Employment History
Available on individual producer records only.
Use the Employment History data section of a producer record to review and maintain information about a producer's history of employment positions.
To review a producer's Employment History, click the Employment History link in the Quick Links box of a producer record that is open in the Review/Update Producer page.
The Employment History data section includes the following fields and controls:
Address (
): For each position listed, click the node to expand the record row to display address information related to the selected position. Click the node (
) again to collapse the record row and hide the address information. Address fields include the following:
Line One: Displays the first street address line of the selected producer's employment position.
Line Two: Displays the second street address line of the selected producer's employment position.
City: Displays the address city of the selected producer's employment position.
State: Displays the address state of the selected producer's employment position.
Postal Code: Displays the address postal code of the selected producer's employment position.
Province: Displays the address province of the selected producer's employment position. (Canadian addresses only.)
Country: Displays the address country of the selected producer's employment position.
Phone: Displays the address telephone number of the selected producer's employment position.
Phone Extension: Displays the address telephone number extension of the selected producer's employment position.
Begin Date: For each position listed, displays the date on which the selected producer started the position.
End Date: For each position listed, displays the date on which the selected producer vacated the position.
Employer Name: For each position listed, displays the name of the employer of the position.
Position: For each position listed, displays the position title.
Annual Salary: For each position listed, displays the annual compensation of the position.
Reason For Leaving: For each position listed, displays the reason that the selected producer vacated the position.
Add/Update/Delete Employment History: Click to open the Maintain Employment History page, where you can update a selected producer's employment history.
Employment history information saved to a producer's record will automatically populate the Employment History section of a license application or license renewal submitted for the producer and spare manual data entry.