Register View - Additional Information
Many AMS360 centers contain a Register view that allows you to review and take action on certain types of accounting transactions involving the open entity (bank, broker, company, employee, customer or vendor).

The Action Button appearing in the register view next to a transaction, indicates that action is available for the transaction.
If the button does not appear, the action is not available or you don't have security access to the action. |
Centers | What is this? | ||||||||||||||||
All Centers |
Customer Center |
In addition to the actions listed above, the following actions may also be available in the Customer Center.
Additional Information about Action Buttons
- Rows for checks and journal entries that are not voided will have Void and Copy actions. Exception: BJE, Beginning Balance Journal Entries, have no actions.
- Rows for receipts that aren’t voided have Void action.
- Statement rows have no actions.
- Void rows have no actions.
Security for Action Buttons
The following security items determine available actions:
- Button – Void Check
- Button – Copy Check/JE (C) (JE)
- Button – Void Receipt not on a Posted Deposit
- Button – Void Receipt on a Posted Deposit
- Button – Void JE

Center | What is this? | ||||||||||
Customer |
The Account Balance is the overall sum of customer (agency and broker) accounts receivable transactions and is relevant to the date range selected in View Options. |
Bank |
The Account Balance is the overall sum of the transactions for the selected bank and is not relevant to the date range in View Options.
Broker |
The Payable Balance is displayed only for Gross Broker transactions. It is the commissions payable balance unpaid to the broker and is not relevant to the date range selected in View Options.
Company |
Employee |
The Payable Balance is the overall sum of amounts owed to the employee and is not relevant to the date range selected in View Options.

Transaction Type | Rules | ||
Receipts |
Receipts are displayed as positive amounts in all center registers except the Customer Center. There, they are displayed as negative amounts if the transaction decreases (credit) the customer receivable, or positive amounts if the transaction increases (debit) the customer receivable. Receipts are displayed:
Checks |
Checks are displayed as negative amounts in all center registers except the Customer Center. There, they are displayed as positive amounts, if the transaction increases (debit) the customer receivable, or negative amounts if the transaction decreases (credit) the customer receivable. Checks are displayed:
Journal Entries |
Journal entries display the total debit amount of the journal entry as a positive number in the broker, company, employee and vendor center registers. The Bank Center and the Customer Center registers are treated differently: