Policy Flags Personalization Page

You can use this page to enable or disable various system options or flags. See the "Options on this page" link below for the specific options available on this page. For additional information on a topic, click the procedural help link near some of the options.

How to access this page

  1. On the Sagitta Home Page > Other.
  2. Select Personalization > System > Policy Flags. The Policy Flags page will appear.

Required fields have a yellow background.

Update Policy Miscellaneous Remarks with Endorsement Changes Description?

This option determines whether the information you enter in the Description field for each Endorsement transaction overlays the first line of the information in the Miscellaneous Remarks section on the Policy Detail page.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you select Yes, the information you enter overwrites the first line of each endorsement so that if there are numerous endorsements, you do not run out of space quickly and lose the "permanent" information on subsequent lines to history. You can still access History to view Endorsement descriptions and other information from the Description field that might have been overwritten.

If you select Yes to turn this flag on, consider entering a "dummy" line for the first line in the Miscellaneous Remarks text box, so that no important information is overwritten when you enter an Endorsement transaction. You can enter a single character and then press Enter to record this dummy line. Then, when you enter an endorsement, only the "dummy" line gets overwritten and all other information is preserved.

The Miscellaneous Remarks section on the Policy Detail page holds a maximum of 300 characters. The Description field on the Create a New Transaction dialog box holds 50 characters. If the number of characters that pre-fill from the Description field to the Miscellaneous Remarks section causes the number of characters in the Miscellaneous Remarks section to exceed 300, the system drops the excess number of characters from the end of the first line.

Example Assume that a policy's Miscellaneous Remarks section currently contains 275 characters of text. You endorse the policy and enter 40 characters in the Description field on the Create a New Transaction dialog box. Because the total number of characters is now 315, which exceeds the 300 character limit, the system omits the last 15 characters you entered in the Description field from the first line of the Miscellaneous Remarks section.

No -- turns this option OFF

No is the default setting for this option. If this option remains set to No, description information that you enter for endorsements is not transferred to the Miscellaneous Remarks section of the Policy Detail page.

Update Policy Miscellaneous Remarks with Audit Changes Description?

The setting of this option lets the system know whether the information entered in the Description field on the Audit Transaction page automatically updates any information that appears on the first line of the Miscellaneous Remarks field on the Policy Detail page.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you select Yes, the information you enter overwrites the first line of each audit so that if there are numerous endorsements, you do not run out of space quickly and lose the "permanent" information on subsequent lines to history. You can still access History to view Audit descriptions and other information from the Description field that might have been overwritten.

No -- turns this option OFF

No is the default setting for this option. If this option remains set to No, description information that you enter for audits is not transferred to the Miscellaneous Remarks section of the Policy Detail page.

Update Policy Miscellaneous Remarks with Download Transaction Type?

The setting of this option lets the system know whether Transaction Type information for carrier Download transactions should update the Miscellaneous Remarks field on the Policy Detail page with the text “Download - <transaction type>,” when the download transaction does not change the Policy Detail or Policy Detail page. For example, adding a location or dating off a coverage causes the Miscellaneous Remarks field to be updated with the Download Transaction Type information.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you select Yes, when any download transaction that does not update the Policy Detail page, the Remarks section of the Policy Detail page is updated with the text “Download - <transaction type>.”

Example Download -- PCH

The Download Transaction Type overwrites the first line of any existing text in the Miscellaneous Remarks field. All other lines remain. You can access any Previous Remarks in their entirety through History.

No -- turns this option OFF

No is the default setting for this option. If this option remains set to No, the Miscellaneous Remarks field on the Policy Detail page is not updated with Download Transaction Type information when the download does not affect the Policy Detail page.

Allow Invoicing for APP policies?

The setting of this option lets the system know whether to permit the invoicing of policies that have policy numbers with APP as a prefix.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you select Yes, you can invoice policies that have APP (Application) as a policy number prefix. Normally, the system does not allow you to invoice Applications. Because renewed policies that have been remarketed have a prefix of APP in their policy number, you may want to turn this option on if you use the Remarket This Policy option or if you need to invoice any policy with an APP policy number.

No -- turns this option OFF

No is the default setting for this option. If this option remains set to No, you cannot invoice APPs.

Use Colors to Display Expired / Expiring Policies in the Grid?

When this option is set to Yes, the system highlights expired and expiring policies in the Policies data grid list, on the Policy Selection Grid Search page, and in the Policies Selection Grid page.

The default selection for this option is Yes. If you do not want the system to highlight expired and expiring policies, you must change the option to No.

