Client Details Page

Use this page to add, view, or change basic, identifying information about a client. Information you enter here flows to other areas of the system, including policies and forms.

You can also set an option that lets Information pre-fill from this page to the Contacts page.

From the Client Details page, you can access all aspects of the client's account, including policies, claims, activities, holders, contacts, submissions, proposals, and so on.

How to access this page for an existing client

Look up and load the client using Client Search or the My Recent Clients list.

How to access this page for a new client

Add a new client using the New button on the Client Search page.

Personalization required to default Insured information to the Contacts page

If you want information that you enter in the Insured Section of the Client Details page to pre-fill to the Contacts page, you must set an option on the Policy Flags Personalization Page.

If you select Yes as your response to the question, Copy Client Information to New Contact Based on PER/COM Category Code?, information entered in the Insured Section of the Client Details page pre-fills to the Contacts page, depending on whether the Category Code on the Client page is PER, COM, or both PER and COM.

If the category code is PER:

These fields on the Client Details page

Default to these fields on the Contacts page

Address #1

Home Addr1

Address #2

Home Addr2

Zip Code (with 4-digit extension)

Home Zip Code

City, ST

Home City

Phone #1

Home Phone

Fax Number

Home Fax


Home Email


Home WebPage

If the category code is COM:

These fields on the Client Details page

Default to these fields on the Contacts page

Address #1

Business Addr1

Address #2

Business Addr2

Zip Code (with 4-digit extension)

Business Zip Code

City, ST

Business City

Phone #1

Business Phone

Extension (for Phone #1)

Business Ext

Fax Number

Business Fax


Business Email


Business WebPage

If the category code is both PER and COM:

  1. The system prompts you to select where the information should pre-fill.

  2. When you select Add from the Contacts grid, the following message appears:

"Which address section should the default data pre-fill to?"

  1. You can then select Home, Business, or Both. If you don't want the information to pre-fill, click Cancel.

When you select No to the question, "Copy Client Information to New Contact Based on PER/COM Category Code?", you click Add, and:

  • either PER or COM are entered on the Client Details page, client information does not pre-fill to the Home or Business section for the new contact.

  • both PER and COM are entered on the Client Details page, you do not receive the prompt, "Which address should the default data pre-fill to?" and client information does not pre-fill to the Home section, Business section, or both Home and Business sections for the new contact.

Client Name, Client Code, and Contact information

When you access the Client Details page, the following information appears at the top of the page:

  • Client name

  • Client code

  • Preferred contact method – The data is determined by the selection in the Contact Method field on the Client Details page. For example, it may be the client's phone #1, phone #2, fax number, or email address, depending on which option is selected in the Contact Method field. If the Contact Method field is blank, phone #1 (if entered) defaults.

In addition to providing vital information about the current client, the client name and client code are a link to the client's Client Details page. If you use menu options on the Client Details page to access other pages or grids associated with the client, you can click the link when you want to return to the Client Details page.

Client Primary Navigation

The Client Primary Navigation is a blue, horizontal row of maroon-colored options that appears near the top of the page. Using options on this menu, you can access grids listing the client's policies, claims, client multi bill-to insurer/payees, activities, certificates, holders, contacts, submissions, proposals, and schedules.

The Client Primary Navigation also includes options you can use to access eForms, the Marketing/Sales Activities page, the Certificate Group Holder Date Off page, the Client Access Settings page, Email, Invoicing, and more. Client-specific information defaults where applicable.

Policies section

When you open the Client Details page, the system displays the Policies section immediately below the Client Primary Navigation. If the client has active policies, those policies are listed in the Policies grid. If the client has no active policies, the system displays the message "No Items Found!" in the grid area.

If the client has more policies than the grid is personalized to display at one time, you can use the "# of #" drop-down list or Next link to view additional grid items.

You can maximize the grid by clicking the square Maximize Grid icon icon to the far right of the Policies section name. Doing this lets you see more of the grid and reduce scrolling by extending the grid downward. You can "undo" the Maximize Grid option by clicking the Minimize icon.

