Business Unit Setup - Division

AMS360 offers the ability to separate your accounting information into distinct sets of accounting books by setting up multiple divisions. Using multiple divisions allows you to separate or consolidate your Balance Sheet by division. An example of an operation using multiple divisions is diagrammed in the PDF document below:

 Multiple Divisions Example

Each agency must have at least one division. AMS360 comes with a default division named, Division One, as each customer and policy entered in the system must be assigned to a division. In addition, security can be established at the user level to control access to records by division.

To create a new, or edit an existing division in the Division section:

Click New (or Edit) o the Division section bar, and then enter the following information. When finished, click Add (or Update). The updated information appears in the associated grid. To add multiple entries, repeat this procedure.

Name, Short Name

Type a Name and a Short Name for the division. This name appears in lists throughout AMS360.


Select the Inactive check box if this division is no longer active in your agency. An inactive division name no longer appears in lists throughout AMS360. This check box defaults to cleared.

Division Beginning Month

Select the desired fiscal year beginning month for this division from the list.


This field is only available if the Use Different Years by Division option is selected in Agency Setup/Accounting Options/Divisional Control.

Use Agency Name

For each division you have the option to use the Agency Name or to enter a unique Division Name.

  • To use the agency name for this division, select the Use Agency Name check box. This name field is disabled.
  • To enter a unique division name, clear the Use Agency Name check box, and type a division name into the Name field.

Use Agency Address

For each division you have the option to use the Agency Address/Phone Numbers and Email or to enter unique ones for the division.

  • To use the agency address/phone numbers and email for the division, select the Use Agency Address check box. The address/phone numbers and email fields are disabled.
  • To enter unique division address/phone numbers and email, clear the Use Agency Address check box, and then type unique ones into the Address/Phone Numbers and Email fields.

Form Letters/Schedules Logo

From the list, select the logo you would like to print with form letters and schedules associated with this division. If you would like to add a new logo or edit an existing one, click Logo Setup to launch the Logo Setup form.


Late charges are applied on the last day of the month.

What's Next?

Do you want to enter additional information in the Business Unit Setup form? See Business Unit Setup for more information.

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