Edit User

If your user account includes administrative permissions, use the Edit User page to view and update a selected existing user account and reset a selected user's password.

To open the Edit User page, in the User List on the Manage Users page, click the Edit () button corresponding to a user account that you wish to view or update.

The Edit User page contains the following sections:

Update Information

Update Password


Click to checkmark the checkboxes corresponding to permissions to be granted to the user, or click to uncheckmark the checkboxes corresponding to permissions to be denied the user.

Select from the following:

The Update Password section is available on the Edit User page only for your own user account. An active user who is unable to log into the system may use the Forgot Your Password? utility on the Vertafore Subscriber Login page to reset a password.

To inactivate a user's account, please contact your Vertafore representative. As a workaround, disable all Permissions for the user. Although the user still will be allowed to log in, the user will be unable to submit transactions or use services.