Two menu bars are available for working with the grid and with individual policies in the grid:

Grid Options Menu bar (View, Add, Print, Archived/Active)

These options allow you to access the Policy Detail page for the policy you have selected in the grid, add a new policy, print the current grid's contents, and toggle the grid to show archived only and active only policies.

Policies Toolbar (Audit, Cancel, Endorse, Maintain, etc.)

These options allow you to record a policy transaction for the policy highlighted in the grid. You can expand/collapse the Policies section by clicking the circled arrow next to the Policies heading.

General field information

The following information applies to fields on the Client Details page.

When adding a new client, the system completes the Client Code, Bill To, and Servicer fields for you.

  • The Client Code is read only. If you must change the client code, use the Change option.

  • The Bill To shows the client code by default. You can override the default.

  • The Servicer shows the code for the signed-on user by default. You can override the default.

Ref Code - (Optional) You can use the Ref Code field to associate this client code with one other client code. For example, if Mary Smith is both a personal lines client and a commercial lines client, you can use this field to indicate Mary's other client code. This field is for informational purposes only.

You can use the Client Relationships section to view and maintain relationships this client has with other Sagitta clients. The Client Relationships feature lets you view statistical information and run reports for related clients.


If you enter an email address in the Email field, the email address becomes a link. Clicking the email address link opens your email software, creates a new email message, and addresses the email message to the address shown in the link.

WebSite - If you enter a URL in the WebSite field, the URL becomes a link to that Web site. For more information, see Setting Up and Launching a Web Page from a WebSite Field.

Date Business Started, Years in Business - For a commercial lines client, complete the Date Business Started field by entering the date the business first opened. The system then calculates and displays the number of Years in Business.

Date Business Started and Years in Business information entered here pre-fills to the Policy Detail page when you create a new policy.

Source(Use this field to indicate how this person or entity came to be a client. When you add a new client, the system date defaults to the Source Date field.)

Required fields

Required fields have a yellow background. They are:

  • Bill To (You can change this code here and/or at the policy level.)

  • Client Name

  • Address #1

    • Valid addresses will be displayed after typing the first two characters into the Address #1 field. Continue typin until the desired address appears. Select this address to pre-fill the Address #1, City, State and ZIP Code fields. Address #2 does not typically populate from Melissa Data, but it can be added manually. For additional information, please see the Address Validation page.

  • City and State (If the ZIP Code field includes a code that the system can associate with a specific city and state, the city and state pre-fill.)

  • Producer (Producer is a multi-valued field, with no limit to the number of codes you can enter. You have the option of entering a Staff Type for each producer.)

  • Servicer (When you add a new client, the staff code of the signed-on user defaults. You can change it. Servicer is a multi-valued field, with no limit to the number of codes you can enter. You have the option of entering a Staff Type for each servicer.)

  • Credit Terms

Use "Expand All" to simultaneously open page sections

When you access the Client Details page, sections, such as Inspection Contact or Nature of Business at the bottom of the page are "closed." Click the Expand All option to open and display all the information in these sections. When you have finished, click Collapse All to close all of the sections.

NAICS codes

  • Primary NAICS code look-up for the selection of a primary NAICS code for the client.

  • MAICS line-item set allows multiple NAICS codes to be associated with a client.

Information entered in FEIN field pre-fills to other pages

Information that you enter in the FEIN (Federal Employee Insurance Number) pre-fills to the:

  • Federal ID # field for the first Supplemental Name on the Supplemental Names page, and

  • Federal ID Number on the Workers Compensation Underwriting page,

if these pages are created.

Therefore, if you enter the Federal Employee Insurance Number on this page, it automatically flows to these two other policy pages, saving you repetitive data entry.

This alphanumeric field has a maximum length of nine (9) characters.

From the Supplemental Names page, the FEIN in the Federal ID # field pre-fills to the "FEIN or Soc Sec #" field on the ACORD 125 Commercial Insurance Application -- Applicant Information Section.

From the Workers Compensation Underwriting page, the FEIN in the Federal ID Number field pre-fills to the Federal Employer ID Number field on the ACORD 130 Workers Compensation Application.

