
Use the Express ServicesInquiries menu to run inquiries from PLM Compliance Express.

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Choose from among the following inquiries:

  • Individual Appointment Inquiry: Displays your organization's individual licensee appointment records (either current or previous) held in the state regulatory database.

  • Firm Appointment Inquiry: Displays your organization's firm appointment records (either current or previous) held in the state regulatory database.

  • Individual Status Inquiry: Displays the current record held in the state regulatory database for a specified individual licensee.

  • Firm Status Inquiry: Displays the current record held in the state regulatory database for a specified firm.

  • Individual PDB Inquiry: Displays the current information held in the NIPR Producer Database (PDB) for a specified individual.

  • Firm PDB Inquiry: Displays the current information held in the NIPR Producer Database (PDB) for a specified firm.

  • License PDB Inquiry: Displays the current information held in the NIPR Producer Database (PDB) for an individual or firm using a specified license number.

  • Individual License Number/National Producer Number Inquiry: Displays the license number or National Producer Number of an individual based on the individual's resident state, SSN, and last name.  

  • Firm License Number/National Producer Number Inquiry: Displays the license number of a given firm.

  • Appointment Activity Inquiry: Displays activity for pending and processed appointments for a specific confirmation number.

  • PIN Appointment Location Inquiry: Displays activity for pending, processed and submitted PIN appointments.

  • Production Management Inquiry: Displays all activity submitted during a specific date range.

  • Inquiry Activity by Submit Date Inquiry: This inquiry allows you to retrieve and display information pertaining to billable inquires performed by a specific subscriber representative during a certain date range.

  • Background Investigation Activity Inquiry: Displays all background investigation requests submitted during a specific date range.

  • License Application Activity Inquiry: Displays activity for pending and processed license applications.

  • License Renewal Activity Inquiry: Displays activity for processed license renewal requests.

  • Individual Association Inquiry: Displays transactions submitted to the state via Compliance Express that create or update the relationship between a firm and an individual.

  • Letter of Certification Inquiry: Displays information about requests submitted to states through Compliance Express for individual and agency letters of certification.

  • Address Change Status Inquiry: Looks up the status of one or multiple license state address change requests submitted for an individual licensee using the Address Change Request service, available under Service Request.  

  • Appointment Renewal Activity by Submit Date Inquiry: Retrieves and displays information pertaining to appointment renewals processed by a specific subscriber representative during a certain date range.

  • File Submission Inquiry: Displays a summary count of all appointment and termination activity for each file submitted during a specific date range.

  • SIRCON® Transaction Validation Inquiry: Displays all errors identified on transactions submitted via a file during a specific date range.

For more information, click the Help link at the bottom of a service page.


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