Allow Holders to be Deleted

When this option is set to Yes, the system allows users to delete certificate holders from the Certificate Holder Information page, Certificate Holder Selection data grid list, and Certificate Holder Selection Grid Search page.

The default selection for this option is Yes. If you do not want the system to allow users to delete certificate holders, you must change the option to No.

Allow Copy Changes to Next Term?

No -- turns this option OFF

No is the default setting for this option. When this option is set to No, the system does not allow you to copy policy changes to the next term. If you make changes to the current term of a policy that has been renewed, rewritten, or re-marketed and you want those changes reflected in the next term, you must access the next term policy and enter the changes there as well.

Yes -- turns this option ON

When this option is set to Yes and you save a change to the current term of a policy that has been renewed, rewritten, or re-marketed, the system displays a prompt asking if you want to copy the changes to the next term. If you select Yes on the prompt, the system updates the next term with your changes.

Copy Changes for Audit transactions?

Yes - you can copy changes to the next term for audit transactions.

No - you cannot copy changes to the next term for audit transactions.

Copy Changes prompt default button?

Your selection here determines whether Yes or No is the default answer to the question, "Do you want to copy these changes to the next term?"  If you set a default answer, all you have to do is press Enter to respond to the question. The default selection is No unless you change it.

Yes -- If the default answer to the Copy question should be Yes.

No -- If the default answer to the Copy question should be No.

You can make Yes or No the default button on the "Do you want to copy these changes to the next term?" message.

Date Off or Remove Copy Changes Remarketed Status?

Date off -- selection of this option determines that units on remarketed policies will be dated off.

Remove -- selection of this option determines that units on remarketed policies will be removed.

Date Off or Remove Copy Changes all other Status?

Date off -- selection of this option determines that units on all other policies will be dated off.

Remove -- selection of this option determines that units on all other policies will be removed.

Client Level Attachment Folders - Division Source; Policy Level Attachment Folders - Division Source

You must select a division source before the system will allow you to set up Attachment folders by division on the Attachment Folders Personalization page.  

If your agency plans to set up client level Attachment folders by division, you must complete the Client Level Attachment Folders - Division Source field.

If your agency plans to set up policy level Attachment folders by division, you must complete the Policy Level Attachment Folders - Division Source field.

The division source your agency selects will apply to all folders set up by division at the client level or at the policy level (as applicable). Once your agency has selected the division source and it is in use, do not change it.

Division Source Options for Client Level Attachment Folders

If you choose this Division source

The system determines the division by looking at

Basic Client

the Division field on the Client Details page.

Login Initials

the division code in the Staff File of the signed-on user.

Prime Producer

the division code in the Staff File of the primary producer shown on the Client Details page.


the division code in the Staff file of the primary servicer shown on the Client Details page.


Division Source Options for Policy Level Attachment Folders

If you choose this Division source

The system determines the division by looking at

Policy Detail

the Division field near the top of the Policy Detail page.

Login Initials

the division code in the Staff File of the signed-on user.

Prime Producer

the division code in the Staff File of the primary producer shown on the Policy Detail page.


the division code in the Staff File of the servicer shown on the Policy Detail page.

Close Changes that have been updated by Download?

The setting of this option lets the system know whether to close change records that were updated by the download process.

Yes - turns this option ON

If you select Yes, the system will close all change records and corresponding memos (diaries) that have been updated during the download process.

No -- turns this option OFF

If you select No, change records and corresponding memos (diaries) updated during the download process remain open on the system.

Make Policy # Field Mandatory on the Policy Detail Page?

The setting of this option determines whether the Policy Number field is a required field that users must complete on the Policy Detail page and other policy pages.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you select Yes, users are required to enter a policy number in the Policy Number field of the Policy Detail page before they can save the page.

No -- turns this option OFF

If you select No, the user can save the page without completing the Policy Number field. No, or blank, is the default option.

Pop up Client Notes?

This setting determines whether a note attached to a client pops up as an alert when the client record is initially accessed.

Yes -- turns this option ON (default)

No -- turns this option OFF

Pop up Policy Notes?

This setting determines whether a note attached to a policy pops up as an alert when the policy record is initially accessed.

Yes -- turns this option ON (default)

No -- turns this option OFF

Allow Renumber Option?

The setting of this option determines whether the Renumber option is available for units at risk and scheduled items.

Yes -- turns this option ON

If you do not want users to be able to renumber units at risk or scheduled items, select No.

