This feature, or some fields and options described, might not be available depending on your settings, security rights, or platform package.


User Licences in AMS360 Online vs AMS360 In-House

User Licensing is handled differently for AMS360 Online than it is for AMS360 In-House Agencies.

    ClosedAMS360 Online

AMS360 Online requires a User License for each user with a valid login.  You may enter as many employees in your system as you like, but you may only enter as many logins as your number of licenses purchased.

AMS360 includes an employee named, Administrator. This employee is used for various security features and cannot be changed or deleted. The user Administrator is not counted against your total licenses available.

    ClosedAMS360 In-House

AMS360 In House uses a concurrent licensing model.  In this environment you may enter as many employees as you like, and you may also enter as many valid logins as you like.  The employee login setup information screen for AMS360 In House shows you how many licenses you have purchased, but does not track how many have been setup with logins.

Concurrent licensing means that you can only login as many users as you own licenses for at any one time.  A license is used up for any unique combination of user ID, Agency number, or workstation name.  For example, if you login as two different users at the same workstation, this will use up two licenses.  If you login as the same user at two different workstations, this will use up two licenses.

In the AMS360 In House environment the licenses are cleared for use by others when you click on the ‘sign-off’ link in AMS360.  Otherwise your connection is subject to your time-out setting and the license may remain marked as in use by you until the time-out period for the agency has elapsed.  If necessary you could always log back in as the same user, at the same workstation and click the sign-out link to clear up a user license.

    ClosedNeed to Add Another User License?

If you want to add a new user that has access to AMS360, enter the user in Employee Setup with a valid Login ID, Password, and assign the user to a Security Group.

If you do not have a user license available, contact Vertafore Sales at or call 1-800-444-4813 to purchase the license. When you have the new Then you can use the following procedure to set up the new user in employee setup:


The Update Agency License feature is useful for AMS360 Online (Hosted) agencies who want to manage the availability of their user licenses.

The form allows you to change the maximum number of licensed users in your agency. When you save your changes to the system, notification is sent to the AMS Data Center so that your contract terms are updated accordingly. This change happens immediately; there is no waiting for processing to take place (a wait for processing would be required if you submit the change through sales).

Example: You are adding a new employee, and another user license is required for him or her. You can easily add another license and submit the change using the Update Agency License form. Once the change is submitted you can immediately add the user.

  1. From the Employee Center click New Employee.

  2. Enter the information for the employee making sure to enter a User ID, Password, and assign the employee to at least one Security Group.

  3. When you have finished entering the new employee information, click Save & Close from the File menu or click the icon .

  4. The new user can now log into AMS360.