Kill on the File View Tab

You can remove a task from a workflow using the Kill command. You might use this command if there are two identical tasks. For example, an original copy and a fax copy of the same letter created two tasks. It is important to note that when you kill a task, the actual file is not deleted. You can retrieve the file using the Open command.


Consider your decision to use the Kill command carefully. A task that is killed cannot be recovered. A new task must be created to restore a task killed in error.

  1. Select the locked task in the navigation pane that you would like to remove from the workflow.
  2. On the Task menu, click Kill to open the Kill Selected Task When you kill a parent task, all subtasks will be killed also (see Parent Tasks and Subtasks).

  1. Enter a reminder, etc., in the Description box.
  2. You can add a task note in the Note box, if needed, to provide additional information. Perhaps you want to explain in more detail why the item was removed from the workflow.
  3. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to return without saving changes.

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