No -- turns this option OFF

If you select No, the Renumber option is hidden so users will not be able to perform the renumber function. No is the default option.

Display Fields on Vehicles Based on Coverage Code?

The setting of this option determines if the Vehicles page displays only fields and page sections that are specific to Personal or Commercial lines based on the coverage code of the policy.

Yes -- turns this option ON

No -- turns this option OFF (default)

Transactions to Display When Changing Client Units?

The setting that you make here determines which transactions should be displayed on the Associated Policy Units Page in the transactions grid. Select:

  • All Transactions -- to display each transaction for every policy that has a unit that has been changed attached to the client level.
  • First Transaction -- to display only the first transaction for every policy that has a unit that has been changed attached to the client unit. This is the default for this option; you can change it.
  • Last Transaction -- to display only the last transaction for every policy that has a unit that has been changed attached to the client unit.

Do You Want to Open Any Closed Transaction (Copy Changes Client/Policy Units)?

The setting you make here determines whether selected transactions on the Associated Policy Units page that are closed should be reopened. Select:

No -- if you do not want to open any closed transactions selected on the Associated Policy Units Page. "No" is the default selection for this field; you can change it.

Yes -- if you want to open any closed transactions selected on the Associated Policy Units page.

Display this Field?

The entry you select here determines whether this option is displayed on the Associated Policy Units Page. If you leave the default selection of No, this option does not appear on the Policies tab. If you select Yes, this option is displayed, and because it is, the user may change it.

This field does not change the setting of the Do You Want to Open Any Closed Transaction (Copy Changes Client/Policy Units)? option. It ensures that the option does not appear on the Associated Policy Units Page.

Do You Want to Close All Memos (Copy Changes Client/Policy Units)?

The setting you make here determines whether open transactions or new endorsement transactions selected on the Associated Policy Units Page should be closed. Select:

  • Yes, the default answer, if you want to be able to close open transactions. You can change it.

  • No if open transactions should be closed.

Display this Field?

The entry you select here determines whether this option is displayed on the Associated Policy Units Page. If you leave the default selection of No, this option does not appear on the Policies tab. If you select Yes, this option is displayed, and because it is, the user may change it.

This field does not change the setting of the Do You Want to Close All Memos (Copy Changes Client/Policy Units)? option. It ensures that the option does not appear on the Associated Policy Units Page.

Client or Policies Schedules Import/Changes Policy Level?

The setting you make here determines to which policy transaction a change imported at the client level should apply. Select:

  • First Transaction -- to apply changes to the first transaction on the policy when a change is imported. This is the default for this option; you can change it if you want to.

  • Last Transaction -- to apply changes to the last transaction on the policy when a change is imported.

Example: A schedule of locations imported at the client level changes information for one of the locations. The change to the location will be copied to all active policies that are linked to the unit that was changed.

Any new records added through the import process are not automatically copied.

Client Schedules Import/Match Criteria or Sequence Number

The setting that you make here determines whether imported client level units should be matched on the unit sequence number or the current match criteria. Select:

M - Match -- to use the rules of the current matching process to override any existing information in fields that were changed. (For information on matching, see Required Fields and Matching Criteria for Importing Schedule Data.) When you load software, this is the default value for this option.

S - Sequence -- to match on the Sequence # (number) of the unit. Information in the imported record overrides all existing information, regardless of the differences in the information.

If the Sequence number of an imported record does not match that of an existing record, it is added as a new unit.

Policies Schedules Import/Match Criteria or Sequence Number

The setting that you make here determines whether imported policy level units should be matched on the unit sequence number or the current match criteria. Select:

  • M - Match -- to use the rules of the current matching process to override any existing information in fields that were changed. (For information on matching, see Required Fields and Matching Criteria for Importing Schedule Data.) When you load software, this is the default value for this option.
  • S - Sequence -- to match on the Sequence # (number) of the unit. Information in the imported record overrides all existing information, regardless of the differences in the information.

If the Sequence number of an imported record does not match that of an existing record, it is added as a new unit.

You cannot import units to a policy other than the policy from which the units were originally exported. If you do, there will be duplicate units, because the unit sequence numbers are different for each policy.

Example If you export vehicles from a renewed policy, change information on the spreadsheet, and then import the information to the renewal term, there will be duplicate vehicles -- the ones you started with, and the ones you imported after changing the information, which are the same vehicles you already have.

Copy Client Information to New Contact Based on PER/COM Category Code?

Use this flag to indicate whether you want information entered in the Insured section of the Client Details page to automatically pre-fill to the Contacts page. The information that pre-fills is determined by the Category Code(s) on the page, and the response you make here.

