Stop Request

Available only to users in the Carrier Licensing view of Producer Express with the appropriate permissions.

For any business reason, you can stop processing of a request and close it. Optionally, you may automatically generate a regrets letter attached as a PDF file to an email to an interested party.

Use the Stop Packet tab to stop processing and close a request.

To open the Stop Packet tab, with a request open, select Stop from the Available Tasks menu in the toolbar. Then click the Stop Packet tab. The Stop Packet tab also will open after you have generated and sent a regrets letter to a producer.

Send Regrets Letter

Use the Send Regrets Letter tab to set options for automatically generating a regrets letter attached as a PDF file to an email to an interested party.

  • Back to Request: Click to return to the currently open request.
  • Select a Template: Required. From the dropdown menu select a pre-defined letter template on which to base a regrets letter. The template may automatically merge the producer's name, your company's name, and the system date to the letter content.
  • Edit as needed: Edit the content of the regrets letter, as desired. Changes will apply to this regrets letter itself and not to the regrets letter template.
  • Select a Recipient: From the dropdown menu, select the role of the recipient to which you wish to send the regrets letter. Defaults to Producer, but you may wish to send the regrets letter to the producer's affiliated Broker/Dealer instead.
  • CC to Agency/BGA/Recruiter: Click to checkmark the checkbox to email a copy of the regrets letter to the individual in the Recruiter role who initiated the request.
  • Send Regrets Letter: Click to generate the regrets letter and send it as an email attachment to the selected party(ies). Simultaneously the letter will be uploaded as an electronic file attachment to the request, visible on the Documents tab. The Stop Packet tab will open.

Stop Packet

Use the Stop Packet tab to enter a business reason for stopping processing of a request and assign it a Status of Closed.

Fields and controls include the following:

  • Back to Packet: Click to return to the currently open request.
  • Reason: Required. Enter a reason for stopping the request, using a minimum of 10 characters.
  • Stop Packet: Click to halt processing of the request and assign the record a status of Closed.

With a stopped request open, you may click the Stop button in the toolbar to view the reason why processing of the request was stopped.


If the privilege is granted to your role in the database, you may re-open a stopped request. Typically this privilege is granted to Carrier Licensing view user roles.