Create a New Form Set and Delete Existing Form Set
Use the following procedure to delete all previously created forms for this quote and create a new set of forms with the current quote information.
- Click the
icon. This opens the FSC Forms options. Note the statement There is Currently a Set of Forms Associated with this Quote.
- Click Create a New Form Set and Delete Existing Form Set.
- Click OK.
The JavaScript box appears at the top of a screen in front of the quote form.
- Click FSC Forms.
Another JavaScript Window appears.
Current Document Set
- The set of current document set of forms appears. The highlighted form is the one from the previous screen.
- Highlight the form to delete.
- Click Delete.
The warning window appears.
- Click Yes to delete the form.
- Click Save.
- Repeat the procedure until you have deleted all the desired forms.
Create the new forms
- Click FSC Forms.
Another JavaScript Window appears.
Available To Add
- Click the
in front of the
- Click the form that you want to add to this quote.
The JavaScript Window and the newly added form appear.
- Click Save.
- Click FSC Forms to return to the Add process.
- Repeat until you have added all the forms you need.
- Click the
icon on the title bar after you have added your last form.
You are back at the Quote View.
Continue to Create a New Form Set and Save Existing Form Set.
Return to the Quote View.
Return to Quote Management Facility.