Information that you enter in the Insured Section of the Client Details page pre-fills to the Contacts page, depending on

  • The selection of Yes in this field and

  • Whether the Category Code(s) on the Client page is PER (Personal), COM (Commercial), or both PER and COM.

No is the default setting. (A blank field is also equivalent to No.) If you select No, no information pre-fills to the new Contact you are adding from the Contacts grid at the client-level.

If you select Yes, information pre-fills based on the Category Code on the Client Details page.

Allow the Use of B.O.R Data

Use this flag to enter BOR Effective and Expiration Dates on a policy.

Yes – Allows entry of BOR Effective and Expiration Dates on a policy.

No – Does not allow entry of BOR Effective and Expiration Dates on a policy.

Vertafore eForms Personalization Page Options (only take effect upon Sagitta release upgrade)

Automatically Update Personalized LOB’s in Vertafore eForms Personalization with new form versions?

The default setting is No. To enable this feature, change the setting to Yes.

When this flag is set to Yes, personalized forms will be automatically updated when a new version of an eForm is added to the system.

Number of form editions to retain in Select Applications Forms panel?

Select 1, 2, 3, 4, or A(ll) to display form editions.

Enable Download to Renew Interim Policies

You can allow download to renew a re-marketed policy.

  • Yes – allows a renewal in Company Download to renew a re-marketed policy

  • No – does not allow a renewal of a re-marketed policy.

Staff Allowed To Delete Policy Term

You can give individual staff members the authority to delete policies by entering their staff codes in the list box. Staff members whose staff codes appear in the list box can delete any policy that has not been invoiced, does not have any claims, and that does not have a next term.

The default setting is an empty list box (no staff codes). An empty list box means that no staff members can delete policies.

To enter staff codes in the list box, you can use the lookup feature (magnifying glass icon) to search for and select staff codes, or you can manually type the staff codes in the list box. If you type multiple staff codes, press ENTER after each code. Tab out of the list box when done.

Staff Allowed to Change B.O.R. Dates

You can give individual staff members the authority to change the Broker of Record Effective and Expiration Date fields on policies by entering their staff codes in the list box. Staff members whose staff codes appear in the list box can add, edit or remove Broker of Record dates. (For more information, see Broker of Record.)

The default setting is an empty list box (no staff codes). An empty list box means that no staff members can change Broker of Record dates.

To enter staff codes in the list box, you can use the lookup feature (magnifying glass icon) to search for and select staff codes, or you can manually type the staff codes in the list box. If you type multiple staff codes, press ENTER after each code. Tab out of the list box when done.

Staff Allowed to Change Policy Status

You can give individual staff members the authority to change the Status field on policies by entering their staff codes in the list box. Staff members whose staff codes appear in the list box can change Status on policies from New to Renew or Renew to New. (For more information, see Change Policy Status.)

The default setting is an empty list box (no staff codes). An empty list box means that no staff members can change the policy Status field.

To enter staff codes in the list box, you can use the lookup feature (magnifying glass icon) to search for and select staff codes, or you can manually type the staff codes in the list box. If you type multiple staff codes, press ENTER after each code. Tab out of the list box when done.

Display Block Archive Flag?

The setting of this option determines whether the Block Archive field appears on the Policy Detail Page when a staff member accesses that page. The Block Archive field determines whether the policy is excluded from an Archive process. Excluding a policy from an Archive process ensures that you can access it and make changes to it.

This option works in conjunction with the Include/Exclude Staff field that immediately follows it.   

  • Yes -- turns this option ON
    • When you select Yes, the Block Archive field is displayed on the Policy Detail page when staff members who have been given access to it via the Include/Exclude Staff field access a policy.
  • No -- turns this option OFF
    • When you select No, the Block Archive field is not displayed on the Policy Detail page.

The Block Archive option is always available for changes, even if a policy has been archived.

Include / Exclude Staff

Use this option to provide access to the Block Archive field on the Policy Detail Page. You can restrict access so that only certain staff members can flag policies for exclusion from the Archive process. You can:

  • Include specific staff members or
  • Exclude specific staff members

Use the following table to help you make your selection.



only a few agency staff members should be able to change the  Block Archive field

click Include.

In the next field, search for and select the names of the staff members who should be able to change the Block Archive field.

only a few agency staff members should not be able to change the Block Archive field

click Exclude.

In the next field, search for and select the names of the staff members who should notbe able to change the Block Archive field.




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