Invoice Transaction Detail

In this topic, we continue our discussion of the Invoice Screen, which is encountered when processing an Invoice.

You can use Invoice Transaction Detail to add or edit specific line items on an invoice.

  1. In the Basic Information pane, enter the appropriate information:
  2. Click to use the calculator, if necessary.

If you are editing a fee and have configured state fees in the State table of Data Maintenance Utility (DMU), only the fees specified in DMU appear in the Trans Code list.

If you have established a maximum fee amount for the filing state in DMU, the fee amounts entered in the Invoice Transaction Detail dialog box are included in the maximum fee amount. If the fee amount exceeds the state maximum fee amount, a user-defined warning message is displayed. The warning message is configured in the State table of DMU.

  1. In the Commission Schedule pane, edit the commission schedule, as needed, using the process described in Invoice Screen.

  1. Click the InvoiceTranCode Table tab to view the Invoice Transaction Code table.
    This tab is read-only, that is, you cannot make changes to the entries on this tab. If you need to make changes to invoice transaction codes, consult with your AIM system administrator.

  1. Click the Distribution tab to view the distribution for the transaction.
    Entries on this tab are read-only.

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