BenefitPoint 2017 R3 Release Notes

February 23, 2018

Vertafore is pleased to release BenefitPoint 2017 R3.1 into our Multi-Tenant Production Database.

 Ideas Submission

BenefitPoint 2017 R3 Notes

Vertafore is pleased to release BenefitPoint 2017 R3 into Multi-Tenant Production. With each release, we are incrementally improving and updating BenefitPoint to provide you with the best possible experience.

Throughout the release notes, the following symbols identify features that were developed based on your feedback and enhancement requests:

 Your Feedback

 Ideas Submission

Enhancement Overviews | Requirements



We value your feedback to ensure we are working on what is most important to you. Please use My Vertafore to provide feedback. We appreciate your input, whether positive or negative, on any visible change.




If you encounter problems or have questions concerning this release, Vertafore offers the following helpful resources:


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