Client Relationships section

This section may not be viewed or edited by all users, depending on the options set on the Role Based Security Maintenance Page.

You can use this section to establish and maintain relationships between the current client and other Sagitta clients. Once you have established a client's relationships, you can view an entire account from a single vantage point, create summaries of statistical information for related clients, and generate reports using related clients as selection criteria.

Before you can use this feature, your agency's system coordinator must define a set of Relationship codes.

Click the arrow in the Client Relationships section title to display two grids. The Parent grid shows the current client's parent relationships. The Relationship grid shows the current client's child relationships. When the page is in EDIT mode, you can add, edit, and delete relationships. When you add, edit, or delete relationship information, the system automatically updates the corresponding information on the related client's Client Details page.

For detailed information, including information about expanding the list of relationships to include children's children (etc.), building summaries of statistical data for related clients, and creating reports based on client relationships, see the Client Relationships section.

The Basic Client Summary section

This section may not be viewable to all users, depending on the options set on the Role Based Security Maintenance Page.

The Basic Client Summary section is a display-only area that shows a summary of active policy information for the client. This section is informational only; you cannot change any fields. This section provides a quick "snapshot" of a client's active policy data (for example, open losses, memos, receivables, etc.).

You can specify the record limit for the Basic Client Summary display through the Automatic Display of CALC info stops after ___  Policies field on the SYS.ACF File Record Maintenance page. Use this field to enter the number of policies in the client's account after which the system stops calculating customer information automatically. If you do not have access to this menu, see your System Coordinator.

The CALC data for a client with a large number of policies may take a few seconds to process and pre-fill to this page. By personalizing the CALC limit, you can speed up the Client Details page display because you will not need to wait for the calculations to pre-fill to these fields.

For example, if you set the limit for this field to 50 policies, the system stops calculating the client's policy information after the 50th active policy.

Refer to SYS.ACF File Record Maintenance Page for additional information.

The Basic Client Summary section contains the following fields:

Active Policies - the total number of active policies, including policies with a C (Continuous) term. In determining an active policy, the system searches for:

  • Expiration dates that are greater than the current system date.

  • Effective dates less than or equal to the current system date.

  • Any CNR status that is not C (Cancelled), W (Rewrite), or Z (Unaccepted).

Invoiced Premium - the total written (invoiced) premium for all active policies.

Total # Locations - the total number of active (not Dated Off) locations entered on all active policies.

Annualized Premium - the total annualized premium (based on the invoiced premium) for all active policies.

Total # Vehicles - the total number of active (not Dated Off) vehicles entered for all active policies.

Average Commission % - the average commission percentage -- determined by taking the total of the commission percentages and dividing it by the total number of all policies (both active and inactive policies). The system uses only the first two decimal places when calculating the percentage; it does not round up the percentage.

Open Activities - the total number of open memos (activities) for the client. Open memos are memos that:

  • have a Follow-up date that is less than the current system date, and

  • do not have a Completed on Date.

Commission Amount - the total commission dollar amount for all active policies.

Annualized Commission Amount - the total annual commission amount for all active policies.

Total # Open Losses - the total number of open losses (claims) for all active policies.

Paid Amount for Open Losses - the total amount paid to date for all open losses.

Balance Information Fields - the balance amounts (for example, Total Balance, Current Balance, 30-60 Balance etc.) for all open receivables.

The Balance Information Fields show the balance amounts for all open receivables (based on the due date vs. the system date), regardless of the policy status.

Edit, Save, Quit, Delete, Calc, and Change Options




Perform the calculation for the fields in the Basic Client Summary section.

  • If you click CALC at the top of the Client Details page, the system performs the calculation and then brings you to the Basic Client Summary section.

  • If you click CALC in the Basic Client Summary section, the system performs the calculation while you are viewing the section. You do not need to return to the top of the page.


Change the client code. For more information, see Changing a Client Code.


Remove the suspect record.


View/modify information on the Client Details page. For more information, see Viewing or Editing Basic Client Information.

Save or ALT + S

Preserve any changes you made on the page.

Quit or ALT + Q

Exit this page without saving changes.



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