Security in AMS360
Security has become a top priority for every financial institution and organization handling client's personal information. In recent years, legislation has been enacted placing even more emphasis on client confidentiality and privacy.
AMS360 addresses security as two separate groups - required and optional security items.

AMS360 allows you to define a hierarchy of Business Units based on your agency structure. This is described in more detail in Agency Setup > Accounting Options. All customers must be assigned to a division and department before you can save their customer setup data. See Workflow: Understand Business Unit Assignments for more information about creating Divisions, Branches, Departments, and Groups.

AMS360 has five basic permanent security groups, each with a defined level of security. The groups are as follows:
- System Admin
- Owner
- Bookkeeper
- Exec
A user with the appropriate security (default System Admin and Owner) can add up to 95 additional groups as needed (for a total of 100).
Each group has preset access for specific menus and tasks in AMS360. For a printable list of these secured items, see Secured Items. For more information on setting up additional groups see Security Group Setup.

User security in AMS360 allows you to restrict an employee's access to view only customer names in search results or open access in which the employee can change activities, processes, and reports. This access is controlled in two areas:
- Security Groups
For more information see User Security and Logging In. - Customer Setup - Assign Employees
See Employee Assignment for more information.
The following document lists an employee's access to a customer or policy based on the employee's security rights.
Employee Access to Customer and Policy |

You can restrict employee access to specific bank accounts within AMS360. Use Employee Authorizations in Bank Setup to assign employee access to bank accounts.
You can also use Security Group Setup to secure certain sections by employee in the following forms; Company Setup, Employee Setup, and Customer Setup.
For example, if you want an employee to have access to the Employee's License Information you can set the access level to "Full Access" and if you don't want them to have access to the Security sections you can set the access "No Access".
If you change security options, the affected user must exit AMS360 and log back in before the security updates are applied.