Broker Change of Record

In this topic, we continue our discussion of Misc command located on the Submission Menu.

Broker Change of Record is used to indicate that the submission has been lost to or acquired by another brokerage or MGA.

  1. On the Main tab, select the appropriate submission.
  2. On the Submission menu, point to Misc, and then click Broker Change of Record.

  1. In Broker of Record Change, enter the following applicable information explaining why the submission was lost.
    1. Reason – general reason for loss
    2. Renewing Carrier – carrier or MGA to which the submission was lost
    3. Suspense on x-Date – indicates whether a suspense record is required
    4. Days Prior – number of days prior to submission expiration date for which the suspense record should be created
    5. Premium – premium amount for which the submission was lost
    6. System Note – applicable notes about the loss.

  1. You can choose to send a notice acknowledging the broker change, using Document Processing to compose, send, or save the document as needed.

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