow you to create attachment placeholders for a specific document, so when the document is ultimately scanned, you can easily attach it to the correct Activity, Note, or Vendor Invoice. To see these fields in AMS360, you must optimize your Doc360 feature set for the back-end scanning workflow. For more information, see Workflow: Use Doc360 - Back-end Scanning > Setting Up Doc360 for Back-end Scanning > Enabling Back-end Scanning Options. If you have not optimized Doc360 for back-end scanning, then these fields are hidden.
Third-party Attachments |
This group box appears only if your agency has enabled Doc360 features for third-party vendor imaging. For information about setting up these features, see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Third-party Integration Setup. This group box appears only if you accessed Attachments from the Activity data entry form. You can't attach a third-party document to an eForm, Note or Vendor Invoice.

To access these data entry field you can select the attachment in the grid and choose edit or double-click the attachment in the grid.
Field Name | What is this? | ||||
Reference # |
View-only. The system assigns a unique reference number to each electronic file. The key to the number's prefix sequence is: [2-digit year]+[2-digit month]+[2-digit day].The number's suffix is system sequential for the day. Example: You attach a file to an Activity on April 3rd, 2006. It is the fifteenth file to be processed in the agency system that day. The system assigns this reference number to the document: 060403-15. |
Size (KB) |
View-only field. This is the size of the document file, in kilobytes. Keep the following in mind regarding the Size field: If you clicked the Create Placeholders button to create the row you are currently editing, then the size of the file is 0 until the actual document is scanned and attached. For more information, see the topic Workflow: Use Doc360 - Back-end Scanning. If you clicked the Create Attachments button to create the row you are currently editing, then the size of the file is 0. For more information about setting up third-party vendor imaging features, see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Third-party Integration Setup. |
File Name |
Enter a meaningful file name that will help identify the document in the system. The File Name for third-party documents defaults as Third-party Document; this can be changed. For more information about setting up third-party vendor imaging features, see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Third-party Integration Setup. |
Ext |
View-only field. This represents file extension suffix (e.g., the file extension .xls appears as XLS). |
Description |
Enter a description of the file to help identify it in the system. The Description for each placeholder row defaults as Pending Attachment. Enter a different description to help identify it as the proper placeholder for the correct document file. The description is useful in the process of verifying the matched pending attachments, after the actual document is scanned. The Description for third-party documents defaults as Third-party Document; this can be changed. For more information about setting up third-party vendor imaging features, see Doc360 Setup > Doc360 Setup Sections > Third-party Integration Setup. |
Storage Location |
The Document Storage Location is maintained under Doc360 Setup > System Configuration. See the Doc360 Setup topic for more information. Attachments saved to the database prior to Document 360 were automatically encrypted.
Document Type |
From the list, select the type of correspondence that best describes the document, based on the document's applicable business transaction. |
Security Class |
Enter a Security Class for the document. Be aware that for any classification other than Unrestricted, the recipient of the document must have proper Security Group authorization in order to process the document. See Workflow: Set Up Doc360 Security for more information.
"You are assigning a pending attachment to a Restricted (Hidden) classification. The Employee matching the documents may not have access to this security. Do you wish to continue?" If this employee is able to access such a classification, then click Yes. If not, modify your Security Class selection to enable the employee's access.
View file and index information about the document and open the document in the third-party application (Full Access) View file and index information about the document - cannot open the document in the third-party application (View Only) No access to the document; all index information related to the document is entirely hidden (No Access) For more information, see Workflow: Set Up Doc360 Security. |
Index 1 |
If your agency utilizes index keywords or numbers as a means to search and retrieve documents, enter an index word or number using your agency-defined indexing method. In the search and retrieval process, the system matches index keyword data either as a prefix or as a sequence within the word. It matches data exactly as the text is entered in the field. To prevent data entry errors, enter data in this field with care. |
Deleting file after saving |
This option only appears when saving a file from disk into the Database storage location. By checking the option, the file is deleted from it's original location when the activity is saved. |
Comments |
Enter comments in this text box that are required, or which might be helpful to the recipient. Example If you are submitting a vendor invoice to a manager for review. You might include the purchase order number in the Comments box. |
Text Preview |
This field appears when you select to add a new attachment by selecting New from the Attachment grid heading bar. To help identify the document in the system, you can copy/paste or transcribe text (or a portion of text) from the attached document into this field. |